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Systems Management: Backup Services API (XBSA)
Copyright © 1998 The Open Group

Type Definitions and Data Structures

This chapter describes the type definitions and data structures used in the XBSA interface. They are defined in a C Language Header File <xbsa.h>. A sample file is contained in C Language Header File .

Type Definitions

The following type definitions are provided for use within the XBSA interfaces.

Data Type Type Name Example Type Definition
16-bit Integer BSA_Int16 typedef short BSA_Int16;
32-bit Integer BSA_Int32 typedef int BSA_Int32;
64-bit Integer BSA_Int64 typedef struct {
    BSA_Int32 left;
    BSA_Int32 right;
    } BSA_Int64;
    /* or a single simple type if the target * platform supports a simple type that * yields a 64 bit quantity */
16-bit Unsigned Integer BSA_UInt16 typedef unsigned short BSA_UInt16;
32-bit Unsigned Integer BSA_UInt32 typedef unsigned int BSA_UInt32;
64-bit Unsigned Integer BSA_UInt 64 typedef struct {
    BSA_UInt32 left;
    BSA_UInt32 right;
    } BSA_UInt64;
    /* or a single simple type if the target * platform supports a simple type that * yields a 64 bit quantity */
Shared Memory Buffer reference BSA_ShareId <operating system dependent>

Table: Type Definitions

The 3rd column in the table above is not mandatory. The type definitions must be true to the what the type name specifies.

For 64 bit architectures, and architectures that support 64 bit quantities as a simple type, the BSA_UInt64 type may not be a structure.

Enumerated Types

The following enumerated type definitions are provided for use within the XBSA interfaces. For enumerations used in queries, the value 1 is reserved for use as a wild-card (ANY) value.


The BSA_CopyType enumeration describes the type of the operation used to create the object. It is defined as follows:
typedef enum { BSA_CopyType_ANY = 1, BSA_CopyType_ARCHIVE = 2, BSA_CopyType_BACKUP = 3 } BSA_CopyType;

The meaning of the enumeration values is as follows:

Constant Value Definition
ANY 1 Used for matching any copy type (for example, "backup" or "archive" in the copy type field of structures for selecting query results).
ARCHIVE 2 Specifies that the copy type should be "archive".
BACKUP 3 Specifies that the copy type should be "backup".

Table: BSA_CopyType Enumeration Values


The BSA_ObjectStatus enumeration describes the current status of the object. It is defined as follows:
typedef enum { BSA_ObjectStatus_ANY = 1, BSA_ObjectStatus_MOST_RECENT = 2, BSA_ObjectStatus_NOT_MOST_RECENT = 3 } BSA_ObjectStatus;

The meaning of the enumeration values is as follows:

Constant Value Definition
ANY 1 Provides a wild card function. Can only be used in queries.
MOST_RECENT 2 Indicates that this is the most recent backup copy of an object.
NOT_MOST_RECENT 3 Indicates that this is not the most recent backup copy, or that the object itself no longer exists.

Table: BSA_ObjectStatus Enumeration Values


The BSA_ObjectType enumeration describes the original data type of the object. It is defined as follows:
typedef enum { BSA_ObjectType_ANY = 1, BSA_ObjectType_FILE = 2, BSA_ObjectType_DIRECTORY = 3, BSA_ObjectType_OTHER = 4 } BSA_ObjectType;

The meaning of the enumeration values is as follows:

Constant Value Definition
ANY 1 Used for matching any object type (for example, "file" or directory") value in the object type field of structures for selecting query results.
FILE 2 Used by the application to indicate that the type of application object is a "file" or single object.
DIRECTORY 3 Used by the application to indicate that the type of application object is a "directory" or container of objects.
OTHER 4 Used by the application to indicate that the type of application object is neither a "file" nor a "directory".

Table: BSA_ObjectType Enumeration Values


The BSA_Vote enumeration describes whether or not the transaction is to be committed. It is defined as follows:
typedef enum { BSA_Vote_COMMIT = 1, BSA_Vote_ABORT = 2 } BSA_Vote;

The meaning of the enumeration values is as follows:

Constant Value Definition
COMMIT 1 The transaction is to be committed.
ABORT 2 The transaction is to be aborted.

