pthread_kill - send a signal to a thread
#include <signal.h> int pthread_kill(pthread_t thread, int sig);
The pthread_kill() function is used to request that a signal be delivered to the specified thread.As in kill(), if sig is zero, error checking is performed but no signal is actually sent.
Upon successful completion, the function returns a value of zero. Otherwise the function returns an error number. If the pthread_kill() function fails, no signal is sent.
The pthread_kill() function will fail if:
- No thread could be found corresponding to that specified by the given thread ID.
- The value of the sig argument is an invalid or unsupported signal number.
The pthread_kill() function will not return an error code of [EINTR].
kill(), pthread_self(), raise(), <signal.h>.
Derived from the POSIX Threads Extension (1003.1c-1995)