rpc_ns_binding_import_done- deletes the import context for searching the name service database
#include <dce/rpc.h>
void rpc_ns_binding_import_done( rpc_ns_handle_t *import_context, unsigned32 *status);
- import_context
- Specifies the name service handle to delete. (A name service handle is created by calling the rpc_ns_binding_import_begin() routine.)
On success, returns the value NULL.
- status
- Returns the status code from this routine. The status code indicates whether the routine completed successfully, or if not, why not.
Possible status codes and their meanings include:
- rpc_s_ok
- Success.
The rpc_ns_binding_import_done() routine deletes an import context created by calling the rpc_ns_binding_import_begin() routine. This deletion does not affect any previously imported bindings.
- Note:
- Typically, a client calls this routine after completing remote procedure calls to a server using a binding handle returned from the rpc_ns_binding_import_next() routine. A client program calls this routine for each created import context, regardless of the status returned from the rpc_ns_binding_import_next() routine, or the success in making remote procedure calls.
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