rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin- creates a lookup context for an interface and an object in the name service database
#include <dce/rpc.h>
void rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin( unsigned32 entry_name_syntax, unsigned_char_t *entry_name, rpc_if_handle_t if_handle, uuid_t *object_uuid, unsigned32 binding_max_count, rpc_ns_handle_t *lookup_context, unsigned32 *status);
- entry_name_syntax
- An integer value that specifies the syntax of argument entry_name. (See
Name Syntax Constants for the possible values of this argument.)The value rpc_c_ns_syntax_default specifies the syntax given by the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable.
- entry_name
- The name of the entry where the search for compatible binding handles begins. The entry name syntax is identified by the argument entry_name_syntax.
To use the entry name found in the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY environment variable, the application supplies NULL or an empty string ("") for this argument. When the default entry name is used, the RPC run-time system uses the default name syntax specified in the RPC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_SYNTAX environment variable.
- if_handle
- Specifies the interface to import.
If the interface specification has not been exported or is of no concern to the caller, the application specifies NULL for this argument. In this case the bindings returned are only guaranteed to be of a compatible and supported protocol sequence and, depending on the value of argument obj_uuid, contain the specified object UUID.
- obj_uuid
- Specifies an object UUID.
If the application specifies a nil UUID for this argument, and the compatible server exported object UUIDs, binding handles returned by subsequent calls to rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next() contain one of the exported object UUIDs. If the server did not export any object UUIDs, the returned binding handles contain a nil object UUID.
If the application specifies a non-nil UUID for this argument, subsequent calls to rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next() return binding handles that contain the specified non-nil object UUID.
- binding_max_count
- Sets the maximum number of bindings to return in the binding_vector argument of the rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next() routine.
To use the default count, specify rpc_c_binding_max_count.
- lookup_context
- Returns the name service handle for use with the rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next() and rpc_ns_binding_lookup_done() routines.
- status
- Returns the status code from this routine. The status code indicates whether the routine completed successfully, or if not, why not.
Possible status codes and their meanings include:
- rpc_s_ok
- Success.
- rpc_s_unsupported_name_syntax
Unsupported name syntax.
The rpc_ns_binding_lookup_begin() routine creates a lookup context for locating compatible server binding handles for servers. Compatible binding handles are those that offer the interface and object UUIDS specified by the if_handle and obj_uuid arguments.The application must call this routine to create a lookup context before calling the rpc_ns_binding_lookup_next() routine.
After looking up binding handles, the the application calls the rpc_ns_binding_lookup_done() routine to delete the import context.
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