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Systems Management: Application Response Measurement (ARM) API
Copyright © 1998 The Open Group

The ARM Software Developers Kit (SDK)

The ARM SDK has been developed by the ARM Working Group of the CMG. The following information is included in this document for the convenience of application developers. Further information on the ARM SDK can be found on the World Wide Web, by following the address pointer given in Referenced Documents .


The ARM SDK contains everything you need to prepare your application for transaction monitoring. It comes with a default no-operation (NULL) shared library that contains all the function calls you will need and a header file. The NULL library allows developers to instrument and run their applications without having one of the measurement agents installed.

Additionally, the source used to create the NULL library is part of the SDK. This is provided so a shared library can be created for applications that exist on platforms not currently supported by the measurement technologies. The SDK contains NULL libraries compiled for UNIX systems (HP-UX, IBM AIX, NCR MP-RAS, and Sun Solaris) and PC based systems (OS/2, Windows NT, and Windows95). The kit installs the correct library for the system.

A C language header file is supplied for applications written in either C or C++.

The source code and header file for a logging agent is supplied for use in testing your instrumentation.

Sample programs for C/C++ are provided as examples of how to instrument applications. Examples for other programming languages from the ARM 1.0 SDK are also available on the CD-ROM and the referenced Web site.

The ARM Shared Library

The library specified here is a NULL shared library provided to resolve externals in the code. If you are working with a specific vendor's performance measurement agent you may want to use the libarm library supplied for that agent instead of the NULL library. The agent-specific library will return errors that may be helpful during development, whereas the NULL library will always return a non-error condition (0).

After installation, libarm.* shared libraries reside in the directory where the system libraries are installed. For example:

HP-UX 10.x /usr/lib/
IBM AIX /usr/lib/libarm.a
Sun Solaris /usr/lib/
NCR MP-RAS /usr/lib/
Windows NT $windir$\SYSTEM32\LIBARM32.DLL
Windows95 $windir$\SYSTEM32\LIBARM32.DLL
OS/2 (32-bit) $os2dir$\DLL\LIBARM.DLL

It is recommended that the library be used from the standard location, so that applications can locate the library in a standard location and be able to take advantage of a measurement agent once it is installed on the system.

Logging Agent

The source code for a logging agent, logagent.c, is included in the SDK, for use in testing your instrumentation.

Unlike the NULL libraries, it is only in source format, so it needs to be compiled before it can be used.

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