A software platform is a set of generic capabilities implemented
An application is software that is developed for a specific purpose,
The SPIRIT software platform comprises programming languages and the following services1:
Manages the fundamental physical and processing resources of a given machine.
Effects the changes of managed items on the platform.
Acts as the mediator between the system and human user interface devices (display, keyboard, mouse, and so on).
Manages persistent storage. Also presumes some kind of data model. ISAM and relational DBMSs are examples of data management services.
Coordinates resources in order to maintain transactional integrity over those data resources. In order to do this, updates are applied in units of work called transactions.
Defines how applications emit and accept protocol (for example, X/Open Remote Procedure Call Interface Definition Language).
Facilitates cooperative processing between two platforms
(for example, naming and distributed time services).
Enforces security policies on data and processing objects on the platform and data objects exchanged between platforms.
SPIRIT concentrates primarily on the areas of Management Services, Data Management Services, Transaction Services, Communication Services, Distributed Services and Security Services, consistent with a focus on middleware standards, which is the general area of technology that provides the best return of effort.
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