pthread_equal — compare thread IDs
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_equal(pthread_t t1, pthread_t t2);
This function shall compare the thread IDs t1 and t2.
The pthread_equal() function shall return a non-zero value if t1 and t2 are equal; otherwise, zero shall be returned.
If either t1 or t2 is not a valid thread ID and is not equal to PTHREAD_NULL, the behavior is undefined.
No errors are defined.
The pthread_equal() function shall not return an error code of [EINTR].
Implementations may choose to define a thread ID as a structure. This allows additional flexibility and robustness over using an int. For example, a thread ID could include a sequence number that allows detection of "dangling IDs" (copies of a thread ID that has been detached). Since the C language does not support comparison on structure types, the pthread_equal() function is provided to compare thread IDs.
pthread_create(), pthread_self()
XBD <pthread.h>
First released in Issue 5. Included for alignment with the POSIX Threads Extension.
The pthread_equal() function is marked as part of the Threads option.
The pthread_equal() function is moved from the Threads option to the Base.
Austin Group Defect 599 is applied, changing the RETURN VALUE section to mention PTHREAD_NULL.
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