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Networking Services (XNS) Issue 5
Copyright © 1997 The Open Group

Headers and Definitions for XTI

How to Prepare XTI Applications contains a normative requirement that the contents and structures found in this appendix appear in the <xti.h> header.

Applications written to compilation environments earlier than those required by this issue of the specification (see The Compilation Environment ) and defining _XOPEN_SOURCE to be less than 500, will have these data structures and constants of certain protocol specific headers automatically exposed by the inclusion of <xti.h> for compatibility. The individual protocol-specific appendices document the providers for which this may be the case.

The function definitions in this appendix conform to the ISO C standard (see referenced documents.

Values specified for some of the symbolic constants in this XTI header definition are designated as not mandatory for conformance purposes. These are identified by the comment:

/* value is recommended-only, not mandatory */
in the following definitions.

<xti.h> defines t_scalar_t and t_uscalar_t respectively as a signed and unsigned opaque integral type of equal length of at least 32 bits.

Certain items in this appendix are marked LEGACY. This which means that they are being retained for compatibility with older applications, but have limitations which make them inappropriate for developing portable applications. New applications should use alternative means of obtaining equivalent functionality.

 * The following are the error codes needed by both the kernel
 * level transport providers and the user level library.

#define TBADADDR 1 /* incorrect addr format */
#define TBADOPT 2 /* incorrect option format */
#define TACCES 3 /* incorrect permissions */
#define TBADF 4 /* illegal transport fd */
#define TNOADDR 5 /* couldn't allocate addr */
#define TOUTSTATE 6 /* out of state */
#define TBADSEQ 7 /* bad call sequence number */
#define TSYSERR 8 /* system error */
#define TLOOK 9 /* event requires attention */
#define TBADDATA 10 /* illegal amount of data */
#define TBUFOVFLW 11 /* buffer not large enough */
#define TFLOW 12 /* flow control */
#define TNODATA 13 /* no data */
#define TNODIS 14 /* discon_ind not found on queue */
#define TNOUDERR 15 /* unitdata error not found */
#define TBADFLAG 16 /* bad flags */
#define TNOREL 17 /* no ord rel found on queue */
#define TNOTSUPPORT 18 /* primitive/action not supported */
#define TSTATECHNG 19 /* state is in process of changing */
#define TNOSTRUCTYPE 20 /* unsupported struct-type requested */
#define TBADNAME 21 /* invalid transport provider name */
#define TBADQLEN 22 /* qlen is zero */
#define TADDRBUSY 23 /* address in use */
#define TINDOUT 24 /* outstanding connection indications */
#define TPROVMISMATCH 25 /* transport provider mismatch */
#define TRESQLEN 26 /* resfd specified to accept w/qlen >0 */
#define TRESADDR 27 /* resfd not bound to same addr as fd */
#define TQFULL 28 /* incoming connection queue full */
#define TPROTO 29 /* XTI protocol error */

 * The following are the events returned.

#define T_LISTEN 0x0001 /* connection indication received */
#define T_CONNECT 0x0002 /* connection confirmation received */
#define T_DATA 0x0004 /* normal data received */
#define T_EXDATA 0x0008 /* expedited data received */
#define T_DISCONNECT 0x0010 /* disconnection received */
#define T_UDERR 0x0040 /* datagram error indication */
#define T_ORDREL 0x0080 /* orderly release indication */
#define T_GODATA 0x0100 /* sending normal data is again possible */
#define T_GOEXDATA 0x0200 /* sending expedited data is again */
"/* possible */    

 * The following are the flag definitions needed by the
 * user level library routines.

#define T_MORE 0x001 /* more data */
#define T_EXPEDITED 0x002 /* expedited data */
#define T_PUSH 0x004 /* send data immediately */
#define T_NEGOTIATE 0x004 /* set opts */
#define T_CHECK 0x008 /* check opts */
#define T_DEFAULT 0x010 /* get default opts */
#define T_SUCCESS 0x020 /* successful */
#define T_FAILURE 0x040 /* failure */
#define T_CURRENT 0x080 /* get current options */
#define T_PARTSUCCESS 0x100 /* partial success */
#define T_READONLY 0x200 /* read-only */
#define T_NOTSUPPORT 0x400 /* not supported */

 *  XTI error return.

