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Distributed Software Administration - DCE Interoperability (XDSA-DCE)

Distributed Software Administration - DCE Interoperability (XDSA-DCE)
Copyright © 1997 The Open Group

XDSA-DCE RPC Type Values

This chapter summarizes the values that each of the enumerated or defined types used in the XDSA-DCE RPC interfaces can take. These types include:

Task Types

The task type determines what task the agent will perform on the software collection during the course of the session (corresponds to the POSIX 1387.2 standard command that was invoked). This is also referred to as the session type. It applies to the task_type paramenter of sw_rpc_agent_init() and sw_rpc_begin_session().


This is an undefined task (used internally for initialization).


The task involves reading files from a source distribution. Note that this task type does not map directly onto an command, but rather the source role.


The task involves reading the database information from an installed software collection.


The task involves reading the database information from a distribution.


The task involves installing software objects to an installed software collection.


The task involves copying software objects to a distribution.


The task involves removing software objects from an installed software collection.


The task involves removing software objects from a distribution.


The task involves verifying software objects in an installed software collection.


The task involves verifying software objects in a distribution.


The task involves configuring software objects in an installed software collection.


The task involves unconfiguring software objects in an installed software collection.


The task involves modifying the catalog information in a installed software collection.


The task involves modifying the catalog information in a distribution.

Selection Types

This designates whether the software selection passed from the manager to the agent was explicitly selected by the user, or is a dependency automatically included when the autoselect_dependencies option is set to TRUE.

It applies to the selection_type member of the software_selections parameter for sw_rpc_analyze_task() and sw_rpc_execute_task().


The software selection was explicitly selected.


The software selection was automatically selected to resolve dependencies.

Volume Types and States

The volume type designates whether the affected volume is a local file system, remote file system, or read-only file system. This applies to the type member of the volumes parameter for sw_rpc_dsa_volume_list().


The file system is a local writable file system.


The file system is a remote writable file system.


The file system is a local or remote read only file system.

The volume state designates the summary of the disk space impact on a volume. This applies to the state member of the volumes parameter for sw_rpc_dsa_volume_list():


Disk space analysis determines the file system is not affected.


Disk space analysis determines the file system will be affected, but will still have space available to non- superusers.


Disk space analysis determines the file system will be affected, will still have free space, but will not have space available to non-superusers.


Disk space analysis determines the file system would be affected beyond its capacity.

Software State

For task analysis, the software state indicates the action that the agent will take on this software selection. For task execution, the software state indicates the action that the agent did take on this software selection by describing the state the selection ended up in.

It applies to the swobj_state member of the software_selections paramenter of sw_rpc_analyze_task() and sw_rpc_execute_task().

Analysis States


The software object has not been analyzed yet.


The software object will be a new install.


The software object will be a new copy.


The software object will be a reinstall or recopy.


The software object will be an update.


The software object will be a downdate.


The software object will create a new (multiple) version.


The software object will be removed.


The software object will be configured.


The software object will be reconfigured.


The software object will be unconfigured.


The software object is in the transient state (for verify).


The software object is in the corrupt state (for verify).


The software object does not exist.


The software object will be skipped as per defined behavior (for example, reinstall=false) or due to an error (for example, checkinstall error).

Execute States

The execute states are either the current state of the software object on the distribution or installed software collection, or are a state that reflects its failure.


The software object has not been processed yet.


The software object resulted in an INSTALLED state.


The software object resulted in an AVAILABLE state.


The software object resulted in a REMOVED state.


The software object resulted in a CONFIGURED state.


The software object resulted in a TRANSIENT state.


The software object resulted in a CORRUPT state.


The software object does not exist.


The software object was determined to be skipped in analysis.


The software object has been skipped before processing this software object, possibly due to an error in related software.

Session Phase

This is the current phase or state of the task, which is used to determine which RPC functions can be called, as well as what phase the agent is in. These are all target role phases or states, with the exception of the SW_SOURCE_PHASE (source role only).

