uint32 AlgorithmID,
const CSSM_CRYPTO_DATA_PTR PassPhrase,
const CSSM_KEY_PTR Key)
This function creates a signature cryptographic context for sign and verify given a handle of a CSP, an algorithm identification number, a key, and a passphrase structure. The passphrase will be used to unlock the private key when this context is used to perform a signing operation. The cryptographic context handle is returned. The cryptographic context handle can be used to call sign and verify cryptographic functions.
- CSPHandle (input)
The handle that describes the add-in cryptographic service provider module used to perform this function. If a NULL handle is specified, CSSM returns error.
- AlgorithmID (input)
The algorithm identification number for a signature/verification algorithm.
- PassPhrase (input)
The passphrase is required to unlock the private key. The passphrase structure accepts an immediate value for the passphrase or the caller can specify a callback function the CSP can use to obtain the passphrase. The passphrase is needed only for signature operations, not verify operations.
- Key (input)
The key used to sign. The caller passes in a pointer to a CSSM_KEY structure containing the key and the key length.
Returns a cryptographic context handle. If the handle is NULL, an error has occurred. Use CSSM_GetError to obtain the error code.
Invalid provider handle.
Internal memory error.
CSSM_SignData, CSSM_SignDataInit, CSSM_SignDataUpdate, CSSM_SignDataFinal, CSSM_VerifyData, CSSM_VerifyDataInit, CSSM_VerifyDataUpdate, CSSM_VerifyDataFinal, CSSM_GetContext, CSSM_SetContext, CSSM_DeleteContext, CSSM_GetContextAttribute, CSSM_UpdateContextAttributes
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