/* t_errno is a modifiable lvalue of type int */ /* In a single threaded environment a typical definition of t_errno is: */ extern int t_errno; /* In a multi-threading environment a typical definition of t_errno is: */ extern int *_t_errno(void); #define t_errno (*(_t_errno()))

 * iov maximum
#define T_IOV_MAX  16    /* maximum number of scatter/gather buffers */
                         /* value is not mandatory but if present    */
                         /* must be at least 16.                     */

struct  t_iovec {
    void          *iov_base;
    size_t         iov_len;


/* XTI Library Function: t_accept - accept a connection request*/ extern int t_accept(int, int, const struct t_call *); /* XTI Library Function: t_alloc - allocate a library structure*/ extern void *t_alloc(int, int, int); /* XTI Library Function: t_bind - bind an address to a transport endpoint*/ extern int t_bind(int, const struct t_bind *, struct t_bind *); /* XTI Library Function: t_close - close a transport endpoint*/ extern int t_close(int); /* XTI Library Function: t_connect - establish a connection */ extern int t_connect(int, const struct t_call *, struct t_call *); /* XTI Library Function: t_error - produce error message*/ extern int t_error(const char *); /* XTI Library Function: t_free - free a library structure*/ extern int t_free(void *, int); /* XTI Library Function: t_getinfo - get protocol-specific service */ /* information*/ extern int t_getinfo(int, struct t_info *); /* XTI Library Function: t_getprotaddr - get protocol addresses*/ extern int t_getprotaddr(int, struct t_bind *, struct t_bind *); /* XTI Library Function: t_getstate - get the current state*/ extern int t_getstate(int); /* XTI Library Function: t_listen - listen for a connection indication*/ extern int t_listen(int, struct t_call *); /* XTI Library Function: t_look - look at current event on a transport */ /* endpoint*/ extern int t_look(int); /* XTI Library Function: t_open - establish a transport endpoint*/ extern int t_open(const char *, int, struct t_info *); /* XTI Library Function: t_optmgmt - manage options for a transport */ /* endpoint*/ extern int t_optmgmt(int, const struct t_optmgmt *, struct t_optmgmt *); /* XTI Library Function: t_rcv - receive data or expedited data on a */ /* connection*/ extern int t_rcv(int, void *, unsigned int, int *); /* XTI Library Function: t_rcvconnect - receive the confirmation from */ /* a connection request */ extern int t_rcvconnect(int, struct t_call *); /* XTI Library Function: t_rcvdis - retrieve information from disconnect*/ extern int t_rcvdis(int, struct t_discon *); /* XTI Library Function: t_rcvrel - acknowledge receipt of */ /* an orderly release indication */ extern int t_rcvrel(int); /* XTI Library Function: t_rcvreldata - receive an orderly release */ [??]indication or confirmation containing user data */ extern int t_rcvreldata(int, struct t_discon *discon) /* XTI Library Function: t_rcvudata - receive a data unit*/ extern int t_rcvudata(int, struct t_unitdata *, int *); /* XTI Library Function: t_rcvuderr - receive a unit data error indication*/ extern int t_rcvuderr(int, struct t_uderr *); /* XTI Library Function: t_rcvv - receive data or expedited data sent*/ /* over a connection and put the data */ /* into one or more noncontiguous buffers*/ extern int t_rcvv(int, struct t_iovec *, unsigned int, int *); /* XTI Library Function: t_rcvvudata - receive a data unit into one */ /* or more noncontiguous buffers*/ extern int t_rcvvudata(int, struct t_unitdata *, struct t_iovec *, \ unsigned int, int *); /* XTI Library Function: t_snd - send data or expedited data over a */ /* connection */ extern int t_snd(int, void *, unsigned int, int); /* XTI Library Function: t_snddis - send user-initiated disconnect request*/ extern int t_snddis(int, const struct t_call *); /* XTI Library Function: t_sndrel - initiate an orderly release*/ extern int t_sndrel(int); /* XTI Library Function: t_sndreldata - initiate or respond to an */ /* orderly release with user data */ extern int t_sndreldata(int, struct t_discon *); /* XTI Library Function: t_sndudata - send a data unit*/ extern int t_sndudata(int, const struct t_unitdata *); /* XTI Library Function: t_sndv - send data or expedited data, */ /* from one or more noncontiguous buffers, on a connection*/ extern int t_sndv(int, const struct t_iovec *, unsigned int iovcount, int); /* XTI Library Function: t_sndvudata - send a data unit from one or */ /* more non-contiguous buffers*/ extern int t_sndvudata(int, struct t_unitdata *, struct t_iovec *, unsigned int); /* XTI Library Function: t_strerror - generate error message string */ extern const char *t_strerror(int); /* XTI Library Function: t_sync - synchronise transport library*/ extern int t_sync(int); /* XTI Library Function: t_sysconf - get configurable XTI variables */ extern int t_sysconf(int); /* XTI Library Function: t_unbind - disable a transport endpoint*/ extern int t_unbind(int);

