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Technical Standard: Networking Services (XNS), Issue 5.2 Draft 2.0
Copyright © 1999 The Open Group

XTI Overview

Overview of Connection-oriented Mode

The connection-mode transport service consists of four phases of communication:

A state machine is described in Transport Service Interface Sequence of Functions, and the figure in Example in Connection-oriented Mode, which defines the legal sequence in which functions from each phase may be issued.

In order to establish a transport connection, a user (application) must:

  1. supply a transport provider identifier for the appropriate type of transport provider (using t_open()); this establishes a transport endpoint through which the user may communicate with the provider

  2. associate (bind) an address with this endpoint (using t_bind())

  3. use the appropriate connection functions (using t_connect(), or t_listen() and t_accept()) to establish a transport connection; the set of functions depends on whether the user is an initiator or responder

  4. once the connection is established, normal, and if authorised, expedited data can be exchanged; of course, expedited data may be exchanged only if:

    The semantics of expedited data may be quite different for different transport providers. XTI's notion of expedited data has been defined as the lowest reasonable common denominator.

The transport connection can be released at any time by using the disconnection functions. Then the user can either de-initialise the transport endpoint by closing the file descriptor returned by t_open() (thereby freeing the resource for future use), or specify a new local address (after the old one has been unbound) or reuse the same address and establish a new transport connection.

When reusing an endpoint, the user should be aware that the local address may be different from that originally bound (for example, one of the systems' local addresses may be explicitly associated with the endpoint, or the address may have been changed during t_accept()). The value of certain options will also reflect the previous connect and may need to be reset (see the definition for t_optmgmt()) to the providers' default values.

Initialisation/De-initialisation Phase

The functions that support initialisation/de-initialisation tasks are described below. All such functions provide local management functions.

This function creates a transport endpoint and returns protocol-specific information associated with that endpoint. It also returns a file descriptor that serves as the local identifier of the endpoint.

This function associates a protocol address with a given transport endpoint, thereby activating the endpoint. It also directs the transport provider to begin accepting connection indications if so desired.

This function disables a transport endpoint such that no further request destined for the given endpoint will be accepted by the transport provider.

This function informs the transport provider that the user is finished with the transport endpoint, and frees any local resources associated with that endpoint.

The following functions are also local management functions, but can be issued during any phase of communication:

This function returns the addresses (local and remote) associated with the specified transport endpoint.

This function returns protocol-specific information associated with the specified transport endpoint.

This function returns the current state of the transport endpoint.

This function synchronises the data structures managed by the transport library with the transport provider.

This function allocates storage for the specified library data structure.

This function frees storage for a library data structure that was allocated by t_alloc().

This function prints out a message describing the last error encountered during a call to a transport library function.

This function returns the current event associated with the given transport endpoint.

This function enables the user to get or negotiate protocol options with the transport provider.

This function maps an XTI error into a language-dependent error message string.

This function is used to obtain the values of configurable and implementation-dependent XTI variables.

Overview of Connection Establishment

This phase enables two transport users to establish a transport connection between them. In the connection establishment scenario, one user is considered active and initiates the conversation, while the second user is passive and waits for a transport user to request a connection.

In connection mode:

The functions that support these operations of connection establishment are:

This function requests a connection to the transport user at a specified destination and waits for the remote user's response. This function may be executed in either synchronous or asynchronous mode. In synchronous mode, the function waits for the remote user's response before returning control to the local user. In asynchronous mode, the function initiates connection establishment but returns control to the local user before a response arrives.

This function enables an active transport user to determine the status of a previously sent connection request. If the request was accepted, the connection establishment phase will be complete on return from this function. This function is used in conjunction with t_connect() to establish a connection in an asynchronous manner, or to continue an interrupted synchronous-mode t_connect() call.

This function enables the passive transport user to receive connection indications from other transport users.

This function is issued by the passive user to accept a particular connection request after an indication has been received.

Overview of Data Transfer

Once a transport connection has been established between two users, data may be transferred back and forth over the connection in a full duplex way. The functions that support data transfer in connection mode are as follows:

This function enables transport users to send either normal or expedited data over a transport connection.

This function enables transport users to receive either normal or expedited data on a transport connection.

This function enables transport users to send either normal or expedited data from non-contiguous buffers over a transport connection.

