Previous section.

Data Link Provider Interface (DLPI), Version 2
Copyright © 2000 The Open Group

DLPI Header File

This appendix contains the definitions needed by implementations of both DLS user and DLS provider software, which are made available when <sys/dlpi.h> is included.

<sys/dlpi.h> makes available the definitions of t_scalar_t and t_uscalar_t respectively as a signed and unsigned opaque integral type of equal length of at least 32 bits1.

#ifndef _SYS_DLPI_H
#define _SYS_DLPI_H
 * dlpi.h header for Data Link Provider Interface

 * This header file has encoded the values so an existing driver 
 * or user which was written with the Logical Link Interface ( LLI ) 
 * can migrate to the DLPI interface in a binary compatible manner.
 * Any fields which require a specific format or value are flagged
 * with a comment containing the message LLI compatibility.

 * DLPI revision definition history
#define DL_CURRENT_VERSION  0x02  /* current version of dlpi       */ 
#define DL_VERSION_2        0x02  /* version of dlpi March 12,1991 */ 

 * Primitives for Local Management Services
#define DL_INFO_REQ        0x00 /* Information Req, LLI compatibility */ 
#define DL_INFO_ACK        0x03 /* Information Ack, LLI compatibility */ 
#define DL_ATTACH_REQ      0x0b /* Attach a PPA */ 
#define DL_DETACH_REQ      0x0c /* Detach a PPA */ 
#define DL_BIND_REQ        0x01 /* Bind dlsap address, LLI compatibility */ 
#define DL_BIND_ACK        0x04 /* Dlsap address bound, LLI compatibility */ 
#define DL_UNBIND_REQ      0x02 /* Unbind dlsap address, LLI compatibility */ 
#define DL_OK_ACK          0x06 /* Success acknowledgment, LLI comp. */ 
#define DL_ERROR_ACK       0x05 /* Error acknowledgment, LLI compatibility */ 
#define DL_SUBS_BIND_REQ   0x1b /* Bind Subsequent DLSAP address */ 
#define DL_SUBS_BIND_ACK   0x1c /* Subsequent DLSAP address bound */ 
#define DL_SUBS_UNBIND_REQ 0x15 /* Subsequent unbind */ 
#define DL_ENABMULTI_REQ   0x1d /* Enable multicast addresses */ 
#define DL_DISABMULTI_REQ  0x1e /* Disable multicast addresses */ 
#define DL_PROMISCON_REQ   0x1f /* Turn on promiscuous mode */ 
#define DL_PROMISCOFF_REQ  0x20 /* Turn off promiscuous mode */ 

 * Primitives used for Connectionless Service
#define DL_UNITDATA_REQ 0x07 /* datagram send request, LLI compatibility */ 
#define DL_UNITDATA_IND 0x08 /* datagram receive indication, LLI comp. */ 
#define DL_UDERROR_IND  0x09 /* datagram error indication, LLI comp. */ 
#define DL_UDQOS_REQ    0x0a /* set QOS for subsequent datagram transmits */ 

 * Primitives used for Connection-Oriented Service
#define DL_CONNECT_REQ     0x0d  /* Connect request */ 
#define DL_CONNECT_IND     0x0e  /* Incoming connect indication */ 
#define DL_CONNECT_RES     0x0f  /* Accept previous connect indication */ 
#define DL_CONNECT_CON     0x10  /* Connection established */ 
#define DL_TOKEN_REQ       0x11  /* Passoff token request */ 
#define DL_TOKEN_ACK       0x12  /* Passoff token ack */ 
#define DL_DISCONNECT_REQ  0x13  /* Disconnect request */ 
#define DL_DISCONNECT_IND  0x14  /* Disconnect indication */ 
#define DL_RESET_REQ       0x17  /* Reset service request */ 
#define DL_RESET_IND       0x18  /* Incoming reset indication */ 
#define DL_RESET_RES       0x19  /* Complete reset processing */ 
#define DL_RESET_CON       0x1a  /* Reset processing complete */ 

 * Primitives used for Acknowledged Connectionless Service
#define DL_DATA_ACK_REQ            0x21 /* data unit transmission request */ 
#define DL_DATA_ACK_IND            0x22 /* Arrival of a command PDU */ 
#define DL_DATA_ACK_STATUS_IND     0x23 /* Status indication of DATA_ACK_REQ*/
#define DL_REPLY_REQ               0x24 /* Request a DLSDU from the remote */ 
#define DL_REPLY_IND               0x25 /* Arrival of a command PDU */ 
#define DL_REPLY_STATUS_IND        0x26 /* Status indication of REPLY_REQ */ 
#define DL_REPLY_UPDATE_REQ        0x27 /* Hold a DLSDU for transmission */ 
#define DL_REPLY_UPDATE_STATUS_IND 0x28 /* Status of REPLY_UPDATE req */ 

 * Primitives used for XID and TEST operations 
#define DL_XID_REQ   0x29  /* Request to send an XID PDU */ 
#define DL_XID_IND   0x2a  /* Arrival of an XID PDU */ 
#define DL_XID_RES   0x2b  /* request to send a response XID PDU*/ 
#define DL_XID_CON   0x2c  /* Arrival of a response XID PDU */ 
#define DL_TEST_REQ  0x2d  /* TEST command request */ 
#define DL_TEST_IND  0x2e  /* TEST response indication */ 
#define DL_TEST_RES  0x2f  /* TEST response */ 
#define DL_TEST_CON  0x30  /* TEST Confirmation */ 

