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Systems Management: Distributed Software Administration
Copyright © 1997 The Open Group

Software Packaging Layout

This section describes the software packaging layout. The software packaging layout consists of:

  1. The directory structure consisting of these major components:

  2. the software definition file formats and the objects and attributes they contain, INDEX for software definitions and INFO for file and control_file definitions (used by all the utilities defined in this Software Administration specification), the PSF for product specification (used by swpackage), and the space file (used by disk space analysis in install).

  3. The serial format of the layout containing an archive of files in the directory structure.

    This ordering of directories and files also applies to distributions on a set of hierarchical file systems which span multiple media.

Thus, two distinct (but related) formats for the software packaging layout are supported by this Software Administration specification:

A conformant implementation does not contain any other files or directories besides those explicitly entered in the distribution catalog. However, it can contain other files and directories besides those belonging to the distribution.

Directory Structure

This section describes the directory structure for the software packaging layout, and how this representation stores the definitions of the software and file objects contained within it. The directory structure is a POSIX.1 hierarchical file system containing files in the software packaging layout.

This Software Administration specification defines a single directory structure for directory and serial distributions. The software packaging layout can be stored in two forms:

The same structure offers optimal load performance for serial distributions while providing a simple structure for directory distributions. This structure applies to each media if the distribution spans multiple media.

The structure supports multiple versions of a product contained within a single distribution, where versions are distinguished by a unique combination the product tag, revision, architecture, and vendor_tag attributes.

Example of Software Packaging Layout shows the directory structure of a software packaging layout located under a directory path:

Table: Example of Software Packaging Layout

Directory or File Purpose
path/catalog/ Contains all information about the distributions contents
path/catalog/INDEX Global index of distribution and its contents
path/catalog/dfiles/ Contains distribution attributes stored in files
path/catalog/product1/ Storage for information on the first product
path/catalog/product1/pfiles Contains all product attributes stored in files
path/catalog/product1/pfiles/INFO Control_file information for this product
path/catalog/product1/pfiles/script Vendor defined control_files
path/catalog/product1/fileset1 Storage for information and scripts on this fileset
path/catalog/product1/fileset1/INFO File and control_file information for this fileset
path/catalog/product1/fileset1/scripts Vendor defined control_files
path/catalog/product1/fileset2/ Storage for information and scripts on the next fileset
path/catalog/product2/ Storage for information on the next product
path/product1/ Storage for this product's filesets
path/product1/fileset1/ Storage for this filesets files
path/product1/fileset1/files Actual directory structure of files
path/product1/fileset2/ Storage for next fileset's files
path/product1/fileset2/files Actual directory structure of files
path/product2/ Storage for next product's filesets

The directory structure for the software packaging layout is divided into two areas:

Exported Catalog Structure

The catalog structure describes the software contained in the distribution. It is organized by product, and each product is organized by fileset. The specific contents are described in the following sections.
The distribution catalog contains a global INDEX file:
Distribution Files
The catalog/dfiles/ directory contains files used to store certain attributes of the distribution object. The distribution information stored can include:
Product Catalog
The catalog files for each product are stored under a directory catalog/<product_control_directory>/. The way in which the value of each product control directory is determined is defined below.
Product Control Files
The catalog/<product_control_directory>/pfiles/ directory contains the control_files for the product object. The product control_files include:
Fileset Control Files
The catalog/<product_control_directory>/<fileset_control_directory> directory contains the control_files for the fileset object. The way in which the value of each fileset control directory is determined is defined below. The fileset control_files include:

File Storage Structure

The second portion of a distribution contains the actual software files contained in each fileset object.

The files of each fileset are store in a directory with the name <fileset_control_directory> which is itself in a directory called <product_control_directory>.

Each regular file (ones for which file.type is f) is stored in a location defined by appending the file.path attribute to the path of the fileset file storage directory. This may require the creation of additional directories. Other file types (directories, except as needed to store files, hard links and symbolic links) are not required to exist in the distribution. The POSIX.1 file permissions for files in the file storage area are undefined.

Control Directory Names
In the simplest case, the value of the product.tag attribute is the name of the product control directory. The fileset.tag attribute is used as the name of the fileset control directory. Two conditions complicate this simple naming:

  1. Length of the tag attribute exceeds {POSIX_PATH_MAX} of the system where the distribution resides.

  2. Name collision with an existing product control directory.

    Given that multiple versions of a product may be contained in the same distribution, collisions from product control directories named by the tag attribute are common.