This function enables transport users to receive either normal or expedited data into non-contiguous buffers on a transport connection.

Throughout the rest of this section, all references of calls to t_rcv() include calls to t_rcvv(), and calls to t_snd() include calls to t_sndv().

In data transfer phase, the occurrence of the [T_DISCONNECT] event implies an unsuccessful return from the called function (.Fn t_snd or t_rcv()) with t_errno set to [TLOOK]. The user must then issue a t_look() call to get more details.

Receiving Data
If data (normal or expedited) is immediately available, then a call to t_rcv() returns data. If the transport connection no longer exists, then the call returns immediately, indicating failure. If data is not immediately available and the transport connection still exists, then the result of a call to t_rcv() depends on the mode:

If a normal TSDU is to be received in multiple t_rcv() calls, then its delivery may be interrupted at any time by the arrival of expedited data. The application can detect this by checking the flags field on return from a call to t_rcv(); this will be indicated by t_rcv() returning:

Sending Data
If the data can be accepted immediately by the provider, then it is accepted, and the call returns the number of octets accepted. If the data cannot be accepted because of a permanent failure condition (for example, transport connection lost), then the call returns immediately, indicating failure. If the data cannot be accepted immediately because of a transient condition (for example, lack of buffers, flow control in effect), then the result of a call to t_snd() depends on the execution mode:

For some transport providers, normal data and expedited data constitute two distinct flows of data. If either flow is blocked, the user may nevertheless continue using the other one, but in synchronous mode a second process is needed. The user may send expedited data between the fragments of a normal TSDU, that is, a t_snd() call with the T_EXPEDITED flag set may follow a t_snd() with the T_MORE flag set and the T_EXPEDITED flag not set.

Note that XTI supports two modes of sending data, record-oriented and stream-oriented. In the record-oriented mode, the concept of TSDU is supported, that is, message boundaries are preserved. In stream-oriented mode, message boundaries are not preserved and the concept of a TSDU is not supported. A transport user can determine the mode by using the t_getinfo() function, and examining the tsdu field. If tsdu is greater than zero, this indicates that record-oriented mode is supported and the return value indicates the maximum TSDU size. If tsdu is zero, this indicates that stream-oriented transfer is supported. For more details see t_getinfo.

Overview of Connection Release

Some communication providers (for example, the ISO connection-mode transport) support only the abortive release. However, some communication providers (for example, mOSI, NetBIOS, SNA, TCP) also support an orderly release. XTI includes functions to provide access to transports that support or require the orderly release features.

An abortive release may be invoked from either the connection establishment phase or the data transfer phase. When in the connection establishment phase, a transport user may use the abortive release to reject a connection request. In the data transfer phase, either user may abort a connection at any time. The abortive release is not negotiated by the transport users and it takes effect immediately on request. The user on the other side of the connection is notified when a connection is aborted. The transport provider may also initiate an abortive release, in which case both users are informed that the connection no longer exists. There is no guarantee of delivery of user data once an abortive release has been initiated.

Whatever the state of a transport connection, its user(s) will be informed as soon as possible of the failure of the connection through a disconnection event or an unsuccessful return from a blocking t_snd() or t_rcv() call. If the user wants to prevent loss of data by notifying the remote user of an imminent connection release, it is the user's responsibility to use an upper level mechanism. For example, the user may send specific (expedited) data and wait for the response of the remote user before issuing a disconnection request.

Some transport providers support an orderly release capability (for example, mOSI, NetBIOS, SNA, TCP). If supported by the communications provider, orderly release may be invoked from the data transfer phase to enable two users to gracefully release a connection. The procedure for orderly release prevents the loss of data that may occur during an abortive release.

When supported by the underlying protocol, some communications providers optionally allow applications to send or retrieve user data with an orderly release, through the use of the t_sndreldata() or t_rcvreldata() functions instead of the t_sndrel() or t_rcvrel() functions.

The functions that support connection release are:

This function can be issued by either transport user to initiate the abortive release of a transport connection. It may also be used to reject a connection request during the connection establishment phase.

This function identifies the reason for the abortive release of a connection, where the connection is released by the transport provider or another transport user.

This function can be called by either transport user to initiate an orderly release. The connection remains intact until both users call this function and t_rcvrel().