It applies to the session_state parameter of sw_rpc_analyze_task(), sw_rpc_execute_task(), sw_rpc_abort_task() and sw_rpc_get_task_status_and_log().

Static Phases

These are the states that the target session can be in between RPC calls.


This is the state the agent is in before a source or target session has begun. The function sw_rpc_begin_session() is allowed from this state.


The agent is initialized to this state if the sw_rpc_begin_session() call for an SW_READ_TASK type was successful. The function sw_rpc_get_soc_file() is allowed from this state.


The agent is initialized to this state if the sw_rpc_begin_session() call for a task type besides SW_READ_TASK was successful. If a global error occurs during task analysis, then the session will return from this state. The following functions:

are allowed from this state.


Task analysis has completed without a global error, and task execution is now possible. The following functions:
sw_rpc_execute_task() sw_rpc_get_dsa_volume_list() sw_rpc_get_dsa_impact_data() sw_rpc_get_status_and_log() sw_rpc_end_session()

are allowed from this state.


The task execution has been suspended. The functions sw_rpc_get_status_and_log() , sw_rpc_execute_task() and sw_rpc_abort_task() are allowed from this state.


The agent has completed execution of an SW_INSTALL_TASK and the agent is waiting for a confirmation to reboot. The functions sw_rpc_get_status_and_log() and sw_rpc_end_session() are allowed from this state.


The agent entered the suspended state and was instructed to abort the task. The functions sw_rpc_get_status_and_log() and sw_rpc_end_session() are allowed from this state.


The task execution has completed. The functions sw_rpc_get_status_and_log() and sw_rpc_end_session() are allowed from this state.

Analyzing Phases

These are the phases that the target session can be in during an analyze task call. They are only used for display purposes, and can be retrieved via sw_rpc_get_status_and_log() function.


Task analysis is in progress.


The target checks are being done.


The software selections are being checked.


The check or verify scripts are being executed.


The files are being checked.

Executing Phases

These are the states that the target session can be in during an analyze task call. They are only used for display purposes, and can be retrieved via sw_rpc_get_status_and_log() function.


Task execution is in progress.


A preinstall or preremove script is being executed.


The files are being loaded or removed.


A postinstall or postremove script is being executed.


A configure or unconfigure script is being executed.


A kernel build command is being executed.

Result Status

Result status is used in three instances:

  1. to indicate the overall result of a function upon its return

  2. to indicate the "effect" of each individual result code (event) that occurred during a function's execution

  3. to indicate the cumulative effect of the results that occurred during task analysis or execution for each individual selected software object.

It applies to the result_status and summary_status members of the results parameter for all calls. It also applies to the result_status member of the selections parameter for sw_rpc_analyze_task() and sw_rpc_execute_task().


This event was interpreted as informational only.


This event was interpreted as a warning.


This event was interpreted as an error.


This event caused a suspend of the task.

The result status (severity of a result code) can change based on the control options for the task (for example, a "dependency not met" result code can be an ERROR or a WARNING depending on the enforce_dependencies control options).

Result Codes

Result codes exist for each type of event that can occur during an agent task. The results array returned from each RPC function is a list of (result code, result status, result info) tuples. Thus, the results array summarizes the events that occurred during the RPC function.

It applies to the result_code member of the results paramenter for all calls.

Listed below are the result codes that can be returned for each function, their associated result status values, and the meaning of the auxiliary info (if other than number of occurrences of this event).

Generic RPC Result Codes


The agent is in the wrong state to accept this call.
ERROR: always.
The result_info contains the current state.


The session context sent does not identify a valid session.
ERROR: always.

An illegal or unrecognized option was sent.
ERROR: always.
The result_info contains the number of options.


The user has insufficient privilege to perform the requested operation.
ERROR: always.


The agent had a memory allocation error (for example, out of swap).
ERROR: always.


The agent had a resource allocation error such a maximum number of processes, number of files open, etc.
ERROR: always.


