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DCE 1.1: Directory Services
Copyright © 1997 The Open Group

CDS Status and Error Codes

CDS Status Messages lists the set of defined status messages that may be returned by the CDS protocol.

Table: CDS Status Messages

Status Name Code Description
[CDS_SUCCESS] 1 Operation completed successfully.
[CDS_INVALIDARGUMENT] 1001 Invalid argument.
[CDS_INVALIDNAME] 1002 Invalid name.
[CDS_NONSRESOURCES] 1003 Insufficient local resources to process request.
[CDS_NOCOMMUNICATION] 1004 Unable to communicate with any CDS server.
[CDS_ACCESSDENIED] 1005 Insufficient rights to perform requested operation.
[CDS_CANNOTAUTHENTICATE] 1006 Requesting principal could not be authenticated to the clearinghouse.
[CDS_CONFLICTINGARGUMENTS] 1007 Conflicting arguments specified.
[CDS_TIMEOUTNOTDONE] 1008 Timeout occurred, operation not performed.
[CDS_TIMEOUTMAYBEDONE] 1009 Timeout occurred, operation may have completed.
[CDS_ENTRYEXISTS] 1011 Specified fully-qualified global name already exists.
[CDS_UNKNOWNENTRY] 1012 Requested entry does not exist.
[CDS_NOTSUPPORTED] 1013 Requested function not supported by this version of the architecture.
[CDS_NOTIMPLEMENTED] 1014 Requested optional function is not implemented.
[CDS_INVALIDUPDATE] 1015 Specified attribute cannot be modified.
[CDS_UNKNOWNCLEARINGHOUSE] 1016 Specified clearinghouse does not exist.
[CDS_NOTAREPLICA] 1017 Specified clearinghouse does not contain a copy of the directory.
[CDS_ALREADYREPLICA] 1018 Specified clearinghouse already contains a copy of the directory.
[CDS_CRUCIALREPLICA] 1019 Cannot delete crucial replica.
[CDS_NOTEMPTY] 1020 Directory must be empty to be deleted.
[CDS_NOTLINKED] 1021 Specified name exists but is not a soft link.
[CDS_POSSIBLECYCLE] 1022 Possible cycle in soft links detected.
[CDS_DANGLINGLINK] 1023 Specified soft link points to non-existent entry.
[CDS_NOTAGROUP] 1024 Not a group.
[CDS_CLEARINGHOUSEDOWN] 1025 Requested clearinghouse exists but is not available.
[CDS_BADEPOCH] 1026 Directory replicas are not synchronised.
[CDS_BADCLOCK] 1027 Server clocks are not synchronised.
[CDS_DATACORRUPTION] 1028 Data corruption detected at clearinghouse.
[CDS_WRONGATTRIBUTETYPE] 1029 Specified attribute type is incorrect.
[CDS_MORETHANONEREPLICA] 1030 Replica set of specified directory contains more than one replica.
[CDS_CANTPUTHERE] 1031 Replica of specified directory cannot be created in old clearinghouse.

Status Name Code Description
[CDS_OLDSKULK] 1032 Skulk in progress terminated, superseded by more recent skulk.
[CDS_UNTRUSTEDCH] 1033 Server process has insufficient access to clearinghouse.
[CDS_VERSIONSKEW] 1034 Replica cannot be added to old clearinghouse.
[CDS_NEWVERSIONSKEW] 1035 Old replica cannot be included in new replica set.
[CDS_NOTNAMESERVER] 1100 Operation can only be performed on a server node.
[CDS_WRONGSTATE] 1101 Responding entity in wrong state to process requested operation.
[CDS_BADNICKNAME] 1102 Specified nickname already assigned to another namespace.
[CDS_LOCALONLY] 1103 This operation cannot be performed remotely.
[CDS_NOTROOT] 1104 This operation must be performed on master copy of root directory.
[CDS_NOTCHDIRECTORY] 1105 Specified directory does not allow clearinghouse name storage.
[CDS_ROOTLOST] 1106 Requested operation would result in lost connectivity to root directory.
[CDS_CANNOTUPGRADE] 1107 Cannot upgrade replica in old clearinghouse.
[CDS_UNDERSPECIFIEDNAME] 1108 Specified name is not stored in a clearinghouse.
[CDS_UNKNOWNATTRIBUTE] 1109 Requested attribute does not exist.
[CDS_NOTINCELL] 1110 The name provided is not a part of the current cell.
[CDS_NOT_AN_ALIAS] 1111 The name provided was not an alias or the current cell name.
[CDS_PREFERRED_EXISTS] 1112 You cannot supersede a primary cell alias with a normal cell alias of the same name.
[CDS_CANNOT_REM_PREFERRED] 1113 You cannot remove the current primary cell alias (current cell name).
[CDS_MISSING_ALLUPTO] 1114 Unable to modify the cell aliases because the root directory is missing the AllUpTo attribute.
[CDS_REM_NOT_SAFE] 1115 You cannot remove an alias until the primary alias is considered safe.
[CDS_MULT_PREFERRED] 1116 Multiple primary aliases have been detected in the CDS_CellAliases attribute.
[CDS_CANNOT_REM_CELLNAME] 1117 You cannot remove the current cellname alias.
[CDS_ALIASTOOLONG] 1118 The supplied cellname is required to be < 255 bytes in length.
[CDS_LOWDIRVERSION] 1119 For cellname commands, the CDS_DirectoryVersion attribute is required to be 4.0 or greater.
[CDS_ALIASCYCLE] 1120 The supplied cellname would result in a hierarchical cycle.

Status Name Code Description
[CDS_MISSING_DIRECTORYVERSION] 1121 Unable to modify the cell aliases because the root directory is missing the DirectoryVersion attribute.
[CDS_ALIASTOOSHORT] 1122 The supplied cellname is required to have two simple names for an alias and three simple names for a child alias.
[CDS_NOTPREFERREDHIERARCHY] 1123 The proposed parent name is not its cellname or primary alias.
[CDS_NOPREFERRED_EXISTS] 1124 There is no existing primary alias for the local cell.
[CDS_CLERKBUG] 1998 Implementation-specific error.
[CDS_NAMESERVERBUG] 1999 Software error detected in server.
[CDS_ACCESSVIOLATION] 2000 Access violation.
[CDS_RESOURCEERROR] 2001 Insufficient resources to process request.
[CDS_NOROOM] 2025 Insufficient room in buffer.

Please note that the html version of this specification may contain formatting aberrations. The definitive version is available as an electronic publication on CD-ROM from The Open Group.

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