Cargo Data Diagram
This depicts the Data Architecture of the Cargo domain. All information objects related to this domain are included in this representation. Furthermore, Baggage, Unit Load Device, Aircraft, Freight Document, and Cargo are directly related to the Freight entity. All information objects which are generated during the execution of the process are included in entities or found in the Data Architecture. This illustrates important information objects, which are related to ground operations and their relationships. Regarding the Business Process of the Ground Operations Domain the derived sub processes produce information objects, e.g. Freight documents or a passenger list. The objects were modeled into entities and are represented in the data model above. In the center is the entity Aircraft, where as the entities Flight, Seat Map, Fleet and Freight are directly connected to. A crew rotation is assigned directly to a flight. Freight is related to Cargo / Mail, Freight Document and Baggage. The data architecture describes the structure of the Ground Operations Domain whereas the business capabilities depict the behavior of the domain.
Unit Load Device
Freight Document
Load Document