The agent had an internal implementation error.
ERROR: always.

Get Distributions Result Codes


More distributions are registered than fit in the structure passed to this call.
WARNING: always.
The result_info contains the number of registered distributions.

Register Distribution Result Codes


Distribution to register is already registered (possibly under a different filesystem pathname).
NOTE: always.


The requested target or source (distribution or installed software collection) does not exist.
ERROR: always.

Unregister Distribution Result Codes


Distribution to unregister is not registered.
ERROR: always.

Is Distribution Registered Result Codes


The distribution or installed software collection specified is not registered.
ERROR: always.

Initialize Agent / Begin Session Result Codes


Failed to initialize an agent.
ERROR: always.


The daemon is in the process of an orderly shutdown and not accepting requests for new sessions.
ERROR: always.


There are other sessions in progress that may affect the results of this task.
WARNING: always.


The limit of existing connections to this source software collection has already been reached.
ERROR: always.


The requested target or source (distribution or installed software collection) does not exist.
ERROR: unless install or copy task.


The software collection exists, but the information is corrupt. It needs to be fixed or removed.
ERROR: always.


The target software collection did not previously exist and was created.
NOTE: always.


The software collection is already locked by another session. A read or write lock on the software collection was denied.
WARNING: if a list task read lock was attempted.
ERROR: otherwise.


Cannot lock onto the target due to an external error (for example, lock file not creatable).
ERROR: always.


The software collection is located on a read-only filesystem.
ERROR: install, copy and remove tasks.
NOTE: otherwise.


The software collection is located on a remote filesystem (for example, NFS).
ERROR: if allow_remote_filesystem_writes option is false for install, copy and remove.
NOTE: otherwise.


The software collection is not the correct media type for the requested task, for example, the software collection is tape and the task is a distribution copy or remove.
ERROR: always.


The distribution software collection is in serial format.
NOTE: always.


The software collection is not the correct type (distribution or installed software collection) for the task. For example, it is an installed software collection and the task was for a distribution.
ERROR: always.


Cannot open the software collection logfile.
ERROR: always.


The software collection is of the wrong type (distribution or installed software) for the operation.
ERROR: always.

End Session Result Codes


The agent is currently analyzing or executing a task and will terminate the session once completed.
NOTE: always.
The result_info contains the current state.


The agent failed to initiate the reboot operation of an install task. It must be manually executed.
WARNING: always.

Analyze Task Result Codes


One or more filesets were excluded automatically as software identified as exrequisites was also specified to be selected.
NOTE: always.


One or more checkinstall or checkremove scripts have caused the software to be unselected and excluded from further processing.
NOTE: always.


One or more configure or unconfigure scripts have caused the software to be unselected and excluded from further processing.
NOTE: always.


The software selection was found, but its state was corrupt or transient.
ERROR: always.


Generic failure contacting or retrieving information from the source.
ERROR: always.


The source does not have a media number of 1 (needed for retrieval of the INDEX).
ERROR: always.


One or more software selections can not be found.
ERROR: install or copy.
NOTE: otherwise.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


One or more software selections can not be found as specified, but the same product tag exists.
ERROR: install or copy.
NOTE: otherwise.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


One or more software selections can not be unambiguously determined.
ERROR: install or copy.
NOTE: otherwise.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


One or more filesystems in the filesystem table are not mounted.
ERROR: If mount_all_filesystems option is true.
WARNING: If mount_all_filesystems option is false.
The result_info contains the number of unmounted filesystems.


One or more filesystems mounted are not in filesystem table.
WARNING: always.
The result_info contains the number of extra filesystems mounted.


One or more filesets have a higher revision already installed.
ERROR: If allow_downdate option is false.
WARNING: If allow_downdate option is true.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


One or more products would create a new version in an installed software collection.
ERROR: If allow_multiple_versions option is false.
NOTE: If allow_multiple_versions option is true.
The result_info contains the number of products.


