Advertising Outlets |
Asset Management |
Automobile Repair Shops |
Banks |
Businesses Under 50 Employees |
Businesses Under 500 Employees |
Car Rental Companies |
Channels |
Claims |
Costs |
Customer Management |
Customer Relations |
Customer Segments |
E-Mail |
Fast and Easy Handling of New Policies and Insurance Claims |
Front Desk |
Full-Service Support For High-Value Customers |
High Customer Intimacy Based on Detailed Customer Data |
High-Quality Insurance Product with Attractive Price |
Households |
Insurance Intermediaries |
Insurance Premium Contributions |
Key Activities |
Key Resourcss |
Marketing |
Other |
Partners |
Personal Assistance In Policy Customization |
Policy and Claim Management |
Postal Mail |
Product Management |
Quick & Easy Self-Service |
Rent |
Return on Assets |
Revenues |
Salaries |
Single-Employee Businesses |
Smart Claim Assessment Based on Big Data |
Telephone |
Value Propositions |
Web |
Well-Targeted Products For The Millennials Market Segment |