Table: BSA_Vote Enumeration Values

Constant Values

The following constants are defined for use in the XBSA interfaces:

Constant Value Definition
[BSA_ANY] 1 General-purpose enumeration wild-card value
[BSA_MAX_APPOBJECT_OWNER] 64 Max end-user object owner length
[BSA_MAX_BSAOBJECT_OWNER] 64 Max BSA object owner length
[BSA_MAX_DESCRIPTION] 100 Description field
[BSA_MAX_OBJECTSPACENAME] 1024 Max ObjectSpace name length
[BSA_MAX_OBJECTINFO 256 Max object info size
[BSA_MAX_PATHNAME] 1024 Max path name length
[BSA_MAX_RESOURCETYPE] 31 Max resource mgr name length
[BSA_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE] 64 Max size of a security token

Table: XBSA Constants and Values

Data Structures


The BSA_ApiVersion structure describes the version of the API that is implemented. It is defined as follows:
typedef struct { BSA_UInt16 issue; BSA_UInt16 version; BSA_UInt16 level; } BSA_ApiVersion;

The usage of the structure fields is defined as follows:

Issue Number of the XBSA Specification

Version Number of the XBSA Specification

Implementation-defined version number

For implementations of the XBSA Preliminary Specification (Document Number P424), the values of the BSA_ApiVersion structure were implementation-dependent. For implementations of the XBSA Technical Standard (this document - C425), the values should be 1,1,X:

Published Document Issue Version Level
Preliminary Specification (P424) * * *
Technical Standard (C425) 1 1 X

* = implementation-dependent
Table: BSA_ApiVersion Structure Values


The BSA_DataBlock32 structure is used to pass data between an XBSA Application and the Backup Service. It is defined as follows:
typedef struct { BSA_UInt32 bufferLen; BSA_UInt32 numBytes; BSA_UInt32 headerBytes; BSA_ShareId shareId; BSA_UInt32 shareOffset; void *bufferPtr } BSA_DataBlock32;

The usage of the structure fields is defined as follows:

Field Name Definition
bufferLen Length of the allocated buffer
numBytes Actual number of bytes read from or written to the buffer, or the minimum number of bytes needed
headerBytes Number of bytes used at start of buffer for header information (offset to data portion of buffer)
shareId Value used to identify a shared memory block.
shareOffset Specifies the offset of the buffer in the shared memory block.
bufferPtr Pointer to the buffer

Table: BSA_DataBlock32 Structure Usage

The values assigned to the various structure fields would always obey the following relationships:

bufferLen >= headerBytes + numBytes trailerBytes == (bufferLen - numBytes - headerBytes)

The layout of the buffer is as follows:

Figure: BSA_DataBlock32 Buffer Layout

The header and trailer portions of the buffer are reserved for the use of the Backup Service, and should not be modified by the XBSA Application. The XBSA Application should only write to the data portion of the buffer, which is the only portion used for transferring application data.

The sizes for the header and trailer portions of the buffer that are required by the Backup Service are obtained by calling BSACreateObject() or BSAGetObject().


The BSA_ObjectDescriptor structure is used to describe an object. It is defined as follows:
#include <time.h> typedef struct { BSA_UInt32 rsv1; BSA_ObjectOwner objectOwner; BSA_ObjectName objectName; struct tm createTime; BSA_CopyType copyType; BSA_UInt64 copyId; BSA_UInt64 restoreOrder; char rsv2[31]; char rsv3[31]; BSA_UInt64 estimatedSize; char resourceType[BSA_MAX_RESOURCETYPE]; BSA_ObjectType objectType; BSA_ObjectStatus objectStatus; char rsv4[31]; char objectDescription[MAX_RC_OBJECTDESCRIPTION]; unsigned char objectInfo[BSA_MAX_OBJECTINFO]; } BSA_ObjectDescriptor;

Some of the fields in this structure are supplied by the XBSA Application (Direction = in), and some by the Backup Service (Direction = out). Some fields are optional.

The usage of the structure fields is defined as follows:

Field Name Definition Supplied By Status
rsv1 reserved field - -
objectOwner Owner of the object client optional
objectName Object name client mandatory
createTime Create time service mandatory
copyType Copy type: archive or backup client mandatory
copyId Unique object identifier service mandatory
restoreOrder Provides hints to the XBSA Application that allow it to optimize the order of object retrieval requests service optional
rsv2 reserved field - -
rsv3 reserved field - -
estimatedSize Estimated object size in bytes, may be up to (2^64 - 1) bits client mandatory
resourceType for example, UNIX file system client mandatory
objectType for example, file, directory, database client mandatory
objectStatus Most recent / Not most recent service mandatory
rsv4 reserved field - -
objectDescription Descriptive label for the object client optional
objectInfo Application-specific information client optional

Table: BSA_ObjectDescriptor Structure Usage

All values in a BSA_ObjectDescriptor must be valid before the BSA_ObjectDescriptor as a whole is valid. For enumerations valid values exclude the enumeration "ANY". For strings valid values are null-terminated.

