pthread_condattr_getclock, pthread_condattr_setclock — get and set the clock selection condition variable attribute
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_condattr_getclock(const pthread_condattr_t *restrict attr,
clockid_t *restrict clock_id);
int pthread_condattr_setclock(pthread_condattr_t *attr,
clockid_t clock_id);
The pthread_condattr_getclock() function shall obtain the value of the clock attribute from the attributes object referenced by attr.
The pthread_condattr_setclock() function shall set the clock attribute in an initialized attributes object referenced by attr. If pthread_condattr_setclock() is called with a clock_id argument that refers to a CPU-time clock, the call shall fail.
The clock attribute is the clock ID of the clock that shall be used to measure the timeout service of pthread_cond_timedwait(). The default value of the clock attribute shall refer to the system clock. The clock attribute shall have no effect on the pthread_cond_clockwait() function.
The behavior is undefined if the value specified by the attr argument to pthread_condattr_getclock() or pthread_condattr_setclock() does not refer to an initialized condition variable attributes object.
If successful, the pthread_condattr_getclock() function shall return zero and store the value of the clock attribute of attr into the object referenced by the clock_id argument. Otherwise, an error number shall be returned to indicate the error.
If successful, the pthread_condattr_setclock() function shall return zero; otherwise, an error number shall be returned to indicate the error.
The pthread_condattr_setclock() function may fail if:
- The value specified by clock_id does not refer to a known clock, or is a CPU-time clock.
These functions shall not return an error code of [EINTR].
If an implementation detects that the value specified by the attr argument to pthread_condattr_getclock() or pthread_condattr_setclock() does not refer to an initialized condition variable attributes object, it is recommended that the function should fail and report an [EINVAL] error.
pthread_cond_clockwait, pthread_cond_destroy, pthread_condattr_destroy, pthread_condattr_getpshared, pthread_create, pthread_mutex_destroy
XBD <pthread.h>
First released in Issue 6. Derived from IEEE Std 1003.1j-2000.
The pthread_condattr_getclock() and pthread_condattr_setclock() functions are moved from the Clock Selection option to the Base.
The [EINVAL] error for an uninitialized condition variable attributes object is removed; this condition results in undefined behavior.
Austin Group Defect 1216 is applied, adding pthread_cond_clockwait().
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