These conditions are met by defining a control_directory attribute for each product and fileset that is unique within the distribution. The attribute uses the syntax:

%token          FILENAME_CHARACTER_STRING /* as defined in  */

%start  control_directory

control_directory       : tag_part
                        | tag_part "."  instance_id_part

tag_part                : FILENAME_CHARACTER_STRING

instance_id_part        : FILENAME_CHARACTER_STRING

The tag_part may be the product or fileset tag attribute, truncated as necessary to meet any filename length restrictions of the operating system.

The instance_id_part is a string that, when added after the "." (period), defines a control_directory which, for products, is unique within the distribution and, for filesets, is unique within the product. For products, this instance_id_part may be the instance_id of the product if that instance_id was generated considering other products tag_parts in addition to tag attributes.

Software Definition File Format

The software definition files contain the software structure and the detailed attributes for distributions, installed_software, bundles, products, subproducts, filesets, files, and control_files. While information on installed software is represented in this form as input to or output from the various software administration utilities, the actual storage of this metadata for installed software is undefined. This section describes the format of the software definition files:

Additionally, there is a space file that is created by the software vendor for additional disk space needed for a product or fileset. This file is used in analysis phase of the swinstall command to account for additional disk space required.

Software Definition File Syntax

The INDEX and INFO files have essentially the same syntax and semantics as the PSF. One key difference is that the INDEX file does not contain control_file and file definitions, the INFO file contains only control_file and file definitions, and the PSF file contains all definitions. In a distribution, each product and fileset has a separate INFO file.

The software specification file syntax is as follows.1

%token          FILENAME_CHARACTER_STRING /* as defined in Glossary */
%token          NEWLINE_STRING            /* as defined in Glossary */
%token          PATHNAME_CHARACTER_STRING /* as defined in Glossary */
%token          SHELL_TOKEN_STRING        /* as defined in Glossary */
%token          WHITE_SPACE_STRING        /* as defined in Glossary */

%start  software_definition_file

software_definition_file : INDEX
                         | INFO
                         | PSF

INDEX                    : soc_definition

INFO                     : info_contents

PSF                      : distribution_definition

media                    : /* empty */
                         | media_definition

vendors                  : /* empty */
                         | vendors NEWLINE_STRING vendor_definition
                         | vendor_definition

bundles                  : /* empty */
                         | bundles NEWLINE_STRING bundle_definition
                         | bundle_definition

products                 : /* empty */
                         | products NEWLINE_STRING product_specification
                         | product_specification

product_specification    : product_definition

subproducts              : /* empty */
                         | subproducts NEWLINE_STRING subproduct_definition
                         | subproduct_definition

filesets                 : filesets NEWLINE_STRING fileset_specification
                         | fileset_specification

fileset_specification    : fileset_definition
                           /* fileset contents not valid in INDEX files */

control_files            : /* empty */
                         | control_files NEWLINE_STRING control_file_definition
                         | control_file_definition

files                    : /* empty */
                         | files NEWLINE_STRING file_definition
                         | file_definition

fileset_contents         : fileset_contents NEWLINE_STRING fileset_content_items
                         | fileset_content_items

fileset_content_items    : control_files
                         | files

info_contents            : info_contents NEWLINE_STRING info_content_items
                         | info_content_items

info_content_items       : control_files
                         | files

product_contents         : product_contents NEWLINE_STRING product_content_items
                         | product_content_items

product_content_items    : control_files
                           /* control_files not valid in INDEX files */
                         | subproducts
                         | filesets

soc_contents             : soc_contents NEWLINE_STRING soc_content_items
                         | soc_content_items

soc_content_items        : vendors
                         | bundles
                         | products

soc_definition           : distribution_definition
                         | installed_software_definition

distribution_definition  : software_definition

media_definition         : software_definition

installed_software_definition : software_definition

vendor_definition        : software_definition

bundle_definition        : software_definition

product_definition       : software_definition

subproduct_definition    : software_definition

fileset_definition       : software_definition

control_file_definition  : software_definition
                         | extended_definition
                           /* extended_definition only valid in PSF files */