 * Primitives to get and set the physical address, and to get Statistics
#define DL_PHYS_ADDR_REQ       0x31  /* Request to get physical addr */ 
#define DL_PHYS_ADDR_ACK       0x32  /* Return physical addr */ 
#define DL_SET_PHYS_ADDR_REQ   0x33  /* set physical addr */ 
#define DL_GET_STATISTICS_REQ  0x34  /* Request to get statistics */ 
#define DL_GET_STATISTICS_ACK  0x35  /* Return statistics */ 

 * DLPI interface states
#define DL_UNATTACHED         0x04 /* PPA not attached */ 
#define DL_ATTACH_PENDING     0x05 /* Waiting ack of DL_ATTACH_REQ */ 
#define DL_DETACH_PENDING     0x06 /* Waiting ack of DL_DETACH_REQ */ 
#define DL_UNBOUND            0x00 /* PPA attached, LLI compatibility */ 
#define DL_BIND_PENDING       0x01 /* Waiting ack of DL_BIND_REQ, */
                                   /* LLI compatibility */ 
#define DL_UNBIND_PENDING     0x02 /* Waiting ack of DL_UNBIND_REQ, */
                                   /* LLI compatibility */ 
#define DL_IDLE               0x03 /* dlsap bound, awaiting use, */
                                   /* LLI compatibility */ 
#define DL_UDQOS_PENDING      0x07 /* Waiting ack of DL_UDQOS_REQ */ 
#define DL_OUTCON_PENDING     0x08 /* outgoing connection, */
                                   /* awaiting DL_CONN_CON */ 
#define DL_INCON_PENDING      0x09 /* incoming connection, */
                                   /* awaiting DL_CONN_RES */ 
#define DL_CONN_RES_PENDING   0x0a /* Waiting ack of DL_CONNECT_RES */ 
#define DL_DATAXFER           0x0b /* connection-oriented data transfer */ 
#define DL_USER_RESET_PENDING 0x0c /* user initiated reset, */
                                   /* awaiting DL_RESET_CON */ 
#define DL_PROV_RESET_PENDING 0x0d /* provider initiated reset, */
                                   /* awaiting DL_RESET_RES */ 
#define DL_RESET_RES_PENDING  0x0e /* Waiting ack of DL_RESET_RES */ 
#define DL_DISCON8_PENDING    0x0f /* Waiting ack of DL_DISC_REQ */
                                   /* when in DL_OUTCON_PENDING */ 
#define DL_DISCON9_PENDING    0x10 /* Waiting ack of DL_DISC_REQ */
                                   /* when in DL_INCON_PENDING */ 
#define DL_DISCON11_PENDING   0x11 /* Waiting ack of DL_DISC_REQ */
                                   /* when in DL_DATAXFER */ 
#define DL_DISCON12_PENDING   0x12 /* Waiting ack of DL_DISC_REQ */
                                   /* when in DL_USER_RESET_PENDING */ 
#define DL_DISCON13_PENDING   0x13 /* Waiting ack of DL_DISC_REQ */
                                   /* when in DL_DL_PROV_RESET_PENDING */ 
#define DL_SUBS_BIND_PND      0x14 /* Waiting ack of DL_SUBS_BIND_REQ */ 
#define DL_SUBS_UNBIND_PND    0x15 /* Waiting ack of DL_SUBS_UNBIND_REQ */ 

 * DL_ERROR_ACK error return values
#define DL_ACCESS        0x02 /* Improper permissions for request, */
                              /* LLI compatibility */ 
#define DL_BADADDR       0x01 /* DLSAP address in improper format or invalid*/ 
#define DL_BADCORR       0x05 /* Sequence number not from */
                              /* outstanding DL_CONN_IND */ 
#define DL_BADDATA       0x06 /* User data exceeded provider limit */ 
#define DL_BADPPA        0x08 /* Specified PPA was invalid */ 
#define DL_BADPRIM       0x09 /* Primitive received is not known */
                              /* by DLS provider */ 
#define DL_BADQOSPARAM   0x0a /* QOS parameters contained invalid values */ 
#define DL_BADQOSTYPE    0x0b /* QOS struct. type is unknown or unsupported*/
#define DL_BADSAP        0x00 /* Bad LSAP selector, LLI compatibility */ 
#define DL_BADTOKEN      0x0c /* Token used not associated with */
                              /* an active stream */ 
#define DL_BOUND         0x0d /* Attempted second bind with dl_max_conind */ 
                              /* or dl_conn_mgmt >0 on same DLSAP or PPA */ 
#define DL_INITFAILED    0x0e /* Physical Link initialization failed */ 
#define DL_NOADDR        0x0f /* Provider couldn't allocate */
                              /* alternate address */ 
#define DL_NOTINIT       0x10 /* Physical Link not initialized */ 
#define DL_OUTSTATE      0x03 /* Primitive issued in improper state, */
                              /* LLI compatibility */ 
#define DL_SYSERR        0x04 /* UNIX system error occurred, */
                              /* LLI compatibility */ 
#define DL_UNSUPPORTED   0x07 /* Requested service not supplied by provider */ 
#define DL_UNDELIVERABLE 0x11 /* Previous data unit could not be delivered */ 
#define DL_NOTSUPPORTED  0x12 /* Primitive is known but not supported */
                              /* by DLS provider */ 
#define DL_TOOMANY       0x13 /* limit exceeded */ 
#define DL_NOTENAB       0x14 /* Promiscuous mode not enabled */ 
#define DL_BUSY          0x15 /* Other streams for a particular PPA */
                              /* in the post-attached state */ 
#define DL_NOAUTO        0x16 /* Automatic handling of XID & TEST */
                              /* responses not supported */ 
#define DL_NOXIDAUTO     0x17 /* Automatic handling of XID not supported */ 
#define DL_NOTESTAUTO    0x18 /* Automatic handling of TEST not supported */ 
#define DL_XIDAUTO       0x19 /* Automatic handling of XID response */ 
#define DL_TESTAUTO      0x1a /* AUtomatic handling of TEST response*/
#define DL_PENDING       0x1b /* pending outstanding connect indications */ 

 * NOTE: The range of error codes, 0x80 - 0xff is reserved for 
 * implementation specific error codes. This reserved range of error 
 * codes will be defined by the DLS Provider.

