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Technical Standard: Networking Services (XNS), Issue 5.2 Draft 2.0
Copyright © 1999 The Open Group

Use of Sockets over Internet Protocols based on IPv6

Support for sockets over Internet Protocols based on IPv6 is optional.

This Chapter gives the protocol-specific information that is relevant to the use of sockets in connection with TCP, UDP and ICMP over Version 6 of the Internet Protocol - IPv6. The IPv6 protocol is described in referenced document RFC 2460.

To enable smooth transition from IPv4 to IPv6, the features defined in this Chapter may in certain circumstances also be used in connection with IPv4 - see section Compatibility with IPv4.


IPv6 overcomes the addressing limitations of previous versions, by using 128-bit addresses instead of 32-bit addresses. The IPv6 address architecture is described in referenced document RFC 2373.

There are three kinds of IPv6 address:


Identifies a single interface.

A unicast address can be global, link-local (designed for use on a single link) or site-local (designed for systems not connected to the Internet). Link-local and site-local addresses need not be globally unique.


Identifies a set of interfaces such that a packet sent to the address can be delivered to any member of the set.

An anycast address is similar to a unicast address; the nodes to which an anycast address is assigned must be explicitly configured to know that it is an anycast address.


Identifies a set of interfaces such that a packet sent to the address should be delivered to every member of the set.

An application can send multicast datagrams by simply specifying an IPv6 multicast address in the address argument of sendto(). To receive multicast datagrams, an application must join the multicast group (using setsockopt() with IPV6_JOIN_GROUP) and must bind to the socket the UDP port on which datagrams will be received. Some applications should also bind the multicast group address to the socket, to prevent other datagrams destined to that port from being delivered to the socket.

A multicast address can be global, node-local, link-local, site-local or organization-local.

The following special IPv6 addresses are defined:


An address that is not assigned to any interface and is used to indicate the absence of an address.


A unicast address that is not assigned to any interface and can be used by a node to send packets to itself.

Two sets of IPv6 addresses are defined to correspond to IPv4 addresses:

IPv4-compatible addresses

These are assigned to nodes that support IPv6 and can be used when traffic is "tunneled" through IPv4.

IPv4-mapped addresses

These are used to represent IPv4 addresses in IPv6 address format. See Compatibility with IPv4.

Note that the unspecified address and the loopback address must not be treated as IPv4-compatible addresses.

Compatibility with IPv4

The API provides the ability for IPv6 applications to interoperate with applications using IPv4, by using IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses. These addresses can be generated automatically by the getipnodebyname() function when the specified host has only IPv4 addresses (as described in tagmref_endhostent).

Applications may use AF_INET6 sockets to open TCP connections to IPv4 nodes, or send UDP packets to IPv4 nodes, by simply encoding the destination's IPv4 address as an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address, and passing that address, within a sockaddr_in6 structure, in the connect(), sendto() or sendmsg() call. When applications use AF_INET6 sockets to accept TCP connections from IPv4 nodes, or receive UDP packets from IPv4 nodes, the system returns the peer's address to the application in the accept(), recvfrom(), recvmsg(), or getpeername() call using a sockaddr_in6 structure encoded this way. If a node has an IPv4 address, then the implementation may allow applications to communicate using that address via an AF_INET6 socket. In such a case, the address will be represented at the API by the corresponding IPv4-mapped IPv6 address. Also, the implementation may allow an AF_INET6 socket bound to in6addr_any to receive inbound connections and packets destined to one of the node's IPv4 addresses.

An application may use AF_INET6 sockets to bind to a node's IPv4 address by specifying the address as an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address in a sockaddr_in6 structure in the bind() call. For an AF_INET6 socket bound to a node's IPv4 address, the system returns the address in the getsockname() call as an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address in a sockaddr_in6 structure.

Interface Identification

Each local interface is assigned a unique positive integer as numeric index. Indexes start at 1; zero is not used. There may be gaps so that there is no current interface for a particular positive index. Each interface also has a unique system-specific name.


The following options apply at the IPPROTO_IPV6 level:


When set via setsockopt(), it joins the application to a multicast group on an interface (identified by its index) and addressed by a given multicast address, enabling packets sent to that address to be read via the socket. If the interface index is specified as zero, the system selects the interface (for example, by looking up the address in a routing table and using the resulting interface).

An attempt to read this option using getsockopt() results in an errror [EOPNOTSUPP].

The value of this option is an ipv6_mreq structure.


When set via setsockopt(), it removes the application from the multicast group on an interface (identified by its index) and addressed by a given multicast address.

An attempt to read this option using getsockopt() results in an errror [EOPNOTSUPP].

The value of this option is an ipv6_mreq structure.


The value of this option is the hop limit for outgoing multicast IPv6 packets sent via the socket. Its possible values are the same as those of IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS. If the IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS option is not set, a value of 1 is assumed. This option can be set via setsockopt() and read via getsockopt().


The index of the interface to be used for outgoing multicast packets. It can be set via setsockopt() and read via getsockopt().


This option controls whether outgoing multicast packets should be delivered back to the local application when the sending interface is itself a member of the destination multicast group. If it is set to 1 they are delivered. If it is set to 0 they are not. Other values result in error [EINVAL]. This option can be set via setsockopt() and read via getsockopt().


The value of this option is the hop limit for outgoing unicast IPv6 packets sent via the socket. If the option is not set, or is set to -1, the system selects a default value. Attempts to set a value less than -1 or greater than 255 result in an [EINVAL] error. This option can be set via setsockopt() and read via getsockopt().

Error [EOPNOTSUPP] results if IPV6_JOIN_GROUP or IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP is used with getsockopt().


Symbolic constant AF_INET6 is defined in <sys/socket.h> to identify the IPv6 Internet address family.

The sockaddr_storage structure defined in <sys/socket.h> is large enough to accommodate a sockaddr_in6 structure (see <netinet/in.h>) and is aligned at an appropriate boundary so that pointers to it can be cast as pointers to sockaddr_in6 structures and used to access the fields of those structures without alignment problems. When a sockaddr_storage structure is cast as a sockaddr_in6 stricture, the ss_family field maps onto the sin6_family field.

Headers <netinet/in.h>, <arpa/inet.h> and <netdb.h> contain other definitions used in connection with IPv6 Internet sockets.

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