 * Protocol-specific service limits.

struct t_info {
  t_scalar_t addr;     /*max size of the transport protocol address         */
  t_scalar_t options;  /*max number of bytes of protocol-specific options   */
  t_scalar_t tsdu;     /*max size of a transport service data unit          */
  t_scalar_t etsdu;    /*max size of expedited transport service data unit  */
  t_scalar_t connect;  /*max amount of data allowed on connection           */
                       /*establishment functions                            */
  t_scalar_t discon;   /*max data allowed on t_snddis and t_rcvdis functions*/
  t_scalar_t servtype; /*service type supported by transport provider       */
  t_scalar_t flags;    /*other info about the transport provider            */

 * Service type defines.

#define T_COTS 01 /* connection-mode transport service */
#define T_COTS_ORD 02 /* connection-mode with orderly release */
#define T_CLTS 03 /* connectionless-mode transport service */

 * Flags defines (other info about the transport provider).

#define T_SENDZERO 0x001 /* supports 0-length TSDUs */
#define T_ORDRELDATA 0x002 /* supports orderly release data */

 * netbuf structure.

struct netbuf {  
unsigned int maxlen;
unsigned int len;
void *buf;

 * t_opthdr structure

struct t_opthdr {
     t_uscalar_t len;      /* total length of option; that is,  */
                           /* sizeof (struct t_opthdr) + length */
                           /* of option value in bytes          */
     t_uscalar_t level;    /* protocol affected                 */
     t_uscalar_t name;     /* option name                       */
     t_uscalar_t status;   /* status value                      */
/* followed by the option value */

 * t_bind - format of the address arguments of bind.

struct t_bind {  
struct netbuf addr;
unsigned int qlen;

 * Options management structure.

struct t_optmgmt {  
struct netbuf opt;
t_scalar_t flags;

 * Disconnection structure.

struct t_discon {    
struct netbuf udata; /* user data */
int reason; /* reason code */
int sequence; /* sequence number */

 * Call structure.

struct t_call {
struct netbuf addr; /* address */
struct netbuf opt; /* options */
struct netbuf udata; /* user data */
int sequence; /* sequence number */

 * Datagram structure.

struct t_unitdata {
struct netbuf addr; /* address */
struct netbuf opt; /* options */
struct netbuf udata; /* user data */

 * Unitdata error structure.

struct t_uderr {    
struct netbuf addr; /* address */
struct netbuf opt; /* options */
t_scalar_t error; /* error code */

 * The following are structure types used when dynamically
 * allocating the above structures via t_alloc().

#define T_BIND 1 /* struct t_bind */
#define T_OPTMGMT 2 /* struct t_optmgmt */
#define T_CALL 3 /* struct t_call */
#define T_DIS 4 /* struct t_discon */
#define T_UNITDATA 5 /* struct t_unitdata */
#define T_UDERROR 6 /* struct t_uderr */
#define T_INFO 7 /* struct t_info */

 * The following bits specify which fields of the above
 * structures should be allocated by t_alloc().

#define T_ADDR 0x01 /* address */
#define T_OPT 0x02 /* options */
#define T_UDATA 0x04 /* user data */
#define T_ALL 0xffff /* all the above fields supported */

 * The following are the states for the user.

#define T_UNBND 1 /* unbound */
#define T_IDLE 2 /* idle */
#define T_OUTCON 3 /* outgoing connection pending */
#define T_INCON 4 /* incoming connection pending */
#define T_DATAXFER 5 /* data transfer */
#define T_OUTREL 6 /* outgoing release pending */
#define T_INREL 7 /* incoming release pending */

 * General purpose defines.