file_definition          : software_definition
                         | extended_definition
                           /* extended_definition only valid in PSF files */

software_definition      : object_keyword NEWLINE_STRING

attribute_value_list     : /* empty */
                         | attribute_value_list attribute_definition NEWLINE_STRING
                         | attribute_definition NEWLINE_STRING

attribute_definition     : attribute_keyword WHITE_SPACE_STRING attribute_value

object_keyword           : FILENAME_CHARACTER_STRING

attribute_keyword        : FILENAME_CHARACTER_STRING

extended_definition      : extended_keyword WHITE_SPACE_STRING attribute_value

extended_keyword         : FILENAME_CHARACTER_STRING

attribute_value          : attribute_value WHITE_SPACE_STRING single_value
                         | single_value
                         | '<' PATHNAME_CHARACTER_STRING

single_value             : SHELL_TOKEN_STRING

The following syntax rules are applicable to software definition files:

  1. All keywords and values are represented as character strings.

  2. Each keyword is located on a separate line. Keywords can be preceded by white space (tab, space). White space separates the keyword from the value.

  3. Comments can be placed on a line by themselves or after the keyword-value syntax. They are designated by preceding them with the # (pound) character. The way in which comments are used in INDEX and INFO is undefined

  4. All object keywords have no values. All attribute keywords have one or more values.

  5. An attribute value ends on the same line as the keyword with one exception. Attribute values can span lines if and only if the value is prefixed and suffixed with the " (double quote) character.

  6. When an attribute value begins with < (less than), the remainder of the string value is interpreted as a filename whose contents will be used as a quoted string value for the attribute. For INDEX files, the filename is a path relative to the control directory for that distribution, product, or fileset. For PSF files, the filename is a path to a file on the host that contains the file.

  7. The use of " (double quote) is not required when defining a single line string value that contains embedded white space. Trailing white space is removed; embedded white space is used. The quotes can be used.

  8. The " (double quote), # (pound), and \ (backslash) characters can be included in multi-line string values by "escaping" them with \ (backslash).

  9. The order of attributes is not significant, except that the layout_version is the first attribute defined in an INDEX file for a distribution or installed_software object.

Keyword and Attribute Semantics
The keywords and attribute types have the following semantics:

  1. The object keywords distribution, installed_software, media, category, vendor, bundle, product, subproduct, fileset, control_file, and file each define a new object of that type. The keywords distribution, installed_software, product, and fileset also define nested blocks that contain the objects describing the software hierarchy.

  2. If an attribute is not supplied, then its default value is used, unless no default value is permitted.

  3. Attributes that have boolean permitted values are described by the strings true and false .

  4. Attributes that have an enumerated set of permitted values are described by one of the enumerated values. Enumerated values do not contain spaces and are case sensitive. In addition, abbreviations of the string are not allowed. For example, conf is not equivalent to configured .

  5. For attributes whose values are integer character strings, the default value is used if the attribute is not supplied. If the first two characters of an integer character string are 0x (zero followed by a lowercase "x"), then the value is interpreted as hexadecimal. Otherwise, if the first character of an integer character string is 0 (zero), then the value is interpreted as octal. Attribute values denoting time are integer character strings that signify seconds since the Epoch.

  6. Attributes whose permitted values are lists of tags or software_specs can be described either by one or more repeating keywords, each listing one or more tags or software_spec s separated by white space (for example, for subproduct.contents or fileset.prerequisites), or by blocks of object fragments (for example, product, fileset, and file definitions).

    The former is used when the hierarchy is defined by reference, and the latter when the hierarchy is defined by containment. For example, subproducts and filesets are contained within products, but filesets are referenced by subproducts.

  7. Attributes that have permitted values of software_pattern_matching_string are software pattern matching strings as described in the Glossary. For all product attributes related to the uname structure (as defined in POSIX.1, an empty string value is treated as equivalent to * (asterisk), implying a universal match.

Vendor Defined Keywords and Attributes
A software definition file can contain keywords (implying attributes) not defined by this Software Administration specification. All such keywords in a file not recognized by an implementation are preserved (along with their associated values) by being transferred to the resulting INDEX or INFO files created by swpackage or swcopy. For any keyword, the keyword itself is a filename character string.

