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Networking Services (XNS) Issue 5
Copyright © 1997 The Open Group


t_sndrel - initiate an orderly release


#include <xti.h>

int t_sndrel(
    int fd)


Parameters Before call After call
fd x /

For transport providers of type T_COTS_ORD, this function is used to initiate an orderly release of the outgoing direction of data transfer and indicates to the transport provider that the transport user has no more data to send. The argument fd identifies the local transport endpoint where the connection exists. After calling t_sndrel(), the user may not send any more data over the connection. However, a user may continue to receive data if an orderly release indication has not been received. For transport providers of types other than T_COTS_ORD, this function fails with error [TNOTSUPPORT].




On failure, t_errno is set to one of the following:

The specified file descriptor does not refer to a transport endpoint.

O_NONBLOCK was set, but the flow control mechanism prevented the transport provider from accepting the function at this time.

An asynchronous event has occurred on this transport endpoint and requires immediate attention.

This function is not supported by the underlying transport provider.

The communications endpoint referenced by fd is not in one of the states in which a call to this function is valid.

This error indicates that a communication problem has been detected between XTI and the transport provider for which there is no other suitable XTI error (t_errno).

A system error has occurred during execution of this function.


Upon successful completion, a value of 0 is returned. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and t_errno is set to indicate an error.


t_getinfo(), t_open(), t_rcvrel().


Issue 4

The SYNOPSIS section is placed in the form of a standard C function prototype.

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