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Systems Management: Software License Use Management (XSLM)
Copyright © 1999 The Open Group




A person, or program, that manages software licenses; this includes receiving and acting upon messages from the licensing system.

application agent

A licensing-system provided component that provides an interface between an application program (usually via an XSLM Broker) and the licensing system's licensing server.


See licensee.


A person using an instance of an application program.

grace period

A time period during which the defined license type terms are permitted by the software application publisher to be exceeded.

hard stop license policy

Specifies that the licensing system will not grant a license request when there are no available licenses using the non-Soft Stop data elements. See also Soft Stop License Policy.

license agreement

A contract providing a license to use a program, including all terms and conditions governing such use.

license certificate

A machine-readable representation of the terms and conditions contained within a license agreement, together with certain license-management-related information that is not directly included within the license agreement, such as encoded passwords.

license certificate issuer

The entity that creates a license certificate associated with a license agreement. Often, the license certificate issuer is the software publisher, but it can also be a software distributor, a software reseller, or a separate certificate issuing authority.

license policy

Collection of all terms and conditions, agreed upon between a license certificate issuer and a customer, that govern the customers rights to use a software product. The license policy, or just policy, includes actions the software publishers application will take when a license condition is not met, for example hard stop or soft stop. The policy also includes optional customer-specified conditions, if permitted by the software publisher, such as implement hard stop even if the software publisher normally implements soft stop.

license type

The scope of use of a specific product. It specifies a set of restrictions that are defined in the license policy.

license use management

The ability of the customer to manage the use of an organizations software assets within the limits defined by the license policies.


One of the two parties to a licensing agreement, obtaining the right to use a software product subject to certain terms and conditions.

licensing system

A software product that implements the Software License Use Management (XSLM) specification.

licensing system publisher

A provider of a licensing system.


Combination of computing hardware and operating system. Also called environment.


See license policy.

soft stop license policy

Specifies that the licensing system will also use the values in the following Soft Stop data elements when granting a license request, which can not be satisfied by the non-Soft Stop data elements alone - LICENSED_ADDITIONAL_UNITS or CAPACITY_ADDITIONAL or COUNTER_ADDITIONAL_VALUE and DURATION_ADDITIONAL. Licenses granted under the Soft Stop policy must be logged. See also Hard Stop License Policy.

software publisher

An entity that owns a software product and, generally, sets the licensing terms and conditions of the licensing of the software; the software publisher may also manufacture, distribute, and market the software.

technical license manager

A software product, used to restrict a licensee's ability to use a software product as specified within the governing license agreement, but not providing any additional significant management capabilities. A technical license manager does not provide an implementation of this specification.

API Application Programming Interface
CAE Common Applications Environment
CIM Common Information Model
DLL Dynamic Link Library
DLM Dynamically Loaded Module
GUID Globally Unique Identifier
HWM High Water Mark
ISO International Standards Organization
JES Job Entry Subsystem
LPAR Logically Partitioned (Mode)
LS Licensing System
LSAPI License Service Application Programming Interface
MIPS Millions of Instructions Per Second
MNLU Maximum Number of License Units
OSF The Open Software Foundation, Inc.
Ts&Cs Terms and Conditions
TLM Technical License Manager
UCS Unicode Character Set
UTC Universal Time Coordinate
UTF Unified Test System
UUID Universal Unique Identifier (see also GUID)
XAAPI XSLM Application API
XLCA XSLM License Certificate Architecture
XSLM X/Open Software License Use Management

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