Architecture Review Checklist - System Engineering / Methods & Tools

  1. Do metrics exist for the current way of doing business?
  2. Has the system owner created evaluation criteria that will be used to guide the project? Describe how the evaluation criteria will be used.
  3. Has research of existing architectures been done to leverage existing work? Describe the method used to discover and understand. Will the architectures be integrated? If so, explain the method that will be used.
  4. Describe the methods that will be used on the project:
  5. Are the methods documented and distributed to each team member?
  6. To what extent are team members familiar with these methods?
  7. What processes are in place to ensure compliance with the methods?
  8. Describe the infrastructure that is in place to support the use of the methods through the end of the project and anticipated releases?
  9. What tools are being used on the project? (Please specify versions and platforms). To what extent are team members familiar with these tools?
  10. Describe the infrastructure that is in place to support the use of the tools through the end of the project and anticipated releases?
  11. Describe how the project will promote the reuse of its deliverables and deliverable content.
  12. Will the architecture designs “live” after the project has been implemented? Describe the method that will be used to incorporate changes back into the architecture designs.
  13. Were the current processes defined?
  14. Were issues documented, rated, and associated to current processes? If not, how do you know you are fixing something that is broken?
  15. Were existing/planned process improvement activities identified and associated to current processes? If not, how do you know this activity is not in conflict with or redundant to other statements of work?
  16. Do you have current metrics? Do you have forecasted metrics? If not, how do you know you are improving something?
  17. What processes will you put in place to gather, evaluate and report metrics?
  18. What impacts will the new design have on existing business processes, organizations, and information systems? Have they been documented and shared with the owners?

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