rpc_binding_from_string_binding- returns a binding handle from a string representation of a binding handle
#include <dce/rpc.h>
void rpc_binding_from_string_binding( unsigned_char_t *string_binding, rpc_binding_handle_t *binding, unsigned32 *status);
- string_binding
- Specifies a string representation of a binding handle.
- binding
- Returns the server binding handle.
- status
- Returns the status code from this routine. The status code indicates whether the routine completed successfully, or if not, why not.
Possible status codes and their meanings include:
- rpc_s_ok
- Success.
- rpc_s_protseq_not_supported
Protocol sequence not supported on this host.
The rpc_binding_from_string_binding() routine creates a server binding handle from a string representation of a binding handle.When the string_binding argument contains an object UUID, the returned binding contains the UUID that is specified. Otherwise, the returned binding contains a nil UUID.
When the string_binding argument contains an endpoint field, the returned binding is a fully bound server binding handle with a well-known endpoint. Otherwise, the returned binding is a partially bound binding handle.
When the string_binding argument contains a host address field, the returned binding contains the host address that is specified. Otherwise, the returned binding refers to the local host.
Please note that the html version of this specification may contain formatting aberrations. The definitive version is available as an electronic publication on CD-ROM from The Open Group.
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