The optional string value is the empty string. The optional restoreOrder value is zero. The optional objectInfo value is all zeros (that is, a zero-filled field).

The mandatory objectName must have a non-empty string in the pathName field. The mandatory createTime must be a valid time in UTC. The mandatory copyId must be non-zero. The mandatory resourceType must have a non-empty string value.


The BSA_ObjectName structure is the name assigned by an XBSA Application to an XBSA Object. It is defined as follows:
typedef struct { char objectSpaceName[BSA_MAX_OBJECTSPACENAME]; char pathName[BSA_MAX_PATHNAME]; } BSA_ObjectName;

The usage of the structure fields is defined as follows:

Field Name Definition
objectSpaceName Highest-level name qualifier
pathName Object name within objectspace

Table: BSA_ObjectName Structure Usage

An objectSpaceName is an optionally defined, fixed-length character string. It identifies a logical space, called an Object space, in which the object belongs. For example, an Object space may be used to identify a storage volume (for example, a disk partition, or a floppy disk), or a database in the XBSA Application's domain.

The concept of an Object space is used to provide a primary grouping of XBSA Objects, which may be used for object search by a user and/or for object management by the Backup Service. Additional groupings are provided by Filespec and by object attributes. Examples of an objectSpaceName are C: Drive and VolumeLabel=XYZ.

A pathName is a hierarchical character string that identifies an XBSA Object within an ObjectSpace.

An example of a pathName for the backup copy of a UNIX file may be its original path name and file name, for example, /documents/opengroup/backup.proposal.

The value of the delimiter used to separate name components can be obtained by calling BSAGetEnvironment().


The BSA_ObjectOwner structure is the name of the owner of an object. It is defined as follows:
typedef struct { char bsa_ObjectOwner[BSA_MAX_BSAOBJECT_OWNER]; char app_ObjectOwner[BSA_MAX_APPOBJECT_OWNER]; } BSA_ObjectOwner;

The usage of the structure fields is defined as follows:

Field Name Definition
bsa_ObjectOwner this is the name that the Backup Service authenticates
app_ObjectOwner this is the name defined by the application

Table: BSA_ObjectOwner Structure Usage

The bsa_ObjectOwner identifies an XBSA Application (for example, an XBSA Application associated with a UNIX file system located at a certain node).

An app_ObjectOwner is an optional name, such as an actual end-user name, provided by the respective XBSA Application, so that the Backup Service can provide assistance to support application-specific access control by optimizing access for the given app_ObjectOwner.

The app_ObjectOwner may have multiple components defined in the application, such as a group name and a user id. In general, it is a hierarchical character string. An app_ObjectOwner is not registered with the Backup Service. Its registration and authentication is the XBSA Application's responsibility. Examples of a typical app_ObjectOwner are Smith, AccountingDept.Clerk1 and * (unspecified).


The BSA_QueryDescriptor structure is used to query the repository in order to locate objects. It is defined as follows:
#include <time.h>; typedef struct { BSA_ObjectOwner objectOwner; BSA_ObjectName objectName; struct tm rsv1; struct tm rsv2; struct tm rsv3; struct tm rsv4; BSA_CopyType copyType; char rsv5[31]; char rsv6[31]; char rsv7[31]; BSA_ObjectType objectType; BSA_ObjectStatus objectStatus; char rsv8[100]; } BSA_QueryDescriptor;

The usage of the structure fields is defined as follows:

Field Name Definition
objectOwner Owner of the object
objectName Object name
rsv1 reserved field
rsv2 reserved field
rsv3 reserved field
rsv4 reserved field
copyType Copy type: archive or backup
rsv5 reserved field
rsv6 reserved field
rsv7 reserved field
objectType for example, file, directory, database
objectStatus Most recent / Not most recent
rsv8 reserved field

Table: BSA_QueryDescriptor Structure Usage


The BSA_SecurityToken structure contains an application-specific security token. It is defined as follows:
typedef char BSA_SecurityToken[BSA_MAX_TOKEN_SIZE];

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