The task is operating on an existing multiple version of one or more products.
ERROR: If trying to install two versions into one location at the same time.
WARNING: If allow_multiple_versions option is false.
NOTE: If allow_multiple_versions option is true.
The result_info contains the number of products.


One or more dependencies can not be met.
ERROR: If enforce_dependencies option is true.
WARNING: If enforce_dependencies option is false.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


One or more products are incompatible for this target.
ERROR: If allow_incompatible option is false.
WARNING: If allow_incompatible option is true.
The result_info contains the number of products.


One or more checkinstall, checkremove or verify scripts had a warning.
WARNING: always.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


One or more checkinstall, checkremove or verify scripts failed.
ERROR: always.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


DSA shows that the space requirements encroach into minfree, but not over the absolute limit on one or more volumes.
ERROR: If enforce_dsa option is true.
WARNING: If enforce_dsa option is false.
The result_info contains the number of volumes that are beyond minfree.


DSA shows that the space requirements are over the absolute limit on one or more volumes.
ERROR: If enforce_dsa option is true.
WARNING: If enforce_dsa option is false.
The result_info contains the number of volumes that are beyond minfree.


DSA had an internal error and failed to run.
ERROR: If enforce_dsa option is true.
WARNING: If enforce_dsa option is false.


One or more filesets have the same revision and are being reinstalled or recopied because the reinstall or recopy option is true.
NOTE: always.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


One or more filesets are already configured.
NOTE: If reconfigure option is true.
NOTE: If reconfigure option is false.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


One or more filesets will be skipped because of another error within their product.
NOTE: always.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


One or more filesets will be skipped because of a global error (such as DSA failure) within the analyze phase.
NOTE: always.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


One or more files would be created or removed on a remote filesystem.
WARNING: if write_remote_files option is false.
NOTE: if write_remote_files option is true.
The result_info contains the number of files.


One or more files will not be attempted to be created or removed over a read only filesystem mount.
WARNING: always.
The result_info contains the number of files.


One or more files will not be able to be removed (text busy, or non empty directories).
WARNING: always.
The result_info contains the number of files.


One or more files had warnings (for example, for verify).
WARNING: always.
The result_info contains the number of files.


One or more files had errors (for example, for verify).
ERROR: always.
The result_info contains the number of files.


One or more filesets are not locatable and have been specified with an alternate location.
ERROR: if the enforce_locatable option is true.
WARNING: if the enforce_locatable option is false.


One or more filesets have the same revision and are not being reinstalled or recopied because the reinstall or recopy option is false.
NOTE: always.

Execution Result Codes


One or more software selections can not be found.
ERROR: install or copy.
NOTE: otherwise.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


One or more files were skipped (or written if write_remote_files option is false) over a remote filesystem.
WARNING: If write_remote_files option is false for install, copy and remove.
NOTE: If allow_remote_filesystem_writes option is true.
The result_info contains the number of files.


One or more files were skipped over a read only filesystem mount.
WARNING: for install, copy and remove.
The result_info contains the number of files.


One or more files that were not be able to be removed (for remove or update).
WARNING: always.
The result_info contains the number of files.


One or more files had other load or remove warnings.
WARNING: always.
The result_info contains the number of files.


One or more files that had other load or remove errors.
ERROR: always.
The result_info contains the number of files.


One or more selections have already been determined to be skipped in analysis.
NOTE: always.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


One or more software selection were found, but were not analyzed.
ERROR: always.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


The agent failed to reopen access to physical source media, new media's software collection uuid does not match original media's software collection uuid, or a new or old software collection uuid is invalid format or invalid value.
ERROR: always.


The agent has suspended for a media change.
NOTE: always.
SUSPEND: always.
The result_info contains the number of the needed media.


The agent currently is accessing this media number (for example, in the drive).
NOTE: always.
The result_info contains the number of the current media.


