Reference. Reference for the ADML DTD
(PropertyType?, PropertyValue?)
This element has identifier and name attributes.
Both the start- and end-tags are required for this element.
Metaproperties are used to extend ADML. Properties are at least potentially interpreted (assigned semantics) by ADML and ADML tools. MetaProperties are guaranteed not to be given ADML interpretations. The only thing ADML does with metaproperties is simple typechecking, which is why metaproperties may be typed. The cannonical use for metaproperty is wrapping Wright specific ADL attributes in an ADML translation of a Wright specification to allow the Wright specification to be displayed in an ADML browser without loosing the Wright specific information.
These elements contain MetaProperty: Design, Family, System, ComponentType,Component, ConnectorType, Connector, PortType, Port, RoleType, Role, PropertyTypeDeclaration and Property.
MetaProperty contains these elements: PropertyType and PropertyValue.
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