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Systems Management: Common Information Model (CIM)
Copyright © 1998 The Open Group

Unified Modeling Language (UML) Notation

The CIM metaschema notation is based directly on the notation used in Unified Modeling Language (UML). There are distinct symbols for all of the major constructs in the schema, with the exception of qualifiers (as opposed to properties that are directly represented in the diagrams).

In UML, a class is represented by a rectangle. The class name either stands alone in the rectangle or is in the uppermost segment of the rectangle. If present, the segment below that containing the name contains the properties of the class. If present, a third region indicates the presence of methods.

A line decorated with a triangle indicates an inheritance relationship, in which the lower rectangle represents a subtype of the upper rectangle. The triangle points to the superclass.

Other solid lines represent relationships. The cardinality of the references on either side of the relationship is indicated by a decoration on either end. The following character combinations are commonly used:

Indicates a single valued, required reference.

0 . . . 1
Indicates an optional single valued reference.

Indicates an optional many valued reference, as does 0 . . . *.

1 . . . *
Indicates a required many valued reference.

A line connected to a rectangle by a dotted line represents a subclass relationship between two associations.

For each metaelement, the diagram notation and/or its interpretation are summarized below.

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