 * DLPI media types supported
#define DL_CSMACD   0x0  /* IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD network, LLI Compatibility */ 
#define DL_TPB      0x1  /* IEEE 802.4 Token Passing Bus, LLI Compatibility */ 
#define DL_TPR      0x2  /* IEEE 802.5 Token Passing Ring, LLI Compatibility */ 
#define DL_METRO    0x3  /* IEEE 802.6 Metro Net, LLI Compatibility */ 
#define DL_ETHER    0x4  /* Ethernet Bus, LLI Compatibility */ 
#define DL_HDLC     0x05 /* ISO HDLC protocol support, bit synchronous */ 
#define DL_CHAR     0x06 /* Character Synchronous protocol support, eg BISYNC*/ 
#define DL_CTCA     0x07 /* IBM Channel-to-Channel Adapter */ 
#define DL_FDDI     0x08 /* Fiber Distributed data interface */ 
#define DL_FC       0x10 /* Fibre Channel interface */
#define DL_ATM      0x11 /* ATM */
#define DL_IPATM    0x12 /* ATM Classical IP interface */
#define DL_X25      0x13 /* X.25 LAPB interface */
#define DL_ISDN     0x14 /* ISDN interface */
#define DL_HIPPI    0x15 /* HIPPI interface */
#define DL_100VG    0x16 /* 100 Based VG Ethernet */
#define DL_100VGTPR 0x17 /* 100 Based VG Token Ring */
#define DL_ETH_CSMA 0x18 /* ISO 8802/3 and Ethernet */
#define DL_100BT    0x19 /* 100 Base T */
#define DL_FRAME    0x0a /* Frame Relay LAPF */
#define DL_MPFRAME  0x0b /* Multi-protocol over Frame Relay */
#define DL_ASYNC    0x0c /* Character Asynchronous Protocol */
#define DL_IPX25    0x0d /* X.25 Classical IP interface */
#define DL_LOOP     0x0e /* software loopback */
#define DL_OTHER    0x09 /* Any other medium not listed above */ 

 * DLPI provider service supported.
 * These must be allowed to be bitwise-OR for dl_service_mode in 
#define DL_CODLS   0x01 /* support connection-oriented service */ 
#define DL_CLDLS   0x02 /* support connectionless data link service */ 
#define DL_ACLDLS  0x04 /* support acknowledged connectionlessservice*/

 * DLPI provider style.
 * The DLPI provider style which determines whether aprovider
 * requires a DL_ATTACH_REQ to inform the provider which PPA 
 * user messages should be sent/received on. 
#define DL_STYLE1 0x0500 /* PPA is implicitly bound by open(2) */ 
#define DL_STYLE2 0x0501 /* PPA must be explicitly bound via DL_ATTACH_REQ */ 

 * DLPI Originator for Disconnect and Resets
#define DL_PROVIDER   0x0700 
#define DL_USER       0x0701 

 * DLPI Disconnect Reasons
#define DL_CONREJ_DEST_UNKNOWN              0x0800 
#define DL_CONREJ_PERMANENT_COND            0x0805 
#define DL_CONREJ_TRANSIENT_COND            0x0806 
#define DL_DISC_ABNORMAL_CONDITION          0x0807 
#define DL_DISC_NORMAL_CONDITION            0x0808 
#define DL_DISC_PERMANENT_CONDITION         0x0809 
#define DL_DISC_TRANSIENT_CONDITION         0x080a 
#define DL_DISC_UNSPECIFIED                 0x080b 

 * DLPI Reset Reasons
#define DL_RESET_FLOW_CONTROL    0x0900
#define DL_RESET_LINK_ERROR      0x0901 
#define DL_RESET_RESYNCH         0x0902 

 * DLPI status values for acknowledged connectionless data transfer
#define DL_CMD_MASK  0x0f /* mask for command portion of status */ 
#define DL_CMD_OK    0x00 /* Command Accepted */ 
#define DL_CMD_RS    0x01 /* Unimplemented or inactivated service */ 
#define DL_CMD_UE    0x05 /* Data Link User interface error */ 
#define DL_CMD_PE    0x06 /* Protocol error */ 
#define DL_CMD_IP    0x07 /* Permanent implementation dependent error*/
#define DL_CMD_UN    0x09 /* Resources temporarily unavailable */ 
#define DL_CMD_IT    0x0f /* Temporary implementation dependent error */ 
#define DL_RSP_MASK  0xf0 /* mask for response portion of status */ 
#define DL_RSP_OK    0x00 /* Response DLSDU present */ 
#define DL_RSP_RS    0x10 /* Unimplemented or inactivated service */ 
#define DL_RSP_NE    0x30 /* Response DLSDU never submitted */ 
#define DL_RSP_NR    0x40 /* Response DLSDU not requested */ 
#define DL_RSP_UE    0x50 /* Data Link User interface error */ 
#define DL_RSP_IP    0x70 /* Permanent implementation dependent error */ 
#define DL_RSP_UN    0x90 /* Resources temporarily unavailable */ 
#define DL_RSP_IT    0xf0 /* Temporary implementation dependent error */ 