The value associated with any keyword is processed as an attribute_value (see Software Definition File Syntax ) and thus can be continued across multiple input lines or can reference a file containing the value for the keyword.

Implementations that make use of keywords beyond those described in this Software Administration specification take actions they believe appropriate for those keywords. The handling of any keywords which are both not defined by this Software Administration specification, and still recognized by an implementation, is undefined.

Distribution Definition

distribution layout_version layout_version path path dfiles dfiles pfiles pfiles uuid uuid

INDEX and PSF files can contain distribution definitions. Neither file contains the path attribute. Its value is generated dynamically by swlist.

The bundles, media, and products attributes are not stored as attributes, but rather as bundle, media, and product definitions. These attributes are not included in swlist -v output. Rather, they are generated dynamically only by swlist -a attribute.

A PSF does not require a distribution definition. The PSF does not contain the uuid attribute. It is generated dynamically, if needed, by swcopy and swpackage.

An INDEX file contains the layout_version attribute as the first attribute defined in the file. Distributions which span multiple media contains the uuid attribute.

Media Definition

media sequence_number sequence_number

INDEX files for distributions can contain media definitions.

An INDEX file for a distribution contains the sequence_number attribute if the distribution spans multiple media.

Installed Software Definition

installed_software layout_version layout_version path path dfiles dfiles pfiles pfiles catalog catalog

The storage of catalogs for installed software is undefined. With the use of the swlist utility, the contents of such catalogs may be manifested in exported catalog form. The rules contained within this section applies when the contents of an installed software catalog is manifested in exported catalog form.

INDEX files can contain installed_software definitions. This describes the attributes for installed_software objects when listed in exported catalog structure using swlist.

The products and bundles attributes are not stored as attributes, but rather as product and bundle definitions. These attributes are not included in swlist -v output. Rather, they are generated dynamically only by swlist -a attribute .

An INDEX file does not contain the path or catalog attributes; they are generated dynamically by swlist.

An INDEX file contains the layout_version attribute as the first attribute defined in the file.

Vendor Definition

vendor tag tag title title description description

INDEX and PSF files can contain vendor definitions. The tag attribute is required for all vendor objects.

Category Definition

category tag tag title title description description revision revision

INDEX and PSF files can contain category definitions. The tag attribute is required for all category objects.

Bundle Definition

bundle tag tag architecture architecture category_tag category_tag location location qualifier qualifier revision revision vendor_tag vendor_tag contents contents copyright copyright create_time create_time description description directory directory instance_id instance_id is_locatable is_locatable is_locatable is_locatable is_patch is_patch machine_type machine_type mod_time mod_time number number os_name os_name os_release os_release os_version os_version size size title title

INDEX and PSF files can contain bundle definitions. The tag and contents attributes are required for all bundles.

Neither file contains the size attribute. The value of the size attribute is generated dynamically based on the sizes of the filesets currently contained within the bundle.

An INDEX file also contains an instance_id attribute. The value of the instance_id attribute is generated dynamically by swpackage or swcopy. An INDEX file for installed software contains a create_time attribute and a mod_time attribute for each bundle.

Only bundle definitions for installed software may contain either the location or qualifier attributes; bundle definitions for distributions do not contain either the location or qualifier attributes.

A PSF should not contain either the location or qualifier attributes; they are ignored when parsing the file.

Product Definition

product tag tag architecture architecture category_tag category_tag qualifier qualifier revision revision vendor_tag vendor_tag all_filesets all_filesets control_directory control_directory copyright copyright create_time create_time directory directory description description instance_id instance_id is_locatable is_locatable is_patch is_patch postkernel postkernel location location machine_type machine_type mod_time mod_time number number os_name os_name os_release os_release os_version os_version size size title title

INDEX and PSF files can contain product definitions. The tag and control_directory attributes are required for all products.

Neither file contains the size attribute. The value of the size attribute is generated dynamically based on the sizes of the filesets currently contained within the product.

An INDEX file for installed software contains a create_time attribute and a mod_time attribute for each product.

The control_files, filesets, and subproducts attributes are not stored as attributes, but rather as control_file, fileset, and subproduct definitions. These attributes are not included in swlist -v output. Rather, they are generated only by swlist -a attribute .

