Business performance - solutions ()
Business performance - solutions
Management Business performance
Management Customer satisfaction
Business performance Lead time to customer too long
Suboptimal sales processes Business performance
Suboptimal sales processes Increase coordination between sales and production processes
Customer satisfaction Lead time to customer too long
Average revenue per customer is too low Suboptimal sales processes
Average revenue per customer is too low Maximization of average revenue per customer
Average revenue per customer is too low Innovate customer services
Average revenue per customer is too low Customer Retention
Lead time to customer too long Increase coordination between sales and production processes
Inefficient order fullfilment Suboptimal sales processes
Inefficient order fullfilment Lead time to customer too long
Lack of global and consistent view over customer Suboptimal sales processes
Lack of global and consistent view over customer Increase data transparency
Increase sales processes coordination Lack of global and consistent view over customer
Optimize order handling Inefficient order fullfilment
Stop bulk-order system Optimize order handling
Unified customer order view company-wide Optimize order handling
Unified customer order view company-wide Increase coordination between sales and production processes
Enhance sales risk management Maximization of average revenue per customer
Customer data integration and standardization Increase data transparency
Unified view of customer company-wide Optimize order handling
Unified view of customer company-wide Increase data transparency
Unified view of customer company-wide Unified customer order view company-wide
Unified view of customer company-wide Customer data integration and standardization
Share unified customer data across sales processes Increase data transparency
Share unified customer data across sales processes Increase sales processes coordination