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UMA Data Capture Interface (DCI)
Copyright © 1997 The Open Group

DCI Architectural Description


The Data Capture Interface is the lowest layer in the UMA performance metrics architecture. The problem the DCI must solve is how to transmit metrics efficiently from the various sources or providers to the metric consumers or upper architectural layers.

In addition to the responsibility of transferring system metrics, the DCI design must also meet the goals laid down in the introduction. The design of the interface must be especially concerned with the goals of extensibility, portability, and with gathering of metrics from multiple sources.

The problem to be solved by the DCI is a communications problem, in this case, the communication of system metrics between multiple information providers and multiple information consumers where all of the providers and consumers reside on a single system. Although metrics information comes from a single system, the "system" is not a monolithic entity, but a collection of services. These services include the operating system (what is traditionally thought of as the "system"), user space server programs, and applications. Thus it is useful, in spite of the DCI single system scope, to describe the solution in networking terms.

The DCI solution can be seen in Generalised Data Capture Architecture .

Figure: Generalised Data Capture Architecture

In Generalised Data Capture Architecture , the collection of system metrics are made available by multiple metric providers. The set of providers for a system is the total supply of that system's performance metrics. In addition to the providers, there are a variable number of applications that are potential metric consumers. The consumer applications could be the final consumer for the performance information or they could be acting as an intermediary. These metric consumers could form the lower level of system performance display or collection programs. They could also be network applications which forward and/or accumulate performance information from multiple systems. As indicated by the arrows, metrics flow from the providers to the consumers.

Both the providers and consumers use the same interface - the DCI - to perform their tasks, although they use different aspects of that interface. The "service" provided by the DCI is a set of functions that can be used by the metrics providers and consumers. These functions give providers the ability to transmit metrics and consumers to receive metrics without prior knowledge of each other's existence or of the underlying transport mechanism. This work is carried out invisibly by the underlying service, referred to as the DCI metrics service or server.

The concepts of "provider" and "consumer" refer to roles adopted with respect to the interface. Any particular software entity is free to adopt each of these roles as required. In particular, whilst a provider may obtain performance data by "private" means, it may also obtain such data by being a consumer. Such a situation may arise, for example, where a provider used basic performance data to provide performance information which related to higher level entities within a system.

Thus the Data Capture Interface can be completely described by its set of functions, the structure of the transmitted data, and the behaviour of the DCI Server. The details of this specification can be found in Overview of the DCI Specification . The rest of this chapter provides sufficient background information to enable the reader to understand the context for this specification. This section describes the services provided by the Data Capture Interface, the means by which those services are provided, the components that make up the DCI, and where those components reside.

The relationships between consumers, providers, and the DCI service can be seen in Data Capture Architecture . In comparison to Generalised Data Capture Architecture , this diagram identifies the main DCI elements. It shows that the Data Capture Interface corresponds to a service boundary layer for providers and consumers. This boundary represents the scope of the DCI specification.

Figure: Data Capture Architecture

DCI Services

The DCI provides two primary services:

In its role as a metrics transport mechanism, the DCI allows consumers to acquire metrics without having any inherent knowledge of their source. Likewise, providers can transmit metrics without any knowledge of their destination. This metrics transport service is analogous to a layer in a network architecture.

The reader should note that the scope of the DCI is limited to transporting metrics between providers and consumers on a single system.

Most systems have multiple transport mechanisms that can be used to pass data between the metrics providers and the metrics consumers. These mechanisms can be divided into two classes. The first class requires the metrics provider to actively participate in the transport. The second class requires no action on the part of the metric provider other than the registration and maintenance of the statistics.

An example of the latter class is shared memory: the metrics provider indicates the location of its metric to the DCI service, and the service then provides this address to interested metrics consumers. An example of a transport mechanism which requires provider action is sockets: the metrics provider would have to wait for and reply to consumer requests for its metrics.

The type of transport is unspecified and completely up to the DCI implementor. A sample of possible transport mechanisms are shared memory, proc file system, Streams, Mach messages, sockets, pipes, remote procedure calls, and files. An implementation could even use more than one type of transport mechanism. An example is the use of system calls to acquire kernel metrics and a user space IPC mechanism, such as shared memory, to acquire application metrics.