This function is called when a user is notified of an orderly release request, as a means of informing the transport provider that the user is aware of the remote user's actions.

This function can be used instead of t_sndrel() to send user data with an orderly release.

This function can be used instead of t_rcvrel() to retrieve orderly release user data.

Overview of Connectionless Mode

The connectionless-mode transport service consists of two phases of communication: initialisation/de-initialisation and data transfer. A brief description of each phase and its associated functions is presented below. A state machine is described in Transport Service Interface Sequence of Functions, and the figure in Example in Connectionless Mode, that defines the legal sequence in which functions from each phase may be issued.

In order to permit the transfer of connectionless-mode data, a user (application) must:

  1. supply a transport endpoint for the appropriate type of provider (using t_open()); this establishes a transport endpoint through which the user may communicate with the provider

  2. associate (bind) an address with this transport endpoint (using t_bind())

The user may then send and/or receive connectionless-mode data, as required, using the functions t_sndudata() and t_rcvudata(). Once the data transfer phase is finished, the application may either directly close the file descriptor returned by t_open() (using t_close()), thereby freeing the resource for future use, or start a new exchange of data after disassociating the old address and binding a new one.

Initialisation/De-initialisation Phase

The functions that support the initialisation/de-initialisation tasks are the same functions used in the connection-mode service.

Overview of Data Transfer

Once a transport endpoint has been activated, a user is free to send and receive data units through that endpoint in connectionless mode as follows:

This function enables transport users to send a self-contained data unit to the user at the specified protocol address.

This function enables transport users to send a self-contained data unit to the user from one or more non-contiguous buffers at the specified protocol address.

This function enables transport users to receive data units from

This function enables transport users to receive data units from other users into one or more non-contiguous buffers.

This function enables transport users to retrieve error information associated with a previously sent data unit.

The only possible events reported to the user are [T_UDERR], [T_DATA] and [T_GODATA]. Expedited data cannot be used with a connectionless-mode transport provider.

Throughout the rest of this section, all references of calls to rcvudata() include calls to rcvvudata(), and calls to t_sndudata() include calls to t_sndvudata().

Receiving Data
If data is available (a datagram or a part), the t_rcvudata() call returns immediately indicating the number of octets received. If data is not immediately available, then the result of the t_rcvudata() call depends on the chosen mode:
Sending Data

If t_sndudata() is called before the destination user has activated its transport endpoint, the data unit may be discarded.

XTI Features

The following functions, which correspond to the subset common to connection-mode and connectionless-mode services, are always implemented:


If a connection-mode Transport Service is provided, then the following functions are always implemented:


If XTI supports the access to the connectionless-mode Transport Service, the following three functions are always implemented:


Mandatory mechanisms:

Utility functions:


The orderly release mechanism (using t_sndrel(), t_sndreldata(), t_rcvrel() and t_rcvreldata()) is supported only for T_COTS_ORD type providers. Use with other providers will cause the [TNOTSUPPORT] error to be returned.

Optional mechanisms:

XTI Functions versus Protocols

Classification of the XTI Functions presents all the functions defined in XTI. The character "x" indicates that the mapping of that function is possible onto a connection-mode or connectionless-mode Transport Service. The table indicates the type of utility functions as well.

Functions Necessary for Protocol Utility Functions
  _ _
  Connection Connectionless General Memory
  Mode Mode    

t_accept() x      
t_alloc()       x
t_bind() x x    
t_close() x x    
t_connect() x      
t_error()     x  
t_free()       x
t_getprotaddr()     x  
t_getinfo()     x  
t_getstate()     x  
t_listen() x      
t_look() x x    
t_open() x x    
t_optmgmt()     x  
t_rcv() x      
t_rcvv() x      
t_rcvconnect() x      
t_rcvdis() x      
t_rcvrel() x      
t_rcvreldata() x      
t_rcvudata()   x    
t_rcvvudata()   x    
t_rcvuderr()   x    
t_snd() x      
t_sndv() x      
t_snddis() x      
t_sndrel() x      
t_sndreldata() x      
t_sndudata()   x    
t_sndvudata()   x    
t_strerror()     x  
t_sync()     x  
t_sysconf()     x  
t_unbind() x x    

Table: Classification of the XTI Functions

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