#include <libxslm.h> xslm_uint32 xslm_query_servers( xslm_uint32 * server_buffer_length, xslm_bin_string * server_buffer, xslm_uint32 * status );
xslm_query_servers() returns server-related information for every server in the licensing system.
- server_buffer_length
As an input parameter, the length of the buffer to receive the results of the call. A value of zero on input indicates a request for the size of the buffer required to contain the all the results of the call. No data is returned in the server buffer when a value of zero is passed.As an output parameter, the length of data returned in the server buffer or the size of the buffer required to contain the entire result if the input value was zero.
Note that the buffer must be large enough to contain the entire result of the call otherwise, no data is placed in the buffer and the output value of server_buffer_length contains the buffer length needed to contain the entire result. Note also that since the server configuration may change at any time, the returned value is approximate only.
- server_buffer
Pointer to the buffer into which the license systems publisher id and publisher name are returned together with information about each license server.
- status
Completion status. Detailed error code directly addressable by the caller. This value is set to XSLM_STATUS_OK if no error occurred. For other messages, see ERRORS.
Query completed successfully
Communications problem
Problems with the license and/or certificate
Resources unavailable
Bad parameters passed
The function return value gives an overall indication of the success or failure of the call. In addition, the status parameter will be set to one of the following values, to further help point to the reason for a failed request.
- Note:
- In the future, additional values may be defined for the status variable. An application must not rely upon these being the only possible values.
Return Value Status Value Explanation XSLM_OK XSLM_STATUS_OK No errors occurred XSLM_COMM_ERR XSLM_COMM_UNAVAIL Communications problem XSLM_NO_SVRS_FOUND License server not responding XSLM_RESRC_UNAVL XSLM_NO_RES Local platform specific environmental problems XSLM_SERVER_ERROR Unrecoverable environmental error was encountered by the license server XSLM_PARM_ERR XSLM_BAD_PARM One or more parameters were not correct XSLM_BAD_BUFFER_LENGTH The non-zero value for the buffer length was too small for the certificate being retrieved
A sequence of data elements, LICENSE_SERVER_ID (seeData Elements for details), unless the buffer is not large enough to contain the complete results of the query, in which case no data is returned.
xslm_query_server_info() .
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