 * Service Class values for acknowledged connectionless data transfer
#define DL_RQST_RSP    0x01 /* Use acknowledge capability in MAC sublayer*/
#define DL_RQST_NORSP  0x02 /* No acknowledgement service requested */ 

 * DLPI address type definition
#define DL_FACT_PHYS_ADDR  0x01 /* factory physical address */ 
#define DL_CURR_PHYS_ADDR  0x02 /* current physical address */ 

 * DLPI flag definitions
#define DL_POLL_FINAL  0x01 /* if set,indicates poll/final bit set*/ 

 * XID and TEST responses supported by the provider
#define DL_AUTO_XID    0x01 /* provider will respond to XID */ 
#define DL_AUTO_TEST   0x02 /* provider will respond to TEST */ 

 * Subsequent bind type 
#define DL_PEER_BIND          0x01 /* subsequent bind on a peer addr */ 
#define DL_HIERARCHICAL_BIND  0x02 /* subs_bind on a hierarchical addr*/

 * DLPI promiscuous mode definitions
#define DL_PROMISC_PHYS   0x01 /* promiscuous mode at phys level */ 
#define DL_PROMISC_SAP    0x02 /* promiscous mode at sap level */ 
#define DL_PROMISC_MULTI  0x03 /* promiscuous mode for multicast */ 

 * DLPI Quality Of Service definition for use in QOS structure definitions.
 * The QOS structures are used in connection establishment, DL_INFO_ACK,
 * and setting connectionless QOS values.

 * Throughput
 * This parameter is specified for both directions.
typedef struct {
    t_scalar_t    dl_target_value;  /* desired bits/second desired */ 
    t_scalar_t    dl_accept_value;  /* min. acceptable bits/second */ 
} dl_through_t;

 * transit delay specification
 * This parameter is specified for both directions.
 * expressed in milliseconds assuming a DLSDU size of 128 octets.
 * The scaling of the value to the current DLSDU size is provider dependent.
typedef struct {
    t_scalar_t    dl_target_value;  /* desired value of service */ 
    t_scalar_t    dl_accept_value;  /* min. acceptable value of service */ 
} dl_transdelay_t;

 * priority specification.
 * priority range is 0-100, with 0 being highest value.
typedef struct {
    t_scalar_t    dl_min;
    t_scalar_t    dl_max;
} dl_priority_t;

 * protection specification
#define DL_NONE     0x0B01  /* no protection supplied */ 
#define DL_MONITOR  0x0B02  /* protection against passive monitoring */ 
#define DL_MAXIMUM  0x0B03  /* protection against modification, replay, */ 
                            /* addition, or deletion */ 
typedef struct {
    t_scalar_t    dl_min;
    t_scalar_t    dl_max;
} dl_protect_t;

 * Resilience specification
 * probabilities are scaled by a factor of 10,000 with a time interval
 * of 10,000 seconds.
typedef struct {
    t_scalar_t    dl_disc_prob;   /* probability of provider init DISC */ 
    t_scalar_t    dl_reset_prob;  /* probability of provider init RESET */ 
} dl_resilience_t;

 * QOS type definition to be used for negotiation with the 
 * remote end of a connection, or aconnectionless unitdata request.
 * There are two type definitions to handle the negotiation 
 * process at connection establishment. The typedef dl_qos_range_t
 * is used to present a range for parameters. This is used 
 * in the DL_CONNECT_REQ and DL_CONNECT_IND messages. The typedef
 * dl_qos_sel_t is used to select a specific value for the QOS 
 * parameters. This is used in the DL_CONNECT_RES,DL_CONNECT_CON,
 * and DL_INFO_ACK messages to define the selected QOS parameters
 * for aconnection.
 * NOTE:
 *   A DataLink provider which has unknown values for any of the fields
 *   will use a value of DL_UNKNOWN for all values in the fields.
 * NOTE:
 *   A QOS parameter value of DL_QOS_DONT_CARE informs the DLS 
 *   provider the user requesting this value doesn't care 
 *   what the QOS parameter is set to. This value becomes the 
 *   least possible value in the range of QOS parameters.
 *   The order of the QOS parameter range is then: 
#define DL_UNKNOWN           -1 
#define DL_QOS_DONT_CARE     -2 

 * Every QOS structure has the first 4 bytes containing a type 
 * field, denoting the definition of the rest of the structure.
 * This is used in the same manner has the dl_primitive variable
 * is in messages.
 * The following list is the defined QOS structure type values and structures.
#define DL_QOS_CO_RANGE1  0x0101  /* QOS range structure */
                                  /* for Connection mode service */ 
#define DL_QOS_CO_SEL1    0x0102  /* QOS selection structure */ 
#define DL_QOS_CL_RANGE1  0x0103  /* QOS range structure for connectionless*/
#define DL_QOS_CL_SEL1    0x0104  /* QOS selection for connectionless mode*/
typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t      dl_qos_type;
    dl_through_t     dl_rcv_throughput;   /* desired and acceptable*/
    dl_transdelay_t  dl_rcv_trans_delay;  /* desired and acceptable*/
    dl_through_t     dl_xmt_throughput;
    dl_transdelay_t  dl_xmt_trans_delay;
    dl_priority_t    dl_priority;         /* min and max values */ 
    dl_protect_t     dl_protection;       /* min and max values */ 
    t_scalar_t       dl_residual_error;
    dl_resilience_t  dl_resilience;
} dl_qos_co_range1_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t      dl_qos_type;
    t_scalar_t       dl_rcv_throughput;
    t_scalar_t       dl_rcv_trans_delay;
    t_scalar_t       dl_xmt_throughput;
    t_scalar_t       dl_xmt_trans_delay;
    t_scalar_t       dl_priority;
    t_scalar_t       dl_protection;
    t_scalar_t       dl_residual_error;
    dl_resilience_t  dl_resilience;
} dl_qos_co_sel1_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t      dl_qos_type;
    dl_transdelay_t  dl_trans_delay;
    dl_priority_t    dl_priority;
    dl_protect_t     dl_protection;
    t_scalar_t             dl_residual_error;
} dl_qos_cl_range1_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t      dl_qos_type;
    t_scalar_t       dl_trans_delay;
    t_scalar_t       dl_priority;
    t_scalar_t       dl_protection;
    t_scalar_t       dl_residual_error;
} dl_qos_cl_sel1_t;