One or more preinstall or preremove scripts had a warning.
WARNING: always.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


One or more preinstall or preremove scripts failed.
ERROR: always.
SUSPEND: if a kernel preinstall script.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


One or more filesets had warnings.
WARNING: always.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


One or more filesets had an error.
ERROR: always.
SUSPEND: if a kernel fileset had an error.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


One or more postinstall or postremove scripts had a warning.
WARNING: always.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


One or more postinstall or postremove scripts failed.
ERROR: always.
SUSPEND: if a kernel postinstall script.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


The kernel build script had a warning.
WARNING: always.


The kernel build script failed.
ERROR: always
SUSPEND: always.


One or more configure or unconfigure scripts had a warning.
WARNING: always.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


One or more configure or unconfigure scripts failed.
ERROR: always.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.


An update to the installed software collection catalog or distribution catalog failed.
ERROR: always.

Abort Task Result Codes

There are no additional result codes for this function.

Get Status and Log Result Codes

There are no additional result codes for this function.

Get DSA Volumes Result Codes


There are more volumes than were allocated to return.
WARNING: always.
The result_info contains the total number of volumes available.

Get DSA Impact Data Result Codes


One or more filesets requested for disk space has not be computed.
WARNING: always.
The result_info contains the number of filesets.

Get Software Collection File Result Codes


The user has insufficient privilege to perform the requested operation.
ERROR: always.


The software selection can not be found.
ERROR: always.


Failed getting the file due to I/O error.
ERROR: always.


Generic source access failure.
ERROR: always.


Request for compressed file is refused due to no support or lack of cpu resources. Re-request the file without compression.
ERROR: always.


File is missing from remote software collection.
ERROR: always.


Options are passed as name=value strings in the control_options parameter of each RPC call. This section describes the POSIX 1387.2 standard as well as the XDSA-DCE options that the XDSA-DCE implementation currently recognizes.

The RPC interface is designed to be extensible for implementation specific extensions. If a server (daemon or agent) gets an option it does not recognize however, the call fails (see result codes). The caller can retry the call with a different set of options, for example only using the options defined in the standard.

Register Options

These are passed in the sw_rpc_get_depots(), sw_register_depot(), sw_unregister_depot() and sw_rpc_is_depot_registered() functions.

The POSIX 1387.2 standard options that are passed via the RPC include he following (with the default values when used with these functions):



Analyze and Execute Task Options

These are passed in the sw_rpc_analyze_task() function for the appropriate commands (the commands to which they apply). Each call to analyze task resets these options (so that different analysis behavior can be effected. Only the loglevel option affects execute task.

The POSIX 1387.2 standard options that are passed via the RPC include the following (with their default values):



























The rest of the POSIX 1387.2 standard options are resolved in the context of the manager (for example for source and target selection).

XDSA-DCE supports additional options to control the behavior of the analyze and execute operations.


Defines the list of attributes supplied via the POSIX 1387.2 standard -a option. The value is a space separated list of attribute=value pairs. Since the list is space separated, any value containing whitespace needs to be quoted.

Applies to swmodify.


Defines the path to the catalog file or directory supplied via the POSIX 1387.2 standard -c option.

Applies to swmodify, swinstall and swconfig.


Empowers each target agent to use its own configured alternate source, instead of the one specified by the user. If false, each target agent will use the same source, namely the source specified by the user and validated by the command.

Applies to swcopy and swinstall.


Register a newly created distribution with the local host object. This action allows other XDSA-DCE commands to automatically "see" this distribution. If set to false, a new distribution will not be automatically registered. (It can be registered later with the swreg command.)

Applies to swcopy.


Register a newly created installed software collection with the local host object. This action allows other XDSA-DCE commands to automatically "see" this installed software collection. If set to false, a new installed software collection will not be automatically registered. (It can be automatically registered later with the swreg command).

Applies to swinstall.


Attempt to automatically mount all filesystems in the filesystem table at the beginning of the analysis phase, to ensure that all listed filesystems are mounted before proceeding. This policy helps to ensure that files which may be on unmounted filesystems are available. If set to false, the mount operation is not attempted, and no check of the current mounts is performed.