It is very important to realise that the type of transport mechanism is invisible to the providers and consumers. What is specified by the DCI is a small set of generic methods that providers can use to send their metrics. When a provider registers its metrics in the name space, it specifies the method to be used by that provider to supply metric values. When a consumer queries a metric's value, the particular method registered by the metric provider is invoked to obtain the desired data.

The second service provided by the DCI is maintenance of a metrics name space. The name space consists of a hierarchical structure which lists the metrics that have been registered by all providers. The programming interface specifies the structure of this name space, the provider routines for registering and unregistering new metrics in this space, and the consumer routines to interrogate the name space. Additional information maintained within the name space includes attribute structures describing metric data layout and type, as well as implementation defined access control information.

The DCI Server stores metric attribute structures. These structures describe the characteristics of each metric and are used to allow the metrics to be self-identifying. Metrics consumers do not have to have any prior knowledge about metric characteristics such as its data type, units, etc.

The DCI Server stores access control information. Different systems have varying requirements for how strictly system information should be restricted. The specification of a hierarchical name space and the storage and use of access control information in that name space allows the DCI to meet the range of requirements. The choice of how much access control is used is entirely up to the implementation, this specification simply makes access control possible. This subject is described in more detail in Secure Implementation , which covers secure implementation strategies.

The metric server's maintenance of a name space implies that a long term relationship has been established between a provider and the server. The extent to which this relationship is preserved in the event of subsystem failure is implementation defined. In particular, the impact of the abnormal termination of the server (or any provider) on metrics that have been registered in the namespace must be defined by the implementation.

DCI Components

As can be seen in Data Capture Architecture , the entire metrics acquisition architecture consists of:

The drawn boundary very definitely does not indicate the division of functions between system and user address spaces. Any system specific mechanisms necessary to provide the service functions and metrics transport are not within the scope of this specification. This restriction of the scope of this specification makes it possible to meet the goals of implementation on a wide range of systems and support for application metrics.

Also the existence in Data Capture Architecture of a box labeled DCI Server does not impose a requirement that all server functions reside within a single software module. DCI implementations can divide the server functions between the library and any service provider in the manner appropriate for the target system. As an example, the DCI services could be implemented with multiple DCI Servers, for performance reasons. Alternatively, there could be no DCI Server but the Data Capture services could be implemented entirely in the library routines.

Metrics Name Space

Metrics are individual units of information. They correspond either to data acquired in a polled manner (for example, statistical information such as dispatch_count, transaction_count, or configuration/status information such as number_of_disks), or to data delivered in the form of an event (for example, thread_termination).

Metrics are grouped into metric classes. For example, all statistics relating to per-thread cpu statistics could be grouped into a single metric class. A metric class is only a template: it must be instantiated by a metric provider before the actual data available for the class's metrics can be identified. For example, the provider of per-thread cpu statistics would instantiate this class for each thread. The thread_id would then provide the additional information required to identify a specific thread's cpu metrics.

The purpose of the DCI metric name space is to establish a unique name for a metric. This name consists of three parts:

A fully qualified metric name consists of a metric class identifier, a metric instance identifier and a metric datum identifier. Once a name for a metric has been registered by a metrics provider, this name can be returned by the library routines which list registered metrics, and can also be used as an argument to routines that return values for the metric. The textual form of the metric name can be written as:

{ {DCIClassId} {DCIInstanceId} {DCIDatumId} }

The metric class identifier names an abstraction, meaning that the name has no physical representation in the system. Metric class identifiers indicate a unique location in the metric class hierarchy. For example, a metric class identifier of {datapool cpu per_thread} might indicate the class of per-thread cpu statistics. This name does not indicate any particular data (since the metric instance identifier, thread_id, has not been specified). Nor is a specific datum indicated (for example, dispatch_count, queue_length). The metric class identifier identifies a class (or template, record or struct) containing metric datum identifiers. This class is instantiated by the provider for a particular set of instance identifiers, that is, threads.

When used with a metric class identifier, the metric instance identifier uniquely identifies a specific metric class instantiation. The instance identifier can correspond directly to some system object, such as a process identifier, a device number, etc. Like the metric class identifier, the instance identifier can have multiple levels. This flexibility allows for multi-dimensional metric classes, for example, per-thread/per-disk I/O statistics. The metric class identifier for such a class might be {datapool io per_thread per_disk}; a metric instance identifier would consist of two parts: a thread_id and a disk_id - for example, {8145 disk0}.

