Reference. Reference for the ADML DTD
The substructure of an architectural element.
(System, BindingsMap?)
This element has identifier and name attributes.
Both the start- and end-tags are required for this element.
A representation provides substructure for an individual architectural element. Representations are a mechanism both for creating hierarchical specifications and reuse. A representation consists of two parts. The system specifies the substructure. The optional bindingsmap specifies a correspondence between enitites associated with the element and the system representing its substructure. For exmple, mapping ports on a component to ports in the system representing its substructure.
The BindingsMap is optional to allow for cases where the System is empty or it is supplied by a surrounding extends clause or representation.
These elements contain Representation: Family, SystemStructure, ComponentBody, ConnectorBody, PortBody, RoleBody.
Representation contains these elements: System, BindingsMap.
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