T_UNBIND_REQ - Unbind Protocol Address Request
This message consists of a M_PROTO message block formatted as follows:
struct T_unbind_req { t_scalar_t PRIM_type; /* Always T_UNBIND_REQ */ };
This primitive requests that the transport provider unbind the protocol address associated with the stream and deactivate the stream.
- PRIM_type
indicates the primitive type.
This primitive requires the transport provider to generate the following acknowledgments on receipt of the primitive and that the transport user must wait for the acknowledgment before issuing any other primitives:
- Successful
Correct acknowledgment of the primitive is indicated via the T_OK_ACK primitive described in reference TPI-SMD.
- Non-fatal errors
These errors will be indicated via the T_ERROR_ACK primitive described in reference TPI-SMD.
The allowable errors are as follows:
The primitive would place the transport interface out of state.
A system error has occurred and the UNIX System error is indicated in the primitive.
Both connection-mode and connectionless-mode.
Transport user.
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