Note that there is a special kind of instance identifier that is used for classes that have a single instantiation. Such classes typically include metrics of a global (or system-wide) nature, for example, refer to the global physical I/O counters class in the Data Pool Definitions specification. Such classes are registered as having UMA_SINGLEINST instance types. The consumer then provides an instance identifier of 0 to reference this single instance. See DCIInstLevel for elaboration on the instance level structure (DCIInstLevel); it is this structure that describes the attributes of instance identifiers. See also the <uma.h> file for specifics regarding instance types.

When used with a metric class identifier and a metric instance identifier, the metric datum identifier serves to uniquely name a metric. This metric corresponds either with a statistic (for example, dispatch_count), or an event (for example, thread termination). A special value (or wildcard) for the metric datum identifier can be provided to indicate that all metrics within an instantiated class are involved in a particular DCI operation.

Although DCI operations are optimised for transfer of information at the instantiated class level, one can also perform operations at the metric datum (within an instantiated class) level. This ability is used, for example, to wait for individual events or collections of individual events which are not members of the same class. The datum identifier specifies a metric within a fully qualified class and instance identifier.

Consider the following complete name space example illustrating the class "I/O Device Data" and subclass "Disk Device Data". This example is drawn from the companion specification, UMA Performance Measurement Data Pool Definition (see reference DPD). The disk device data subclass could have a metric datum that returns "Number of Blocks Read". This metric class could be represented symbolically as:

{ datapool io_data disk_data }

or the corresponding numeric name, such as 1.11.2. Note that only a single 4 byte integer is used for each level in the metric class hierarchy.

If one were interested in collecting only the number of blocks read for disk0, then the metric identifier used in the DCI routines must explicitly list the class, instance, and datum. This can be represented symbolically as:

{ { datapool io_data disk_data } { disk0 } { blocks_read } }

Like the metric class identifier, the instance identifier can have multiple levels. Unlike the metric class identifier, each instance identifier level represents an instance of an existing system value and can be multiple bytes long.

Extending the above example, if a machine has a complicated I/O system that consists of a channel/bus/controller/disk hierarchy, then the number of blocks read on the first channel, second bus, first controller, and second drive would be identified by:

{ { datapool io_data disk_data_by_busaddress } { chan1 bus2 cont1 disk2 } { blocks_read } }

These examples serve to introduce but not explicitly define the DCI name space. Refer to the specification in Overview of the DCI Specification for more detail.

Secure Implementation

The issue of secure implementations of this programming interface must be addressed since the problem being solved by the DCI Server is in the class of applications that are most affected by security policy: applications that manage decentralised information on a single system. Also, the design of a secure programming interface cannot be an afterthought since it is exceedingly difficult to retrofit security into an existing design without changing the nature of the design. If we then couple these requirements with the fact that the trend is for higher system security levels to be increasingly important in procurement specifications, the motivation for secure implementations is clear.

There is an important point to keep in mind here. Although this specification describes how to implement a secure version of the programming interface, it does not mandate a particular security level. The choice of how secure a particular implementation should be is for the designer to decide. This programming interface should be flexible enough so that security levels can range from no security checks at all to the highest mandated standards without any modification to the interfaces.

In summary, a secure implementation must be able to allow for discretionary and mandatory access control, and it must prevent the creation of covert timing and storage channels. To this end, this specification adapts a key principle in security: economy of mechanism. This principle means that a system's existing security mechanisms should be used for the implementation of secure access control to metrics. The implication is that this specification will allow for the use of those controls but not specify what those controls are nor how they are implemented. The advantage to this approach, from a security perspective, is that this interface will use known, proven, access control subsystems.

Several features have been added to the design to explicitly support secure implementations. The class/subclass hierarchy fits nicely into a security model. It allows the hierarchy to be ordered from least to most privileged information. There are some side effects to this hierarchical ordering. First, there must be separate metrics hierarchies for each subject. To allow multiple subjects with different access levels to register metrics at the same hierarchical level would create a security nightmare. This implies that the total metrics name space consists of a root, a level containing each class of provider's metrics, and sublevels for the metrics' classes and subclasses.

Each request to obtain or modify metrics, classes or instances is subject to a security check, if the implementation supports it. The consumer's access is checked against the access registered for the requested metrics class and instance. If wildcards are used to request multiple classes or instances then access is checked against the entire branch of metrics.