 * DLPI interface primitive definitions.
 * Each primitive is sent as a stream message. It is possible that 
 * the messages may be viewed as a sequence of bytes that have the 
 * following form without any padding. The structure definition
 * of the following messages may have to change depending on the 
 * underlying hardware architecture and crossing of ahardware
 * boundary with a different hardware architecture.
 * Fields in the primitives having a name of the form 
 * dl_reserved cannot be used and have the value of 
 * binary zero, no bits turned on. 
 * Each message has the name defined followed by the 
 * stream message type (M_PROTO, M_PCPROTO, M_DATA ) 


typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;  /* set to DL_INFO_REQ */ 
} dl_info_req_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;           /* set to DL_INFO_ACK */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_max_sdu;             /* Max bytes in a DLSDU */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_min_sdu;             /* Min bytes in a DLSDU */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_addr_length;         /* length of DLSAP address */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_mac_type;            /* type of medium supported*/
    t_uscalar_t    dl_reserved;            /* value set to zero */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_current_state;       /* state of DLPI interface */ 
    t_scalar_t     dl_sap_length;          /* current length of SAP part */
                                           /* of dlsap address */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_service_mode;        /* CO, CL or ACL */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_qos_length;          /* length of qos values */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_qos_offset;          /* offset from beg. of block*/
    t_uscalar_t    dl_qos_range_length;    /* available range of qos */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_qos_range_offset;    /* offset from beg. of block*/
    t_uscalar_t    dl_provider_style;      /* style1 or style2 */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_addr_offset;         /* offset of the dlsap addr */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_version;             /* version number */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_brdcst_addr_length;  /* length of broadcast addr */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_brdcst_addr_offset;  /* offset from beg. of block*/
    t_uscalar_t    dl_growth;              /* set to zero */ 
} dl_info_ack_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;  /* set to DL_ATTACH_REQ*/
    t_uscalar_t    dl_ppa;        /* id of the PPA */ 
} dl_attach_req_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;  /* set to DL_DETACH_REQ */ 
} dl_detach_req_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;    /* set to DL_BIND_REQ */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_sap;          /* info to identify dlsap addr */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_max_conind;   /* max # of outstanding con_ind */
    ushort         dl_service_mode; /* CO, CL or ACL */ 
    ushort         dl_conn_mgmt;    /* if non-zero, is con-mgmt stream */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_xidtest_flg;  /* if set to 1 indicates automatic */
                               /* initiation of test and xid frames */ 
} dl_bind_req_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;    /* DL_BIND_ACK */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_sap;          /* DLSAP addr info */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_addr_length;  /* length of complete DLSAP addr */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_addr_offset;  /* offset from beginning of M_PCPROTO*/
    t_uscalar_t    dl_max_conind;   /* allowed max. # of con-ind */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_xidtest_flg;  /* responses supported by provider*/
} dl_bind_ack_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;        /* DL_SUBS_BIND_REQ */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_subs_sap_offset;  /* offset of subs_sap */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_subs_sap_length;  /* length of subs_sap */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_subs_bind_class;  /* peer or hierarchical */ 
} dl_subs_bind_req_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;        /* DL_SUBS_BIND_ACK */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_subs_sap_offset;  /* offset of subs_sap */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_subs_sap_length;  /* length of subs_sap */ 
} dl_subs_bind_ack_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;  /* DL_UNBIND_REQ */ 
} dl_unbind_req_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;        /* DL_SUBS_UNBIND_REQ */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_subs_sap_offset;  /* offset of subs_sap */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_subs_sap_length;  /* length of subs_sap */ 
} dl_subs_unbind_req_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;          /* DL_OK_ACK */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_correct_primitive;  /* primitive being acknowledged */ 
} dl_ok_ack_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;        /* DL_ERROR_ACK */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_error_primitive;  /* primitive in error */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_errno;            /* DLPI error code */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_unix_errno;       /* UNIX system error code */ 
} dl_error_ack_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;    /* DL_ENABMULTI_REQ */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_addr_length;  /* length of multicast address */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_addr_offset;  /* offset from beg. of M_PROTO block*/
} dl_enabmulti_req_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;    /* DL_DISABMULTI_REQ */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_addr_length;  /* length of multicast address */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_addr_offset;  /* offset from beg. of M_PROTO block*/
} dl_disabmulti_req_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;  /* DL_PROMISCON_REQ */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_level;      /* physical,SAP level or ALL multicast*/
} dl_promiscon_req_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;  /* DL_PROMISCOFF_REQ */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_level;      /* Physical,SAP level or ALL multicast*/
} dl_promiscoff_req_t;