Applies to swcopy, swinstall, swconfig, swverify and swremove.


Causes all the files in a fileset to always be re-installed, even when the file already exists at the target and is identical to the new file. If set to false, files that have the same checksum (see next option), size and timestamp will not be re-installed. This check enhances performance on slow networks or slow discs.

Applies to swcopy and swinstall.


When the reinstall_files option is set to false, this option causes the checksums of the new and old file to be compared to determine if the new file should replace the old one. If set to false, the checksums are not computed, and files are (not) reinstalled based only on their size and timestamp.

Applies to swcopy and swinstall.

Get Status and Log Options

These are passed in the sw_rpc_get_task_status_and_log() function.


Used to designate getting interim status.


Used to designate getting log data.


Used to get the log data from the beginning, as opposed to only from the offset last retrieved.

Get Software Collection File Options

These options are passed in the sw_rpc_get_soc_file() function:


Used to designate whether the file requested is a regular file or a control file.

The POSIX 1387.2 standard options that are passed via the RPC include the following:


When set to true, the file is compressed before transfer.


Identifies the compression type, if compression is used.

Miscellaneous RPC Options

XDSA-DCE defines other options related to the RPC listed here:


Defines the protocol sequences and endpoints which should be used to contact the daemon when DCE naming is not being used. This is not passed through an RPC but used to contact the remote daemon.

Applies to all commands.


Relative length of the communications timeout. Higher values mean longer times; you may need a higher value for a slow or busy network. Also passed through the RPC and used by the target when contacting the source.

Applies to all commands.


Defines the polling interval used by interactive (GUI) sessions. It specifies how often each target agent will be polled to obtain status information about the task being performed. When operating across wide-area networks, the polling interval can be increased to reduce network overhead.

Applies to all commands.

DCE Naming Service Options

These options are used to define the interface to DCE naming. They are not passed via the RPC, but used to find daemons when DCE naming is used.


When set to false, there is no requirement for DCE naming. When set to true, naming features for the commands are supported. These features include retrieving target and source daemons, including the rpc binding to those daemons.


The default group name in the DCE namespace where the daemon registers its server name. This allows all target servers to be found easily. This option only applies when DCE naming services are available.


The default group name in the DCE namespace where the daemon registers its server name if it is serving one or more distributions. This allows all source servers to be found easily. This option only applies when DCE naming services are available.


The default location in the DCE namespace for the daemon to register itself. The "%s" is replaced by the local hostname. This option only applies when DCE naming services are available.

DCE Security Service Options

These options are used to define the interface to DCE security. The authentication_service and protection_level are not passed via the RPC, and are configurable by the user. The others are automatically generated and are communicated to the target and source daemons and agents.


When set to internal, there is no requirement for DCE security service. The internal security mechanism is used. When set to dce_secret, DCE security service is used.


This is the protection level for DCE data protection ( none, connect, call, pkt, pkt_integ, pkt_privacy). The manager specifies the protection level for any particular session. The daemon and agent can be configured for what minimum level of protection they will accept.


This is how the user part of the caller information (principals) is passed across the RPC when XDSA-DCE internal security is used.


This is how the group part of the caller information (principals) is passed across the RPC when XDSA-DCE internal security is used.


This is how the realm part of the caller information (principals) is passed across the RPC when XDSA-DCE internal security is used.


This is the encrypted secret used for XDSA-DCE internal security authentication. For the daemon or agent to accept a request, they must have previously been configured for this secret.


These are used to support delegation for both internal and DCE security modes. This is how the user part of the initiator information is passed from the target agent to the source agent (the initiator being the manager user).


These are used to support delegation for both internal and DCE security modes. This is how the group part of the initiator information is passed from the target agent to the source agent (the initiator being the manager user).


These are used to support delegation for both internal and DCE security modes. This is how the realm part of the initiator information is passed from the target agent to the source agent (the initiator being the manager user).

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