Another aspect of the design that is affected by security is the requirement that a chosen transport mechanism must be capable of asynchronously notifying the DCI Server that a provider has exited without unregistering metrics. This notification is necessary to allow the server to collect and discard defunct branches of the metrics name space.

From a practical point of view, most designers will choose to use file system access control mechanisms for their secure implementations. The file system used for the metrics hierarchy should be modelled after mechanisms used to implement secure temporary file systems. The latter solves the problem of how to handle file access to the same root by providing a multi-level directory access mechanism. For example, subjects with the highest access level could see all the files in the temporary file system while those with lower levels could only see those files appropriate to their level. (Some secure systems mandate that not only can a subject not have access to an illegal object but it cannot even know that the object exists.)

A final point in this section is that even though an existing file system is used for access control, there is no requirement that the file system also be used for data transport. There is a separation between the need to verify a consumer's access to metrics and how those metrics are delivered from the provider to the consumer.

Operating System Interaction

On implementations which supply the C library routines fork, exec and exit, certain requirements are made. It is implementation-defined whether a process which is currently using an initialised DCI subsystem and which may have open handles, pending events, or other DCI state, will transmit this state to its forked child. It is implementation-defined whether the forked child will be able to issue DCI calls without error.

A process that overlays itself with a new image by using the exec system call does not inherit any DCI state that the previous image had; all DCI handles the previous image had open are closed, instances provided by the previous image are implicitly removed, classes registered by the previous image which have no remaining instances are implicitly unregistered, and all DCI resources that the previous image held are returned to the system. Resources which have been explicitly defined as persistent will not be reclaimed due to the exec system call. An example of persistent state which will continue to exist in the system after an image overlayed itself using the exec system call, is class attribute information with the DCI_PERSISTENT_CLASS flag set which was registered with the dciRegister() call.

Upon termination of a process, for example, by using the exit system call, all its DCI handles are closed, all its pending event information is lost, all instances provided by the process are implicitly removed, all classes registered by the process which have no remaining instances are unregistered, and all DCI resources that this process held are returned to the system. Resources which have been explicitly defined as persistent will not be reclaimed at process termination. An example of persistent state which will continue to exist in the system after a process terminated, is class attribute information with the DCI_PERSISTENT_CLASS flag set which was registered with the dciRegister() call.

Overview of DCI Functions

There are four primary classifications of DCI functions:

The consumer functions allow metric consumers to traverse the DCI name space, acquire metric class and data attributes, and obtain data. Metric class attributes consist of that data which describes the metrics to be collected, and these are commonly known as metadata. Metric class attributes consist of, among other things, a text label, access control information, units, data type, and offset within the collected data buffer.

The provider functions allow metric providers to modify the name space by registering or unregistering metric classes, adding or deleting instances of those classes. These functions also allow providers to communicate with the DCI server to provide polled metrics to consumers. The set of communication functions used depends on the method the provider has registered with the DCI service when adding an instance of a metric class to the name space.

The event functions cover both the provider and consumer categories, and are used to transmit event information. The event functions transmit events directly from provider to consumer.

The other functions consist of configuration requests, security management and metric modification. These requests may be handled entirely by the DCI Server or made visible to the provider, if it has indicated an interest.

Typical Use of DCI Functions

This section is a tutorial introduction to how the DCI functions can be used by applications. It is intended to illustrate the use of the DCI in support of various performance measurement functions.

As noted in Scope , the DCI provides the programming interface for the lowest layer of a metrics architecture. As such, there are many different applications for which the DCI is an important interface. Below are a few examples:

Polled Data Acquisition

This simple application collects disk configuration information. Data is collected once every 10 seconds, and interval statistics are computed and printed. The application knows the location of the desired metrics in the name space since the programmer consulted the Data Pool Definition documentation for the target system. The steps this application takes are:

  1. Initialise a connection to the DCI subsystem.

  2. Open a set of metrics desired and use the resulting handle for the dciGetData() call. (This handle can be used subsequently to obtain informational messages about new instances that have been created within the metric id list specified.)

  3. Obtain the class attributes structure. This will be needed for subsequent parsing of instance structures and returned data for metrics in this class.

  4. Poll "forever", collecting system statistics. After each poll, the return status is checked to ensure that the call succeeded. If successful, the data is passed along to a routine which will check each return value, and extract the data to be computed and printed. After the data is printed, the data buffer is freed and the poll restarted.