 * Primitives to get and set the Physical address

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;  /* DL_PHYS_ADDR_REQ */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_addr_type;  /* factory or current physical addr */ 
} dl_phys_addr_req_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;    /* DL_PHYS_ADDR_ACK */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_addr_length;  /* length of the physical addr */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_addr_offset;  /* offset from beg. of block */ 
} dl_phys_addr_ack_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;    /* DL_SET_PHYS_ADDR_REQ */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_addr_length;  /* length of physical addr */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_addr_offset;  /* offset from beg. of block */ 
} dl_set_phys_addr_req_t;

 * Primitives to get statistics

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;  /* DL_GET_STATISTICS_REQ */ 
} dl_get_statistics_req_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;    /* DL_GET_STATISTICS_ACK */ 
    t_uscalar_t    dl_stat_length;  /* length of statistics structure*/
    t_uscalar_t    dl_stat_offset;  /* offset from beg. of block */ 
} dl_get_statistics_ack_t;


typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;         /* DL_CONNECT_REQ */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_length;  /* len. of dlsap addr */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_offset;  /* offset */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_qos_length;        /* len. of QOS parm val */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_qos_offset;        /* offset */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_growth;            /* set to zero */
} dl_connect_req_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t  dl_primitive;           /* DL_CONNECT_IND */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_correlation;         /* provider's correlation token */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_called_addr_length;  /* length of called address */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_called_addr_offset;  /* offset from beginning of block */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_calling_addr_length; /* length of calling address */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_calling_addr_offset; /* offset from beginning of block */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_qos_length;          /* length of qos structure */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_qos_offset;          /* offset from beginning of block */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_growth;              /* set to zero */
} dl_connect_ind_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t  dl_primitive;   /* DL_CONNECT_RES */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_correlation; /* provider's correlation token */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_resp_token;  /* token associated with responding stream */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_qos_length;  /* length of qos structure */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_qos_offset;  /* offset from beginning of block */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_growth;      /* set to zero */
} dl_connect_res_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;        /* DL_CONNECT_CON */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_resp_addr_length; /* length of responder's address */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_resp_addr_offset; /* offset from beginning of block */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_qos_length;       /* length of qos structure */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_qos_offset;       /* offset from beginning of block */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_growth;           /* set to zero */
} dl_connect_con_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;        /* DL_TOKEN_REQ */
} dl_token_req_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;        /* DL_TOKEN_ACK */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_token;            /* Connection response token */
                                        /* associated with the stream */
} dl_token_ack_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;    /* DL_DISCONNECT_REQ */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_reason;       /* normal, abnormal, perm. or transient */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_correlation;  /* association with connect_ind */
} dl_disconnect_req_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;        /* DL_DISCONNECT_IND */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_originator;       /* USER or PROVIDER */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_reason;           /* permanent or transient */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_correlation;      /* association with connect_ind */
} dl_disconnect_ind_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;        /* DL_RESET_REQ */
} dl_reset_req_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;    /* DL_RESET_IND */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_originator;   /* Provider or User */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_reason;       /* flow control, link error or resynch */
} dl_reset_ind_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;        /* DL_RESET_RES */
} dl_reset_res_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;        /* DL_RESET_CON */
} dl_reset_con_t;


 * DL_UNITDATA_REQ, M_PROTO type, with M_DATA block(s)
typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;        /* DL_UNITDATA_REQ */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_length; /* DLSAP length of dest. user */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_offset; /* offset from beg. of block */
    dl_priority_t  dl_priority;         /* priority value */
} dl_unitdata_req_t;

 * DL_UNITDATA_IND, M_PROTO type, with M_DATA block(s)
typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t  dl_primitive;        /* DL_UNITDATA_IND */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_dest_addr_length; /* DLSAP length of dest. user */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_dest_addr_offset; /* offset from beg. of block */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_src_addr_length;  /* DLSAP addr length of sending user */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_src_addr_offset;  /* offset from beg. of block */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_group_address;    /* set to one if multicast/broadcast */
} dl_unitdata_ind_t;

 *    (or M_PCPROTO type if LLI-based provider)
typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t  dl_primitive;        /* DL_UDERROR_IND */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_dest_addr_length; /* Destination DLSAP */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_dest_addr_offset; /* Offset from beg. of bloc */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_unix_errno;       /* unix system error code */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_errno;            /* DLPI error code */
} dl_uderror_ind_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t  dl_primitive;        /* DL_UDQOS_REQ */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_qos_length;       /* length in bytes of requested qos */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_qos_offset;       /* offset from beg. of block */
} dl_udqos_req_t;

 *    Primitives to handle XID and TEST operations

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t  dl_primitive;         /* DL_TEST_REQ */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_flag;              /* poll/final */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_dest_addr_length;  /* DLSAP length of dest. user */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_dest_addr_offset;  /* offset from beg. of block */
} dl_test_req_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;         /* DL_TEST_IND */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_flag;              /* poll/final */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_length;  /* DLSAP length of dest. user */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_offset;  /* offset from beg. of block */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_src_addr_length;   /* DLSAP length of source user */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_src_addr_offset;   /* offset from beg. of block */
} dl_test_ind_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;         /* DL_TEST_RES */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_flag;              /* poll/final */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_length;  /* DLSAP length of dest. user */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_offset;  /* offset from beg. of block */
} dl_test_res_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;         /* DL_TEST_CON */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_flag;              /* poll/final */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_length;  /* DLSAP length of dest. user */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_offset;  /* offset from beg. of block */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_src_addr_length;   /* DLSAP length of source user */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_src_addr_offset;   /* offset from beg. of block */
} dl_test_con_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;         /* DL_XID_REQ */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_flag;              /* poll/final */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_length;  /* DLSAP length of dest. user */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_offset;  /* offset from beg. of block */
} dl_xid_req_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;         /* DL_XID_IND */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_flag;              /* poll/final */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_length;  /* DLSAP length of dest. user */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_offset;  /* offset from beg. of block */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_src_addr_length;   /* DLSAP length of source user */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_src_addr_offset;   /* offset from beg. of block */
} dl_xid_ind_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;         /* DL_XID_RES */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_flag;              /* poll/final */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_length;  /* DLSAP length of dest. user */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_offset;  /* offset from beg. of block */
} dl_xid_res_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;         /* DL_XID_CON */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_flag;              /* poll/final */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_length;  /* DLSAP length of dest. user */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_offset;  /* offset from beg. of block */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_src_addr_length;   /* DLSAP length of source user */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_src_addr_offset;   /* offset from beg. of block */
} dl_xid_con_t;


typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;         /* DL_DATA_ACK_REQ */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_correlation;       /* User's correlation token */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_length;  /* length of destination addr */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_offset;  /* offset from beginning of block */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_src_addr_length;   /* length of source address */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_src_addr_offset;   /* offset from beginning of block */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_priority;          /* priority */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_service_class;     /* DL_RQST_RSP or DL_RQST_NORS */
} dl_data_ack_req_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;         /* DL_DATA_ACK_IND */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_length;  /* length of destination addr */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_offset;  /* offset from beginning of block */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_src_addr_length;   /* length of source address */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_src_addr_offset;   /* offset from beginning of block */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_priority;          /* priority for data unit transm. */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_service_class;     /* DL_RQST_RSP or DL_RQST_NORS */
} dl_data_ack_ind_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t  dl_primitive;        /* DL_DATA_ACK_STATUS_IND */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_correlation;      /* User's correlation token */
    t_uscalar_t  dl_status;           /* success or failure of previous req */
} dl_data_ack_status_ind_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;         /* DL_REPLY_REQ */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_correlation;       /* User's correlation token */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_length;  /* length of destination address */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_offset;  /* offset from beginning of block */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_src_addr_length;   /* source address length */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_src_addr_offset;   /* offset from beginning of block */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_priority;          /* priority for data unit transm. */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_service_class;
} dl_reply_req_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;         /* DL_REPLY_IND */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_length;  /* length of destination address */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_dest_addr_offset;  /* offset from beginning of block */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_src_addr_length;   /* length of source address */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_src_addr_offset;   /* offset from beginning of block */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_priority;          /* priority for data unit transm. */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_service_class;     /* DL_RQST_RSP or DL_RQST_NORS */
} dl_reply_ind_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;      /* DL_REPLY_STATUS_IND */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_correlation;    /* User's correlation token */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_status;         /* success or failure of previous req */
} dl_reply_status_ind_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;         /* DL_REPLY_UPDATE_REQ */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_correlation;       /* User's correlation token */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_src_addr_length;   /* length of source address */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_src_addr_offset;   /* offset from beginning of block */
} dl_reply_update_req_t;

typedef struct {
    t_uscalar_t    dl_primitive;     /* DL_REPLY_UPDATE_STATUS_IND */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_correlation;   /* User's correlation token */
    t_uscalar_t    dl_status;        /* success or failure of previous req */
} dl_reply_update_status_ind_t;

union DL_primitives {
    t_uscalar_t                   dl_primitive;
    dl_info_req_t                 info_req;
    dl_info_ack_t                 info_ack;
    dl_attach_req_t               attach_req;
    dl_detach_req_t               detach_req;
    dl_bind_req_t                 bind_req;
    dl_bind_ack_t                 bind_ack;
    dl_unbind_req_t               unbind_req;
    dl_subs_bind_req_t            subs_bind_req;
    dl_subs_bind_ack_t            subs_bind_ack;
    dl_subs_unbind_req_t          subs_unbind_req;
    dl_ok_ack_t                   ok_ack;
    dl_error_ack_t                error_ack;
    dl_connect_req_t              connect_req;
    dl_connect_ind_t              connect_ind;
    dl_connect_res_t              connect_res;
    dl_connect_con_t              connect_con;
    dl_token_req_t                token_reqq;
    dl_token_ack_t                token_ack;
    dl_disconnect_req_t           disconnect_req;
    dl_disconnect_ind_t           disconnect_ind;
    dl_reset_req_t                reset_req;
    dl_reset_ind_t                reset_ind;
    dl_reset_res_t                reset_res;
    dl_reset_con_t                reset_con;
    dl_unitdata_req_t             unitdata_req;
    dl_unitdata_ind_t             unitdata_ind;
    dl_uderror_ind_t              uderror_ind;
    dl_udqos_req_t                udqos_req;
    dl_enabmulti_req_t            enabmulti_req;
    dl_disabmulti_req_t           disabmulti_req;
    dl_promiscon_req_t            promiscon_req;
    dl_promiscoff_req_t           promiscoff_req;
    dl_phys_addr_req_t            physaddr_req;
    dl_phys_addr_ack_t            physaddr_ack;
    dl_set_phys_addr_req_t        set_physaddr_req;
    dl_get_statistics_req_t       get_statistics_req;
    dl_get_statistics_ack_t       get_statistics_ack;
    dl_test_req_t                 test_req;
    dl_test_ind_t                 test_ind;
    dl_test_res_t                 test_res;
    dl_test_con_t                 test_con;
    dl_xid_req_t                  xid_req;
    dl_xid_ind_t                  xid_ind;
    dl_xid_res_t                  xid_res;
    dl_xid_con_t                  xid_con;
    dl_data_ack_req_t             data_ack_req;
    dl_data_ack_ind_t             data_ack_ind;
    dl_data_ack_status_ind_t      data_ack_status_ind;
    dl_reply_req_t                reply_req;
    dl_reply_ind_t                reply_ind;
    dl_reply_status_ind_t         reply_status_ind;
    dl_reply_update_req_t         reply_update_req;
    dl_reply_update_status_ind_t  reply_update_status_ind;

