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Distributed Audit Service (XDAS)
Copyright © 1998 The Open Group


xdas_timestamp_record - timestamp the supplied audit record


OM_uint32 das_timestamp_record (
    OM_uint32				*minor_status,  
    const xdas_audit_ref_t		*das_ref,
    const xdas_audit_desc_t	*audit_record_descriptor


xdas_timestamp_record() is a member of the XDAS Event Submission API Option Conformance class.

The xdas_timestamp_record() puts a timestamp on the audit record supplied. The caller must have the XDAS_AUDIT_SUBMIT authority.

If successful, the function returns [XDAS_S_COMPLETE].

The arguments for xdas_timestamp_record() are:

minor_status (out)

An implementation specific return status that provides additional information when [XDAS_S_FAILURE] is returned by the function.

das_ref (in)

The handle to the XDAS server, obtained from a previous call to xdas_initialize_session.

audit_record_descriptor (in)

The handle to the audit record returned from a previous call to xdas_start_record().


The following XDAS status codes shall be returned:


The caller does not possess the required authority.


Successful completion.


An implementation specific error or failure has occurred.


The audit service handle supplied does not represent a valid audit service session.


The specified audit record descriptor is not valid.


The called function is not supported by this implementation.


No other errors are defined.

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