Network & Fleet Planning Technology Diagram
The Technology Architecture consists of multiple applications. Accounting is an application component which uses the transaction infrastructure service for the processing of monetary flows. It is a logical application component for the management of financial accounts of partners and suppliers. The Accounting applications include two infrastructure services, Managing Business Transactions and Managing Enterprise Resources. Managing Business Transactions is used to monitor and manage business transactions. Managing Enterprise Resources is used to effectively distribute resources where they are needed at the right time. Another application component is Business Intelligence (BI). It is a logical application component for all BI functionality such as reports of historic business data and optional forecasts thereof. The BI applications include several infrastructure services like Data Warehousing, Predictive Analytics, and Providing Data Science. An intelligent business environment includes data warehousing, which is used to analyze data, to extract reports, and to store related data. Predictive Analytics is used to make predictions based on historical data. Lastly, Providing Data Science is an operation about extracting knowledge or gaining insights into various types ofinformation. It is often coupled with similar operations such as statistics, data mining, or predictive analytics and is similar to knowledge discovery in databases.
Manage Enterprise Resources
Manage Business Transactions
Business Intelligence
Provide Data Science
Business Intelligence
Data Warehousing
Predictive Analyzing