An INDEX file contains an instance_id attribute. The value of the instance_id attribute is generated by swpackage or swcopy. An INDEX file also contains a all_filesets attribute in addition to the fileset definitions. This attribute is generated by swpackage and represents all filesets defined for the product, as opposed to those that are currently contained within the product. The value of the filesets and all_filesets attributes may differ, since some originally defined filesets might not be copied or installed. Only product definitions for installed software may contain either the location or qualifier attributes; product definitions for distributions do not contain either the location or qualifier attributes.

A PSF should not contain either the location or qualifier attributes; they are ignored when parsing the file.

Subproduct Definition

subproduct tag tag contents subproducts category_tag category_tag create_time create_time description description is_patch is_patch mod_time mod_time size size title title

INDEX and PSF files can contain subproduct definitions. The tag and contents attributes are required for all subproducts.

Neither file contains the size attribute. The value of the size attribute is generated dynamically based on the sizes of the filesets currently contained within the subproduct.

An INDEX file for installed software contains a create_time attribute and a mod_time attribute for each subproduct.

Fileset Definition

fileset tag tag ancestor ancestor applied_patches applied_patches category_tag category_tag control_directory control_directory corequisites corequisites create_time create_time description description exrequisites exrequisites is_reboot is_reboot is_kernel is_kernel is_locatable is_locatable is_patch is_patch is_sparse is_sparse location location media_sequence_number media_sequence_number mod_time mod_time patch_state patch_state prerequisites prerequisites revision revision saved_files_directory saved_files_directory size size state state superseded_by superseded_by supersedes supersedes title title

INDEX and PSF files can contain fileset definitions. The tag and control_directory attributes are required for all filesets.

The control_files and files attributes are not stored as attributes, but rather as control_file and file definitions. These attributes are not included in swlist -v output. Rather, they are generated only by swlist -a attribute .

An INDEX file contains a size attribute for each defined fileset. Fileset definitions for distributions that span multiple media contain the media_sequence_number attribute. An INDEX file for installed_software contains a create_time and a mod_time attribute for each fileset.

A PSF should not contain the applied_patches, location, media_sequence_number, patch_state, saved_files_directory, size, state, or superseded_by attributes; they are ignored when parsing the file. The value of the size attribute is generated dynamically by swpackage based on the sizes of the files and control_files.

When defining a patch, the attributes that must be defined are the files to be patched, and the fileset attribute is_patch. This automatically sets the category_tag patch; the patch category can not be specified in a PSF file. The product containing a patch or sparse fileset must have a different tag or revision attribute from the product containing the ancestor fileset being updated.

Control_File Definition

control_file tag tag cksum cksum compressed_cksum compressed_cksum compressed_size compressed_size compression_state compression_state compression_type compression_type interpreter interpreter path path revision revision size size source source result result

INFO and PSF files can contain control_file definitions.

A PSF should not contain the cksum, compressed_cksum, compressed_size, compression_state, compression_type, size, or result attributes; they are ignored when parsing the file. The values of the size and cksum attributes are generated dynamically by swpackage based on the source file. A PSF contains a source attribute. A PSF can contain a path attribute. If it does not, swpackage uses the basename obtained from the value of the source attribute as the value of the path attribute. A PSF can contain a tag attribute. If it does not, swpackage uses the basename obtained from the value of the path attribute as the value of the tag attribute. The swpackage utility resolves the value of the tag attribute after it resolves the value of the path attribute.

An INDEX file contains the tag, path, cksum, and size attributes. Control_file definitions for installed software also contain the result attribute. INDEX files should not contain the source attribute; it is ignored when parsing the file.

The swpackage command automatically includes the INFO file itself as a control file and adds the tag, path, and size attributes for it. The value of the cksum attribute for the INFO control_file itself is not defined. An implementation can choose to store certain software object attributes, such as copyright, as control_files.

File Definition

file path path archive_path archive_path cksum cksum compressed_cksum compressed_cksum compressed_size compressed_size compression_state compression_state compression_type compression_type gid gid group group is_volatile is_volatile link_source link_source major major minor minor mode mode mtime mtime owner owner revision revision size size source source type type uid uid

INFO and PSF can contain file definitions.