#define T_YES 1
#define T_NO 0
#define T_NULL 0
#define T_ABSREQ 0x8000
#define T_INFINITE (-1)
#define T_INVALID (-2)

 *  Definitions for t_sysconf
#define _SC_T_IOV_MAX     1  /* value is recommended only, not mandatory */

 * General definitions for option management

#define T_UNSPEC  (~0 - 2)  /* applicable to u_long, t_scalar_t, char .. */

#define T_ALLOPT  0    /* value is recommended-only, not mandatory */

#define T_ALIGN(p) (((t_uscalar_t)(p) + (sizeof (t_scalar_t) - 1)) \
                                        & ~(sizeof (t_scalar_t) - 1))

#define T_OPT_DATA(tohp)         /* definition to be added           */

#define T_OPT_NEXTHDR(pbuf,buflen,popt) \
        (((char *)(popt) + T_ALIGN((popt)->len) < \
        (char *)(pbuf) + (buflen)) ? \
        (struct t_opthdr *)((char *)(popt) + T_ALIGN((popt)->len)) : \
        (struct t_opthdr *)0 )

#define T_OPT_FIRSTHDR(nbp)      /* definition to be added           */


/* * XTI Level * * The values defined for the XTI Level are recommended-only, * not mandatory. */

#define XTI_GENERIC 0xffff

 *  XTI-level Options
 *  The values defined for these XTI-level Options are recommended-only,
 *  not mandatory.

#define XTI_DEBUG 0x0001 /* enable debugging */
#define XTI_LINGER 0x0080 /* linger on close if data present */
#define XTI_RCVBUF 0x1002 /* receive buffer size */
#define XTI_RCVLOWAT 0x1004 /* receive low-water mark */
#define XTI_SNDBUF 0x1001 /* send buffer size */
#define XTI_SNDLOWAT 0x1003 /* send low-water mark */

 * Structure used with linger option.

struct t_linger {
     t_scalar_t   l_onoff;     /* option on/off */
     t_scalar_t   l_linger;    /* linger time   */


/* * Definition of the ISO transport classes */

#define T_CLASS0 0
#define T_CLASS1 1
#define T_CLASS2 2
#define T_CLASS3 3
#define T_CLASS4 4

 * Definition of the priorities.

#define T_PRITOP 0
#define T_PRIHIGH 1
#define T_PRIMID 2
#define T_PRILOW 3
#define T_PRIDFLT 4

 * Definitions of the protection levels

#define T_NOPROTECT 1

 * Default value for the length of TPDUs.

#define T_LTPDUDFLT 128 /* define obsolete in XPG4 */

 * rate structure.

struct rate {
     t_scalar_t targetvalue;       /* target value */
     t_scalar_t minacceptvalue;    /* value of minimum acceptable quality */

 * reqvalue structure.

struct reqvalue {
     struct rate    called;    /* called rate */
     struct rate    calling;   /* calling rate */

 * thrpt structure.

struct thrpt {

     struct reqvalue    maxthrpt;    /* maximum throughput */
     struct reqvalue    avgthrpt;    /* average throughput */

 * transdel structure

struct transdel {
     struct reqvalue    maxdel;    /* maximum transit delay */
     struct reqvalue    avgdel;    /* average transit delay */

 * Protocol Levels
 *  The values defined for these Protocol Levels are recommended-only,
 *  not mandatory.

#define T_ISO_TP 0x0100  
#define ISO_TP 0x0100 (LEGACY)

 *  Options for Quality of Service and Expedited Data (ISO 8072:1994)
 *  The values defined for these QoS and Expedited Data are 
 *  recommended-only, not mandatory.

#define T_TCO_THROUGHPUT 0x0001  
#define TCO_THROUGHPUT 0x0001 (LEGACY)
#define T_TCO_TRANSDEL 0x0002  
#define TCO_TRANSDEL 0x0002 (LEGACY)
#define T_TCO_RESERRORRATE 0x0003  
#define T_TCO_TRANSFFAILPROB 0x0004  
#define T_TCO_ESTFAILPROB 0x0005  
#define T_TCO_RELFAILPROB 0x0006  
#define T_TCO_ESTDELAY 0x0007  
#define TCO_ESTDELAY 0x0007 (LEGACY)
#define T_TCO_RELDELAY 0x0008  
#define TCO_RELDELAY 0x0008 (LEGACY)
#define T_TCO_CONNRESIL 0x0009  
#define TCO_CONNRESIL 0x0009 (LEGACY)
#define T_TCO_PROTECTION 0x000a  
#define TCO_PROTECTION 0x000a (LEGACY)
#define T_TCO_PRIORITY 0x000b  
#define TCO_PRIORITY 0x000b (LEGACY)
#define T_TCO_EXPD 0x000c  
#define TCO_EXPD 0x000c (LEGACY)
#define T_TCL_TRANSDEL 0x000d  
#define TCL_TRANSDEL 0x000d (LEGACY)

 *  Management Options
 *  The values defined for these Management Options are 
 *  recommended-only, not mandatory.