#define DL_INFO_REQ_SIZE                 sizeof(dl_info_req_t)
#define DL_INFO_ACK_SIZE                 sizeof(dl_info_ack_t)
#define DL_ATTACH_REQ_SIZE               sizeof(dl_attach_req_t)
#define DL_DETACH_REQ_SIZE               sizeof(dl_detach_req_t)
#define DL_BIND_REQ_SIZE                 sizeof(dl_bind_req_t)
#define DL_BIND_ACK_SIZE                 sizeof(dl_bind_ack_t)
#define DL_UNBIND_REQ_SIZE               sizeof(dl_unbind_req_t)
#define DL_SUBS_BIND_REQ_SIZE            sizeof(dl_subs_bind_req_t)
#define DL_SUBS_BIND_ACK_SIZE            sizeof(dl_subs_bind_ack_t)
#define DL_SUBS_UNBIND_REQ_SIZE          sizeof(dl_subs_unbind_req_t)
#define DL_OK_ACK_SIZE                   sizeof(dl_ok_ack_t)
#define DL_ERROR_ACK_SIZE                sizeof(dl_error_ack_t)
#define DL_CONNECT_REQ_SIZE              sizeof(dl_connect_req_t)
#define DL_CONNECT_IND_SIZE              sizeof(dl_connect_ind_t)
#define DL_CONNECT_RES_SIZE              sizeof(dl_connect_res_t)
#define DL_CONNECT_CON_SIZE              sizeof(dl_connect_con_t)
#define DL_TOKEN_REQ_SIZE                sizeof(dl_token_req_t)
#define DL_TOKEN_ACK_SIZE                sizeof(dl_token_ack_t)
#define DL_DISCONNECT_REQ_SIZE           sizeof(dl_disconnect_req_t)
#define DL_DISCONNECT_IND_SIZE           sizeof(dl_disconnect_ind_t)
#define DL_RESET_REQ_SIZE                sizeof(dl_reset_req_t)
#define DL_RESET_IND_SIZE                sizeof(dl_reset_ind_t)
#define DL_RESET_RES_SIZE                sizeof(dl_reset_res_t)
#define DL_RESET_CON_SIZE                sizeof(dl_reset_con_t)
#define DL_UNITDATA_REQ_SIZE             sizeof(dl_unitdata_req_t)
#define DL_UNITDATA_IND_SIZE             sizeof(dl_unitdata_ind_t)
#define DL_UDERROR_IND_SIZE              sizeof(dl_uderror_ind_t)
#define DL_UDQOS_REQ_SIZE                sizeof(dl_udqos_req_t)
#define DL_ENABMULTI_REQ_SIZE            sizeof(dl_enabmulti_req_t)
#define DL_DISABMULTI_REQ_SIZE           sizeof(dl_disabmulti_req_t)
#define DL_PROMISCON_REQ_SIZE            sizeof(dl_promiscon_req_t)
#define DL_PROMISCOFF_REQ_SIZE           sizeof(dl_promiscoff_req_t)
#define DL_PHYS_ADDR_REQ_SIZE            sizeof(dl_phys_addr_req_t)
#define DL_PHYS_ADDR_ACK_SIZE            sizeof(dl_phys_addr_ack_t)
#define DL_SET_PHYS_ADDR_REQ_SIZE        sizeof(dl_set_phys_addr_req_t)
#define DL_GET_STATISTICS_REQ_SIZE       sizeof(dl_get_statistics_req_t)
#define DL_GET_STATISTICS_ACK_SIZE       sizeof(dl_get_statistics_ack_t)
#define DL_XID_REQ_SIZE                  sizeof(dl_xid_req_t)
#define DL_XID_IND_SIZE                  sizeof(dl_xid_ind_t)
#define DL_XID_RES_SIZE                  sizeof(dl_xid_res_t)
#define DL_XID_CON_SIZE                  sizeof(dl_xid_con_t)
#define DL_TEST_REQ_SIZE                 sizeof(dl_test_req_t)
#define DL_TEST_IND_SIZE                 sizeof(dl_test_ind_t)
#define DL_TEST_RES_SIZE                 sizeof(dl_test_res_t)
#define DL_TEST_CON_SIZE                 sizeof(dl_test_con_t)
#define DL_DATA_ACK_REQ_SIZE             sizeof(dl_data_ack_req_t)
#define DL_DATA_ACK_IND_SIZE             sizeof(dl_data_ack_ind_t)
#define DL_DATA_ACK_STATUS_IND_SIZE      sizeof(dl_data_ack_status_ind_t)
#define DL_REPLY_REQ_SIZE                sizeof(dl_reply_req_t)
#define DL_REPLY_IND_SIZE                sizeof(dl_reply_ind_t)
#define DL_REPLY_STATUS_IND_SIZE         sizeof(dl_reply_status_ind_t)
#define DL_REPLY_UPDATE_REQ_SIZE         sizeof(dl_reply_update_req_t)
#define DL_REPLY_UPDATE_STATUS_IND_SIZE  sizeof(dl_reply_update_status_ind_t)

#endif /* _SYS_DLPI_H */


To forestall portability problems, it is recommended that applications should not use values larger than 2**32 -1.

Contents Next section Index