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Authorization (AZN) API
Copyright © 2000 The Open Group

Architectural Overview

The authorization API defined in this Technical Standard is intended to be used within the architectural framework defined in ISO 10181-3 - Access Control Framework. This chapter briefly introduces that framework. Readers are encouraged to consult ISO 10181-3 for more detailed information.

This authorization API defines a programmatic interface through which system components that need to control access to resources can request an access control decision from the system's access control service.

The ISO 10181-3 access control framework supports access control in both standalone and networked systems. When this document refers to the system, it means "the computer or collection of networked computers whose resources are protected by the access control service which is invoked using the authorization API."

ISO 10181-3 Access Control Framework

The ISO 10181-3 Access Control Framework is illustrated in ISO 10181-3 Access Control Framework.

The framework defines four roles for components participating in an access request:

Initiators submit access requests. An access request specifies an operation to be performed on a Target.

Access Control Enforcement Functions (AEFs) mediate access requests. AEFs submit decision requests to Access Control Decision Functions (ADFs). A decision request asks whether a particular access request should be granted or denied.

ADFs decide whether access requests should be granted or denied.

Figure: ISO 10181-3 Access Control Framework

Access Control Service Components

The access control service consists of the system components assuming the roles of ADFs and AEFs.

Access Control Decision Functions

ADFs make access control decisions based on Access Control Decision Information (ADI). ADI describes security-relevant properties of the initiator, the target, the access request, and the system and its environment. ADI is discussed in more detail in Access Control Information.

Inputs to an Access Decision Function (ADF) shows the information an ADF uses to make an access control decision.

Figure: Inputs to an Access Decision Function (ADF)

Access Control Enforcement Functions

Access Control Enforcement Functions enforce access control decisions made by ADFs.

The authorization API (referred to hereafter as aznAPI) is the medium through which AEFs call on ADFs to obtain access control decisions. AEFs use the aznAPI to present Access Control Information (ACI) to ADFs. As AEFs Use the Authorization API to Call ADFs illustrates, the implementation of the aznAPI is responsible for deriving ADI from the ACI provided by an AEF and presenting the ADI to an ADF. The ADF then uses this ADI, together with access control policy rules and with context ADI it derives from its environment, to make an access decision.

Figure: AEFs Use the Authorization API to Call ADFs

Access Control Information

Access Control Information, or ACI, is the set of all the information available to an AEF which might be relevant to an access control decision. The aznAPI is responsible for:

There are several kinds of Access Control Information. The main kinds describe authorization-relevant properties of the initiator, the target, the access request, and the context within which the request was made.

Initiator Information

Initiator information describes security-relevant properties of the initiator of an access request:

Initiator ACI
An initiator ACI data structure which is produced by an authentication service is called (in this specification) an identity. Identities may be as simple as a string containing the initiator's name, or they may be as complex as an X.509 digital certificate.

The aznAPI may also accept a capability as an Identity. A capability is a direct assertion by an authentication service of the capability holder's authorization to perform specific operations on specific targets. As A Capability shows, a capability is asserted (using a signature, for example) by some authority. A capability does not necessarily name its initiator; whoever possesses a capability can use it. In A Capability, this is indicated by the dotted line around the initiator identity. Finally, a capability contains a list of policy entries. Each entry names a target object and defines a rule which describes the operations which it allows the initiator to perform.

Note that aznAPI implementations are not required to support any particular identity format, and are specifically not required to support capabilities.

Figure: A Capability

An initiator ACI data structure which is produced by an authorization service (using the aznAPI's credential externalization function) is called a PAC. Note that authorization services are not the only things which can create PACs. Authentication services also create PACs to assert users' identities. In push-model environments, they are the user's privilege attributes. (aznAPI implementations treat PACs created by authentication services as Identities in order to distinguish them from the authorization data structures they create themselves.) aznAPI implementations might even use PAC data structures to contain their internal representations of user credential information, but these data structures are not exposed to AEFs through the aznAPI. PACs are discussed in more detail in Externalizing ADI.
Initiator ADI
Initiator ADI is the authorization-relevant data which is derived from Initiator ACI, and passed to ADFs by the aznAPI. Initiator ADI is stored by the aznAPI in structures called "credentials" chains. Since credentials chains are never passed to callers of the aznAPI, and since different authorization services may use different credentials chain formats, the format of credentials chain data structures is not defined or constrained by the aznAPI specification.

