PART IV: Resource Base
Architecture Board: Guidelines for establishing and operating an enterprise Architecture Board
Architecture Compliance: Guidelines for ensuring project compliance to architecture
Architecture Contracts: Guidelines for defining and using architecture contracts
(Index to) Architecture Governance: Framework and guidelines for Architecture Governance
Architecture Maturity Models: Techniques for Evaluating and Quantifying an Organization's Maturity in Enterprise Architecture
Architecture Patterns: Guidelines for using architectural patterns
Architecture Principles: Principles for the use and deployment of IT resources across the enterprise
Architecture Skills Framework: A set of role, skill and experience norms for staff undertaking Enterprise Architecture work
(Index to) Architecture Views: Guidelines for viewpoints and views in architecture models
(Index to) Building Blocks Example: A fictional example illustrating building blocks in architecture
Business Process Domain Views: A set of function views aligned with the business process structure of the enterprise
Business Scenarios: A method for deriving business requirements for architecture and the implied technical requirements
Case Studies: Real-life examples of TOGAF in use
Glossary: Definitions of key terms
Other Architectures / Frameworks: and their relationship to TOGAF
Tools for Architecture Development: tools and techniques helpful in using TOGAF
Zachman Framework mapping: Mapping the TOGAF ADM to the Zachman Framework