#define T_TCO_LTPDU 0x0100
#define TCO_LTPDU 0x0100
#define T_TCO_ACKTIME 0x0200
#define TCO_ACKTIME 0x0200
#define T_TCO_REASTIME 0x0300
#define TCO_REASTIME 0x0300
#define T_TCO_EXTFORM 0x0400
#define TCO_EXTFORM 0x0400
#define T_TCO_FLOWCTRL 0x0500
#define TCO_FLOWCTRL 0x0500
#define T_TCO_CHECKSUM 0x0600
#define TCO_CHECKSUM 0x0600
#define T_TCO_NETEXP 0x0700
#define TCO_NETEXP 0x0700
#define T_TCO_NETRECPTCF 0x0800
#define TCO_NETRECPTCF 0x0800
#define T_TCO_PREFCLASS 0x0900
#define TCO_PREFCLASS 0x0900
#define T_TCO_ALTCLASS1 0x0a00
#define TCO_ALTCLASS1 0x0a00
#define T_TCO_ALTCLASS2 0x0b00
#define TCO_ALTCLASS2 0x0b00
#define T_TCO_ALTCLASS3 0x0c00
#define TCO_ALTCLASS3 0x0c00
#define T_TCO_ALTCLASS4 0x0d00
#define TCO_ALTCLASS4 0x0d00


/* * TCP level * * The values defined for the TCP Level are recommended-only, * not mandatory. */

#define T_INET_TCP 0x6  
#define INET_TCP 0x6 (LEGACY)

 *  TCP-level Options
 *  The values defined for the TCP-level Options are recommended-only, 
 *  not mandatory.

#define T_TCP_NODELAY 0x1 /* don't delay packets to coalesce */
#define TCP_NODELAY 0x1 /* (LEGACY) */
#define T_TCP_MAXSEG 0x2 /* get maximum segment size */
#define TCP_MAXSEG 0x2 /* (LEGACY) */
#define T_TCP_KEEPALIVE 0x8 /* check, if connections are alive */
#define TCP_KEEPALIVE 0x8 /* (LEGACY) */

 * Structure used with TCP_KEEPALIVE option.

struct t_kpalive {
     t_scalar_t    kp_onoff;      /* option on/off      */
     t_scalar_t    kp_timeout;    /* timeout in minutes */

#define T_GARBAGE 0x02 /*     LEGACY        */

 *  UDP level
 *  The values defined for the UDP Level are recommended-only, 
 *  not mandatory.

#define T_INET_UDP 0x11  
#define INET_UDP 0x11 (LEGACY)

 *  UDP-level Options
 *  The values defined for the UDP-level Options are recommended-only, 
 *  not mandatory.

#define T_UDP_CHECKSUM T_TCO_CHECKSUM /* checksum computation */

 *  IP level
 *  The values defined for the IP Level are recommended-only, 
 *  not mandatory.

#define T_INET_IP 0x0  
#define INET_IP 0x0 (LEGACY)

 *  IP-level Options
 *  The values defined for the IP-level Options are recommended-only, 
 *  not mandatory.

#define T_IP_OPTIONS 0x1 /* IP per-packet options */
#define IP_OPTIONS 0x1 /* (LEGACY) */
#define T_IP_TOS 0x2 /* IP per-packet type of service */
#define IP_TOS 0x2 /* (LEGACY) */
#define T_IP_TTL 0x3 /* IP per-packet time to live */
#define IP_TTL 0x3 /* (LEGACY) */
#define T_IP_REUSEADDR 0x4 /* allow local address reuse */
#define IP_REUSEADDR 0x4 /* (LEGACY) */
#define T_IP_DONTROUTE 0x10 /* just use interface addresses */
#define IP_DONTROUTE 0x10 /* (LEGACY) */
#define T_IP_BROADCAST 0x20 /* permit sending of broadcast msgs */
#define IP_BROADCAST 0x20 /* (LEGACY) */

 * IP_TOS precedence levels

#define T_ROUTINE 0
#define T_PRIORITY 1
#define T_IMMEDIATE 2
#define T_FLASH 3
#define T_CRITIC_ECP 5
#define T_NETCONTROL 7

 * IP_TOS type of service

#define T_NOTOS 0
#define T_LDELAY (1 << 4)
#define T_HITHRPT (1 << 3)
#define T_HIREL (1 << 2)
#define T_LOCOST (1 << 1)
#define SET_TOS(prec, tos) ((0x7 & (prec)) << 5 | (0x1c & (tos)))

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