  5. When complete (a fatal interruption of the dciGetData() in the case of this program), close the handle and disconnect from the DCI Server.

Of course, error checking has been minimised to produce a simple coding example.

This example uses macros or function calls which are not part of the API, but if such functionality was available, a sample output for a system with a single disk would look like the following:

****** Polled the metrics @ Wed Sep 14 13:44:45 1994
capacity                        c3780
sector_size                      1000
track_size                       c000
addr                             e002
major                               1
minor                            6200
channel_paths                       4
status                              1
vendor                       The Disk Vendor
vendor_designation           The Disk Model
cu_vendor_designation        The Controller Model

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/dci.h>
extern int errno;

extern DCIMetricId *makemetricid();

/* first level */
#define DATAPOOL    2   /* from Data Pool Definition documentation */
/* second level */
#define SYSTEM_CONFIG  11
/* third level */
#define DISK        10

/* macro to extract the classid from a metric id */
#define getDCIClassIdfromDCIMetricId(x) ((DCIClassId*)((char*)(x) + (x)->classId.offset))

    DCIMetricId *midp=0;
    DCIClassId *cidp;               /* class for time metrics */
    DCIReturn  *returneddata=0;     /* generic return buffer */
    DCIReturn  *classattrdata=0;    /* classattribute data */
    DCIRetval  *rtvl;               /* individual return status */
    DCIStatus status;               /* return status of functions */
    DCIClassAttr *classattr;        /* pointer the class attributes */
    DCIHandle handle;               /* descriptor returned from dciOpen */
    int class[] = { DATAPOOL, SYSTEM_CONFIG, DISK}; /* metric class desired */
    int polling = 1;        /* if 1, continue to poll */
    void *thedata;          /* pointer to the returned data */

    /* initialise the connection to the DCI Server */
    status = dciInitialize(DCIVersion *) NULL, (DCIVersion *) NULL);
    if (!(status & DCI_SUCCESS)) {
        dciPerror (status, errno, 0, "dciInitialize failed");

    /* make a metric id using an application provided function and
     * the specified class. The metric id will contain wildcards
     * in all instance levels.
    midp = makemetricid(class, 3);

    /* open up the metric. Let the library allocate the return data buffer */
    status = dciOpen(&handle, midp, 1, &returneddata, 0, 0);
    if (status & DCI_FATAL)
        goto quit;

     * obtain the class attributes. These are used to extract particular
     * metrics when a whole class of metric data is returned. The DCI
     * server will automatically allocate the correct size return
     * buffer. Extract the actual class attribute super structure
     * from the request returned data.
    cidp = getDCIClassIdfromDCIMetricId(midp);
    status = dciGetClassAttributes(handle, cidp, 1, &classattrdata, 0);
    if (status & DCI_FATAL)
        goto quit;
    rtvl = (DCIRetval *)(&classattrdata->retval);
    classattr = (DCIClassAttr *)((char *)rtvl + rtvl->dataOffset);

    while (polling) {
        /* free the return buffer for reuse */
        dciFree(returneddata);  returneddata = 0;

            /* poll for the data placing the data and return
             * status in the same buffer.
            status = dciGetData(handle, midp, 1, &returneddata, 0,
                        0, 0, (UMATimeVal *)0);

            if (status & DCI_FATAL) {
            /* application provided error printing call */
            dciPerror(status, errno, 0, "dciGetData failed");
                goto quit;

            /* the poll was successful. Call a compute-and-print
             * routine.  The routine takes the class attribute
             * structure and the data returned and derives the
             * data desired.
            rtvl = (DCIRetval *)(&returneddata->retval);
            if (rtvl->dataSize) {
                thedata = (char *)((char *)returneddata + rtvl->dataOffset);
                computeandprint(classattr, thedata);
            sleep(10);      /* the polling rate */

    /* free any buffers the library allocated, close the handle and
     * shutdown the connection to the DCI Server.
    if (midp)
    if (returneddata)
    if (classattrdata)
    status = dciClose (handle);

/* create a metric Id for the given class with wildcarded datumId
 * and instances.  Note that memory allocation has been trivialised
 * for the example. The caller must free the metric id when done.
*makemetricid(int *classarray, int numclasses)
    DCIClassId *cidp;
    DCIInstanceId *iidp;
    DCIMetricId *midp;
    int size, i;

