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Systems Management: Software License Use Management (XSLM)
Copyright © 1999 The Open Group

Application Program API

This chapter contains a detailed description of the callable functions included in the basic and advanced sets of the Application Program API (XAAPI).

An application can concurrently use both the basic application API set and the advanced application API set for different licenses. However, a license obtained via xslm_basic_request_license() can only be manipulated via the basic application API set, and a license obtained via xslm_adv_request_license() can only be manipulated via the advanced application API set.

Application API - Common Functions

In order to provide exploitation of licensing system functions available in a licensing system implementation, an application must have the ability to determine the XSLM functional level of the licensing system. The xslm_query_api_level() function is defined to satisfy this requirement.

A customer's licensing system may be comprised of servers from multiple implementations and/or (in the future) servers conforming to different levels of the XSLM specification. In responding to a query of the licensing system functional level, an Application Broker must return the highest implementation level supported by all license servers, as well as by the Broker itself.

XAAPI Function Usage
xslm_query_api_level() Returns the maximum API level supported by the licensing system.

Application API - The Basic Set

XAAPI Function Usage
xslm_basic_confirm() Confirms that a license is still in use.
xslm_basic_release_license() Releases a previously acquired license.
xslm_basic_request_license() Requests a license to run.

Application API - The Advanced Set

XAAPI Function Usage
xslm_adv_begin_session() Starts a license use session.
xslm_adv_confirm() Confirms that a license is still in use.
xslm_adv_end_session() Ends a license use session.
xslm_adv_log() Logs an application-specified message.
xslm_adv_query() Requests certificate-related information.
xslm_adv_record() Records application-collected usage data.
xslm_adv_release_license() Releases a previously acquired license.
xslm_adv_request_license() Requests a license to run.

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