sec_rgy_attr_sch_update_entry-Update a schema entry
#include <dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h> void sec_rgy_attr_sch_update_entry( sec_rgy_handle_t context, sec_attr_component_name_t schema_name, sec_attr_schema_entry_parts_t modify_parts, sec_attr_schema_entry_t *schema_entry, error_status_t *status);
- context
An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open() to acquire a bound handle.
- schema_name
Reserved for future use.
- modify_parts
A value of type sec_attr_schema_entry_parts_t that identifies the fields in schema_entry that can be modified.
- schema_entry
A pointer to a sec_attr_schema_entry_t that contains the schema entry values for the schema entry to be updated.
- status
A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error.
The sec_rgy_attr_sch_update_entry() routine modifies schema entries. Only those schema entry fields set to be modified in the sec_attr_schema_entry_parts_t data type can be modified.Some schema entry components can never be modified. Instead to make any changes to these components, the schema entry must be deleted (which deletes all attribute instances of that type) and recreated. The schema entry components that can never be modified are listed below:
- Attribute name
- Reserved flag
- Apply defaults flag
- Intercell action flag
- Trigger binding
- Comment
Fields that are arrays of structures (such as acl_mgr_set and trig_binding) are completely replaced by the new input array. This operation cannot be used to add a new element to the existing array.
Permissions Required
The sec_rgy_attr_sch_update_entry() routine requires the M permission on the schema object.
- /usr/include/dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.idl
The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h was derived.
- error_status_ok
The call was successful.
- sec_attr_bad_acl_mgr_set
Invalid acl_mgr_set specified.
- sec_attr_bad_acl_mgr_type
Invalid acl manager type.
- sec_attr_bad_bind_authn_svc
Invalid authentication service specified in binding auth_info.
- sec_attr_bad_bind_authz_svc
Invalid authorization service specified in binding auth_info.
- sec_attr_bad_bind_info
Invalid binding information.
- sec_attr_bad_bind_prot_level
Invalid protection level specified in binding auth_info.
- sec_attr_bad_bind_svr_name
Invalid server name specified in binding auth_info.
- sec_attr_bad_comment
Invalid comment text specified.
- sec_attr_bad_intercell_action
Invalid intercell action specified.
- sec_attr_bad_name
Invalid attribute name specified.
- sec_attr_bad_permset
Invalid permission set.
- sec_attr_bad_uniq_query_accept
Invalid combination of unique_flag=true, query trigger, and intercell_action=accept.
- sec_attr_field_no_update
Field not modifiable.
- sec_attr_name_exists
Attribute name already exists.
- sec_attr_no_memory
Unable to allocate memory.
- sec_attr_sch_entry_not_found
Schema entry not found.
- sec_attr_svr_read_only
Server is read only.
- sec_attr_svr_unavailable
Server is unavailable.
- sec_attr_trig_bind_info_missing
Trigger binding info must be specified.
- sec_attr_unauthorized
Unauthorized to perform this operation.
Functions:sec_rgy_attr_sch_delete_entry() ,sec_rgy_attr_sch_create_entry() .
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