    /* for ease of example, overallocate a DCIMetricId structure */
    midp = (DCIMetricId *)malloc(128);
    if (!midp)

    /* fill in the classid, using macros not part of the DCI API.
     * The data for the classid will be appended to the end of the
     * base DCIMetricId structure.
    midp->classId.offset = sizeof(DCIMetricId);
    cidp = (DCIClassId *)((char *)midp + midp->classId.offset);
    cidp->identifier.offset = sizeof(DCIClassId);
    cidp->identifier.count = numclasses;
    cidp->size = dcisizeof (cidp) + (numclasses * sizeof(UMAUint4));
    for (i=0;i<numclasses;i++)
        dciclassidlevel(cidp,i) = classarray[i];

   /* fill in the instanceid, using macros not part of the DCI API */
    midp->instanceId.offset = midp->classId.offset + cidp->size;
    iidp = (DCIInstanceId *)((char *)midp + midp->instanceId.offset);
    iidp->inputMask = DCI_ALL_INSTANCES;    /* wildcard overrides actual instances */
    iidp->outputMask = DCI_ALL;             
    iidp->size = sizeof(DCIInstanceId) + 4;

    /* fill in the metric id now */
    midp->datumId = DCI_ALL;        /* all metrics */
    midp->size = 128;               /* the size allocated */

/* Takes a class attribute structure and the data and prints the
 * current values.  For ease of example, assume all the data is
 * 4 bytes in size (except for textstrings) -- normally one
 * must check the data type and correctly print the data.
computeandprint(DCIClassAttr *ca, char *databuf)
    int numdatums, i, currentdata;
    char *labeltext, *currentstr;
    struct timeval tv;
    DCIDataAttr *da;

    gettimeofday(&tv, (struct timezone *)0);
    printf("****** Polled the metrics @ %s", ctime((time_t *)&tv));

    /* number of datums in the class */
    numdatums = ca->dataAttr.count;
    da = (DCIDataAttr *) dciclassattrdataattr(ca);

    /* for each datum, print the label and current value of data */
    for (i=0; i<numdatums; i++) {
        labeltext = (char *) &
            ((UMATextString *)(dcilabelascii(dcidataattrlabel(da))))->string;
            currentdata = *(int *)(databuf + da->offset);
            if (da->type == UMA_TEXTSTRING) {
                /* the offset actually points to a UMATextString */
                currentstr = (char *) &
                    ((UMATextString *)(databuf + currentdata))->string;
                printf("%-25.25s    %s\n", labeltext, currentstr);
            } else {
                printf("%-25.25s    %8x\n", labeltext, currentdata);
            /* next data attribute */
            da = (DCIDataAttr *)((char *)da + da->size);


Possible Implementation Strategies

There are three major decisions to make when implementing the Data Capture Interface. The implementor must decide:

These three factors, centralisation, transport, and security, dictate the size and difficulty of the implementation.

Firstly, consider centralisation. The initial architecture diagram shows all interactions going through a centralised DCI Server; however this is not an implementation requirement. The specification consists of the routines provided at the boundary layer and the behaviour of the underlying transport mechanism, and not the implementation details. Decentralised DCI Implementation Example shows an implementation which uses a library to implement the programming interface. The outermost provider/consumer pair are using the DCI Server to list available metrics or register new metrics. The innermost pair are transmitting metrics in a connection that was previously established by information provided by the server. Note that the location of the DCI Server is not specified. It could be implemented in either user or system space, or in a combination of the two. An implementation could go further and eliminate a centralised DCI Server, performing all services as part of library routines.

Figure: Decentralised DCI Implementation Example

When implementing the DCI, one or more underlying transport mechanisms must be chosen. The choice of transport can be any system specific communications mechanism, such as sockets, shared memory, shared files, and various IPC mechanisms. When choosing a transport mechanism, the designer must consider the number of concurrent operations, speed, portability, if the implementation is intended for more than one operating system type, and the ability to detect inadvertent provider and consumer termination. The latter feature is important if the implementation saves connection related state, such as whether a consumer passed access control.

Finally, an implementor must choose the implementation's security level. This has the largest effect on a secondary choice, the DCI name space implementation. As mentioned in Secure Implementation , secure implementations must implement the name space using a previously implemented secure facility, such as a file system. If the implementor chooses a lower security level, then the name space can be implemented without this constraint.

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