pam_get_mapped_authtok - get mapped password for the user
#include <security/pam_appl.h>
int pam_get_mapped_authtok ( pam_handle_t *pamh, const char *target_module_username, const char *target_module_type, const char *target_authn_domain, size_t *target_authtok_len, unsigned char **target_module_authtok );
Thepam_get_mapped_authtok() function is used to obtain a password for the given user. Any authorization data required by the implementation of this interface must be present in the PAM handle. The function checks the authorization data provided in the PAM handle to ensure that the caller is authorized to retrieve the password for the target_module_username.The caller should clear memory containing the returned password immediately after using the password.
The arguments for
pam_get_mapped_authtok() are:
- pamh (in)
The PAM authentication handle, returned from a previous call topam_start() .
- target_module_username (in)
The target username used for the mapping.
- target_module_type (in)
The target authentication type; for example, UNIX.
- target_authn_domain (in)
The target domain; for example, the UNIX hostname. A NULL value may be passed to allow a default target domain to be used.
- target_authtok_len (out)
The length of the target password.
- target_module_authtok (out)
The target password.
One of the following PAM status codes shall be returned:
Successful completion.
The username supplied is not recognized.
The mapping service does not support this module type.
The mapping service does not support this module's domain.
The mapping service failed in reading/writing data.
The caller does not possess the required authority.
Failure when dynamically loading a service module.
Symbol not found.
System error.
Memory buffer error.
Conversation error.
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