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Directory: LDAP Features for Certification
Copyright © 2003 The Open Group

LDAP Profiles

This document defines two profiles for LDAP Certification: the BASE profile and the STANDARD profile. It also identifies features that will form part of an ADVANCED profile or of several distinct ADVANCED profiles. The definition of this profile (or of these profiles) is for further study.

BASE Profile

The BASE profile includes the most commonly used LDAP features. Applications that use only features from the BASE profile will be relatively simple to create, and can expect good interoperability with most LDAP servers.

A server supports the BASE profile if it implements all of the features marked as "BASE" in LDAP Features.


The STANDARD profile includes the most commonly implemented LDAP features. Applications that use only features from the STANDARD profile may be relatively complex to create, but can still rely on interoperability with LDAP Certified servers that support the STANDARD profile.

A server supports the STANDARD profile if it implements all of the features marked as "BASE" or as "STANDARD" in LDAP Features.


Features that are not marked as "BASE" or as "STANDARD" in LDAP Features are marked as "ADVANCED". These features are required by relatively few applications, generally of a specialized nature. Applications that do use these features are unlikely to interoperate with a wide range of LDAP servers.

The extension of profiling and certification to these features is for further study.

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