Although the aznAPI does not allow callers to access credentials chains directly, it does provide functions through which attribute information may be retrieved from credentials chains.

Transforming Initiator ACI into a Credential shows how the aznAPI transforms Initiator ACI into credentials chains, and returns a credential handle to the caller. Note that the aznAPI can be used in systems which "push" privilege attributes from clients to AEFs, or in systems which require AEFs to "pull" privilege attributes from a repository or service. In push-model environments, the Initiator ACI will contain the privilege attributes pushed by the client, and will be translated into an internally usable form by the aznAPI implementation. In pull-model environments, the Initiator ACI typically contains only a single privilege attribute (for example, the authenticated name of the Initiator), and the aznAPI implementation pulls the rest of the Initiator's privilege attributes from the appropriate repository or structure during construction of the Initiator's credentials chain.

Figure: Transforming Initiator ACI into a Credential

Target Information

Target information describes security-relevant properties of the target of an access request:

Target ACI
Normally the only ACI data which the aznAPI requires is the name of the target.

Labels are an exception to this rule. The aznAPI has been designed to support access control decisions based on ADI contained in security labels. In some label-based authorization systems, however, the authorization service may not know how label information is encoded into the target, or how it is stored as metadata associated with the target. In these cases, the AEF needs to retrieve the target's labels and pass them to the aznAPI as target ACI. The aznAPI also supports implementations which can handle several different types of labels. Implementations which support multiple label types may require their callers to specify a labeling scheme ID identifying which type of label is being used in a particular call.

Target ADI
Different authorization service implementations may have very different types and amounts of target ADI data. Target ADI data is generally not returned to callers of the aznAPI, so the format of target ADI data is not defined or constrained by the aznAPI specification.

Some callers of the aznAPI may want to use authorization policy data for purposes other than making access control decisions. For this reason, the aznAPI supports externalization of ADI data into data structures called entitlements. Entitlements are discussed in more detail in Externalizing ADI.

Request Information

Request information describes security-relevant properties of an access request:
Request ACI
The only ACI data which the aznAPI requires is the name of the operation which was requested.
Request ADI
Different authorization service implementations may have very different types and amounts of request ADI data. Request ADI data is not returned to callers of the aznAPI, so the format of request ADI data is not defined or constrained by the aznAPI specification.

Context Information

Context information describes security-relevant properties of the context in which an access request occurs. Context ACI is the context information which is available to AEFs.

There are two sources of context ADI:

Context ACI
The aznAPI defines four Context ACI data types which can be used to pass context information to authorization services:

In addition, the aznAPI allows AEFs to pass application-specific or authorization-service-specific context information, not limited to the above types, to authorization services using an opaquely-typed parameter. Use of this functionality will result in applications which cannot portably use authorization services which do not support the particular context information format passed through the opaque parameter.

Context ADI
Different authorization service implementations may have very different types and amounts of context ADI data. Context ADI data is not returned to callers of the aznAPI, so the format of context ADI data is not defined or constrained by the aznAPI specification.

Retained Information

The authorization service may retain information to make access control decisions about sequences of operations requested by the same initiator. For example, an authorization service used by a bank's Automated Teller Machine (ATM) network might retain information about how much money each user has withdrawn during the day in order to enforce a daily withdrawal limit policy.

Information retained by the authorization service for this purpose is ADI, and is never exposed to applications by the aznAPI. Therefore, the format of retained ADI is not defined or constrained by the aznAPI specification (retained ADI might in some circumstances be of interest to applications, but exposing retained ADI is not supported by this version of aznAPI).

