CSSM_HANDLE CacheHandle,
const uint32 CacheIndex,
const CSSM_CRYPTO_DATA_PTR PassPhrase)
This function recovers the private key associated with a certificate and securely stores that key in the specified cryptographic service provider. The key (and its associated certificate) are among a set of certificates and private keys contained in the cache specified by the CacheHandle.Cache entries are in unspecified order. The private key to be retrieved is specified by the CacheIndex parameter, which is a simple counter from one to the number of certificates in the cache.
The recovery process associates the private key with the public key contained in the certificate, securely stores the private key in the specified cryptographic service provider, and associates the new PassPhrase with the recovered, stored, private key.
To selectively recover private keys from the cache, the function CSSM_CL_CertRecover can be used to review recovered certificates and determine the appropriate CacheIndex to use when recovering the associated private key.
- CLHandle (input)
The handle that describes the add-in certificate library module used to perform this function.
- CacheHandle (input)
A reference handle which uniquely identifies the cache of retrieved, recovered certificates and their associated private keys.
- CacheIndex (input)
An index value that selects a certificate from the cache of retrieved, recovered certificates and associated keys. The value must be less than or equal to the number of certificates in the cache.
- CSPHandle (input)
The handle that describes the add-in CSP module where the private key is to be stored. Optionally, the CL module can use this CSP to perform additional cryptographic operations or may use another default CSP for that purpose.
- PassPhrase (input)
A pointer to the CSSM_CRYPTO_DATA structure containing the new passphrase to be associated with the recovered certificate and private key. The passphrase can be specified by immediate data in this parameter or a callback function to request a passphrase from the caller's process.
CSSM_OK if the function was successful. CSSM_FAIL if an error condition occurred. Use CSSM_GetError to obtain the error code.
Invalid Certificate Library Handle.
Invalid CSP Handle.
Invalid cache handle.
Cache index value is out of range.
Unable to store private key in CSP.
Not enough memory.
CL_CertRecoveryRequest, CSSM_CL_CertRecoveryRetrieve, CSSM_CL_CertRecover, CSSM_CL_CertAbortRecovery
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