A PSF contains a source attribute. A PSF should not contain the cksum compressed_cksum, compressed_size, compression_state, compression_type, or size attributes; they are ignored when parsing the file. Device files (including the major and minor attributes) should not be defined in a PSF (but can be added via swmodify after being created by a configure script); they are ignored when parsing the file. The values of the size and cksum attributes are generated dynamically by swpackage based on the source file. A PSF can contain a path attribute, otherwise the source is used to defined the path by swpackage. A PSF can contain gid, group, link_source, mode, mtime, owner, type, and uid attributes, otherwise they are retrieved from the source file by swpackage. A PSF can contain is_volatile and revision attributes. Automatic determination of the file revision is implementation defined.

An INFO file should not contain the source attribute; it is ignored when parsing the file. File Attributes for INFO File shows the required, optional and non-applicable attributes for each of the file types in an INFO file. The file types are described in Attributes of the Control File Class . Within a fileset, no more than one copy of a file is stored with the same path.

Table: File Attributes for INFO File

attribute f d h s b c p x a
type R R R R R R R R R
path R R R R R R R R R
size R - - - - - - O R
link_source - - R R - - - - -
mode O O - - O O O - O
owner O O - - O O O - O
group O O - - O O O - O
uid O O - - O O O - O
gid O O - - O O O - O
cksum O - - - - - - - O
major - - - - R R - - -
minor - - - - R R - - -
is_volatile O O O O O O O - O
mtime O - - - - - - - O
revision O - - - - - - - O
archive_path - - - - - - - - R

R  Required
O  Optional
-   Ignored

Within a PSF file, if the same file is defined more than once, the attributes from the last definition are used and they redefine the attributes previously defined. This action does not cause additional copies of the file to be stored in the distribution. All attributes not specifically listed remain unchanged.

Extended Control_File Definitions

checkinstall source [path] preinstall source [path] postinstall source [path] verify source [path] fix source [path] checkremove source [path] preremove source [path] postremove source [path] configure source [path] unconfigure source [path] request source [path] unpreinstall source [path] unpostinstall source [path] space source [path] control_file source [path]

A PSF can contain extended control_file definitions. Each control_file definition defines the source attribute (the source file) to be used for the script. The keyword (meaning checkinstall, preinstall, etc.) defines the tag of the script, which tells the utilities when to execute the script.

If the optional path is supplied, it is the file name in the distribution (relative to the control directory for the software containing this script) used to store the file; otherwise, the control_file.tag attribute is used as the file name. This also allows a vendor to define one script to be executed for multiple tags. The script can determine the tag being executed by the SW_CONTROL_TAG environment variable.

If the control_file keyword is used, then the basename of the source attribute is the tag of the control_file.

Extended File Definitions

A PSF can contain extended file definitions. The swpackage utility supports these extended file definition mechanisms:

directory mapping

A PSF can point the swpackage utility at a source directory containing the files for the fileset. In addition, a PSF can map this source directory to the appropriate (destination) directory containing this subset of the filesets files.

recursive (implicit) file definition

If a directory mapping is active, a PSF can direct the swpackage utility to include all files (recursively) from within the directory in the fileset.

explicit file definition

For all or some of the files in the fileset, a PSF can name each source file and destination path with a one line per file syntax.

default permission definition

For all or some of the files in the fileset, a PSF can define a default set of permissions.

excluding files

Files that otherwise would be included can be explicitly excluded.

including files

File definitions may be included from a separate file.

These mechanisms can all be used in combination with the others.

Directory Mapping
directory source [path]

This syntax defines a source directory under which subsequently listed files are located. In addition, the user can map the source directory to a destination directory under which the packaged files will be located.

The destination directory is an absolute pathname and is used as a prefix to the path attribute for each of the files.

The source directory can be either an absolute pathname, or a relative pathname. If relative, the swpackage utility interprets it relative to the current working directory in which the utility was invoked.

If the source directory does not exist, the swpackage utility generates an error.

Recursive File Definition
file *

This syntax directs the swpackage utility to include every file (and directory) within the current source directory in the fileset. The swpackage utility attempts to include the entire, recursive contents of the source directory in the fileset.

The directory keyword is specified before the file * specification is used. After finishing the recursive processing of the source directory, the swpackage utility processes further specifications with respect to the original directory.

All other attributes for the destination file object are taken from the source file, unless a file_permission keyword is active. This keyword is described below.