Access Control Policy Information

Access Control Policy Information consists of the rules which the ADF uses to evaluate the other types of ADI and make an access control decision. The aznAPI does not normally make access control policy information available to callers, and different authorization services may use very different types and amounts of access control policy information, so the format of access control policy information is not defined or constrained by the aznAPI specification. Authorization services can, however, externalize access control policy information in the form of entitlements, as described in Externalizing ADI.

Externalizing ADI

The aznAPI deliberately hides the details of initiator ADI and access control policy information from its callers. However, this information can be useful to callers under some circumstances. Therefore, the aznAPI allows authorization services to externalize initiator ADI and access control policy information.
The aznAPI puts externalized initiator ADI into a structure called a PAC. Externalization of Credentials into a PAC illustrates the creation of a PAC.

Figure: Externalization of Credentials into a PAC

Externalization of initiator ADI allows the authorization service to assert its view of the security-relevant characteristics of the initiator, as distinct from the authentication service's view of the same initiator's security-relevant characteristics.

An authorization service could (but is not required to) use this functionality to generate signed attribute certificates which other services could rely on as sources of authorization data.

Because this specification defines only an opaque PAC structure, PACs produced by one authorization service are not guaranteed to be usable by another authorization service. However, a standard PAC structure could be defined in a future specification as the basis for interoperable assertion of initiators' authorization attributes by authorization services.

It is important to note that Signed PACs can be used as building blocks when constructing delegation protocols. The aznAPI does not, however, provide a delegation service. A delegation protocol must allow entities which wish to become delegates for requests received from an initiator to pass the following to a target:

  1. The delegated request

  2. A trustworthy indication that the request originally received from the initiator was authenticated

  3. A trustworthy representation that the delegate is authorized to forward the request to the target on the initiator's behalf

  4. A trustworthy representation of the initiator's and the delegate's credential information

Although the authorization service may sign PACs to form trustworthy representations of initiators' and delegates' credential information, and may even include identity information (such as a certificate issuer identity and identity certificate serial number) in a signed PAC to establish a link to the authentication data of the initiator, it does not bind PACs to requests (cryptographically or in any other way). AEFs which wish to impersonate or otherwise serve as delegates for initiators must use a separate cryptographic facility or delegation service to bind the PACs generated using the aznAPI to delegated request messages.

The term delegation is used here in the sense in which the DCE and SESAME systems use the term. Delegation is thus the security function through which an intermediary issues a request for access to a protected resource on behalf of an initiator from which it has itself received an access request. Other documents, notably X.509, use the term delegation with a different sense.

The aznAPI puts externalized access control policy information into structures called entitlements.

Externalization of access control policy information allows applications to customize the behavior of the system based on authorization policy. For example, it allows applications to modify system menus to display only operations which an initiator is permitted to access, rather than displaying all system operations and responding to the initiator's attempts to perform prohibited operations with an access denied message. Entitlement information could also be used by applications which want to make their own access decisions rather than relying on the ADF implemented by the authorization service.

The aznAPI defines a portable format for entitlement data that every authorization service can support - a list of the operations a particular initiator may (or may not) perform on a particular target. Portable Entitlements shows this format. Note that the dotted line around the subject data indicates that the initiator information is implicit; it is not returned by the aznAPI as part of the entitlement data.

Figure: Portable Entitlements

The portable entitlement data representation is guaranteed to be supportable by all authorization service implementations, but it is not very efficient. Some authorization services may be able to express an initiator's authorizations to many operations on many targets using a single rule, or using a wildcarded expression. They may even be able to describe many initiators' authorizations in a single rule or expression. However, different authorization services use different rule formats, and there is no single rule format which can express all authorization services' rules efficiently. For this reason, the aznAPI allows authorization services to return non-portable entitlement information through an opaquely-typed parameter. As Non-Portable Entitlements illustrates, non-portable entitlement data may be in any rule format.

Figure: Non-Portable Entitlements

Use of non-portable entitlements requires the application calling the aznAPI to understand the authorization service's rule format, and prevents the application calling the aznAPI from using other authorization services with different rule formats.

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