The user can specify multiple directory and file * pairs to gather all files from different source directories into a single fileset.

Explicit File Definition
file [-t type][-m mode][-o owner[,uid]][-g group[,gid]][-n][-v]
source [path]

Instead of, or in addition to, the recursive file specification, the user can explicitly specify the files to be packaged into a fileset.

This syntax may be used to redefine an attribute of a previously defined file. All attributes not specifically listed remain the same.

The directory keyword can be used to define a source (and destination) for explicitly specified files. If no directory keyword is active, then the full source path and the absolute destination path (the path attribute) is specified for each file.

The meaning of each of these fields is as follows:


This keyword specifies an existing file or directory, perhaps within the currently active source directory, to include in the fileset. It can also specify a directory, hard link, or symbolic link that does not exist as a source file, but is created when the fileset is installed.


When specifying an existing source file, this value defines the path to it.

If this is a relative path, the swpackage utility searches for it relative to the source directory set by the directory keyword. If no source directory is active, the swpackage utility searches for it relative to the current working directory in which the utility was invoked.

All attributes for the destination file object are taken from the source file, unless a file_permission keyword is active, or the -m, -o, or -g options are also included in the file specification.

When specifying a new directory to be created upon installation, and there is no destination path specified, the source defines the path of the installed directory. When specifying a new hard link or symbolic link to be created upon installation, the source defines the pathname of the installed file to use as the source for the new file.


When specifying a new or existing source file, this value defines the destination path at which the file will be created or installed. If path is a relative path, the active destination directory set by the directory keyword is prefixed to it. If the path is relative, and no destination directory is active, the swpackage utility generates an error. If the path is not specified, then the source is used as the path, with the appropriate mapping done with the active destination directory (if any).

-t type

When creating a new directory, hard link or symbolic link (a file in the fileset that does not exist in the source), this option is specified to define the file type. The following file types can be created:

Create a directory. If only the source is specified, it is used as the path. Otherwise, the source is used to retrieve the attributes for the directory created at path. If the path is not specified, or any attributes, then default values of the attributes is implementation defined.

Create a hard link. Both the source and path are specified. The source is the pathname of the installed file object to be used as the source for the new hard link (the link_source attribute).

Create a symbolic link. Both the source and path are specified. The source is the pathname of the installed file object to be used as the source for the new symbolic link (the link_source attribute).

Delete a file. The remove type, x for the file type attribute deletes any existing file instead of installing a new file or link.

Files with the types c (character special), b (block special) and p (named pipe | FIFO) are not supported by swpackage and swinstall and can be created via a configure control script. In general, device files and pipes are created during system configuration on the system actually running the software. Also, there can be files of other types that the swpackage utility does not recognize and which therefore cause an error.

-m mode

This option defines the (octal) mode for a file or directory.

-o [owner][,uid]

This option defines the owner name and/or or uid of the destination file. If only the owner is specified, then the owner and uid attributes are set for the destination file object, based on the database of the packaging host. If only the uid is specified, it is set as the uid attribute for the destination object and no owner name is assigned. If both are specified, each sets the corresponding attribute for the file object. If neither are specified, then the owner and uid of the file are used as found in the file system of the packaging host. See "File Loading" in the definition for swinstall tagmref_swinstall .

During an installation, the owner attribute is used to set the owner name and uid, unless the owner name is not defined in the target system user database. In this case, the value of the uid attribute is used to set the uid.

-g [group][,gid]

This option defines the group name and/or gid of the destination file. If only the group is specified, then the group and gid attributes are set for the destination file object based on the database of the packaging host. If only the group is specified, and it contains digits only, it is interpreted as the gid, and is set as the gid attribute for the destination object; no group name is assigned to the object. If both are specified, each sets the corresponding attribute for the file object. If neither are specified, then the group and gid of the file are used as found in the file system of the packaging host. See "File Loading" in the definition for swinstall tagmref_swinstall .

During an installation, the group attribute is used to set the group name and gid, unless the group name is not defined in the target system group database. In this case, the gid attribute is used to set the gid.

This option indicates that the file is not compressible.

The use of -v on a source line is used to specify that the file is volatile (contents, attributes or existence can change after installation).

Default Permission Definition
file_permissions [-m mode | -u umask][-o [owner[,]][uid]]

-g [group[,]][gid]]

A destination file object inherits the mode, owner, and group of the source file. The file_permissions keyword can be specified to set a default permission mask, owner, and group for all the files being packaged into the fileset:


This keyword only applies to the fileset it is defined in. Multiple file_permissions can be specified, and subsequent definitions simply replace previous definitions.

-m mode

This option defines a default (octal) mode for all file objects.

-u umask

Instead of specifying an octal mode as the default, the user can specify an octal umask() value that gets "subtracted" from the mode of an existing source file, or applied for each non-existent file, to generate the mode of the destination file.

By specifying a umask() value the user can set a default mode for executable files, non-executable files, and directories. A specific mode can be set for any file, as described above.

-o\ [owner[,]][uid]

This option defines the owner name and/or uid of the destination file. See the discussion of the -o option in Explicit File Definition .

-g\ [group[,]][gid]
This option defines the group name and/or gid of the destination file. See the discussion of the -g option in Explicit File Definition .

Excluding Files
exclude source

A file listed after the exclude keyword that was previously included, for example from a recursive file definition, is excluded from the list of files.

If the source specifies a directory, then all files below that directory are excluded.

Including Files
file < include_file

The file keyword can be used to include definitions for files from a separate include_file by specifying a < (less than) character followed by the include_file.

Space Control_file

path [+|-]size

For each path listed in the space file, the swinstall utility adds the size, in bytes, to the disk space requirements. The size can be positive (reflecting the maximum transient or permanent disk space required for the install), or negative (reflecting space freed by one of the scripts executed by the swinstall command). An implementation must consider positive records and may consider negative records.

Serial Format and Multiple Media

A distribution in the serial format of the software packaging layout is a bit-stream representation, implemented as a set of POSIX.1 extended cpio or extended tar archives which contain files in the directory structure of the software packaging layout defined in the beginning of this Chapter.

A serial distribution can be stored on any serial medium. A serial distribution can also be stored in any file, within the file system, which supports the storing of POSIX.1 extended cpio or extended tar archives. How a system reads or writes to the different media devices is outside the scope of this Software Administration specification.

Implementations support serial distributions if the underlying operating system supports the pax utility, as defined in POSIX.2, or otherwise supports reading and writing of the extended tar and extended cpio archives defined in POSIX.1. If serial distributions are supported, the serial distribution formats supported include extended tar and extended cpio.

The distribution is implemented as a set of one or more POSIX.1 extended cpio or extended tar archives. The archives reside on a set of one or more serial media, or in a file. Each media in a serial distribution contains one and only one archive.

A distribution may span multiple media in a hierarchical structure. In this case, the set of files on any particular media, including the attributes defined in any software definition files, should be similar to that for a serial archive. In other words, the decision for which files are put on which media should be the same whether the distribution is serial or hierarchical. Space considerations on media may cause some differences.

The following are the rules regarding ordering of files within serial distributions. These rules, including generation of the fileset.media_sequence_number, are implemented by the swpackage utility.

  1. The catalog files (which contain all the information describing the software contained in the distribution), as well as the control scripts, in this relative order:

    1. The global INDEX file, as described in Exported Catalog Structure .

    2. The distribution files, as described in Exported Catalog Structure .

    3. The product catalog files, product by product, as described in Exported Catalog Structure .

      1. The product control files, as described in Exported Catalog Structure .

      2. The fileset control files, fileset by fileset, as described in Exported Catalog Structure .

  2. The actual software files, fileset by fileset, as described in File Storage Structure .

    1. Prerequisites of filesets before the filesets that depend on them

    2. Kernel filesets before non kernel filesets (except where kernel filesets have prerequisites on non-kernel)

  3. Each medium has (as its first file, if a serial medium)

    1. A global INDEX file, catalog/INDEX that contains at least the distribution.uuid and media.sequence_number attributes (used to identify a particular media within a particular distribution)

  4. Each archive starts at the beginning of the medium. Multiple archives on one medium are not allowed.

Additionally, in order to increase the usability of multiple media serial distributions, the following guidelines should be used and in decreasing importance:

Thus a conforming implementation is able to:

Note that in all respects, a serial distribution conforms to the specifications of the extended cpio or extended tar archives. See POSIX.1. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:


Refer to Sample File Coding for examples of the use of this syntax.

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