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Systems Management: Distributed Software Administration
Copyright © 1997 The Open Group


swlist - list software catalog


swlist [-d][-r][-v][-a attribute][-c catalog][-f file][-l level]
-t targetfile][-x option=value][-X options_file]
software_selections][@ targets]


The swlist utility displays information about software that has been installed on a system or is in a distribution.

When combined with swmodify there is a complete read/write interface to the installed_software and distribution catalog information.


The swlist utility supports the following options. Where there is no description, the description in Common Definition for Utilities applies.

-a attribute

Specifies which attributes to list.

Multiple attributes may be listed by specifying multiple -a attribute options. Only attributes that apply to each object listed are included for that object. When used with the v option, the attributes are in the software definition file format. When the v option is not specified then the listing format is undefined (see one_liner extended option).

In addition to all attribute names defined in Software Administration specification, three additional items are supported by the -a attribute option:


If this value is specified, swlist returns a sequence of characters representing the date associated with the create_time attribute.

The format of this sequence of characters in the POSIX Locale is equivalent to the default date format described in POSIX.2.

date "+%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y"

The format for other Locales is undefined.


If this value is specified, swlist returns a sequence of characters representing the date associated with the mod_time attribute.

The format of this sequence of characters in the POSIX Locale is equivalent to the default date format described in POSIX.2.

date "+%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y"

The format for other Locales is undefined.


If this value is specified, swlist returns the conformant software_spec for the object, as defined in Software Compatibility , instead of listing the identified objects.

The software_spec includes the tag of the object, the tag of the associated product (if this object is a fileset or subproduct), and the version distinguishing attributes of this object or its associated product (if this object is a fileset or subproduct).

These additional items can also be used with the one_liner extended option.

-c catalog

Provides a means to list the full catalog structure.

If the -c option is specified, output from swlist is written to an exported catalog structure instead of stdout.

The -c option specifies a directory below which the catalog information for the specified objects and attributes are stored. The exported catalog structure is used both for distributions and installed_software catalog information. See Exported Catalog Structure .


-f file

-l level

Specifies level at which to list the objects below the specified software.

Option level may have values from the enumerated list:


If the -l level option is not included, then only the object at the level directly below the specified software or software_collection is listed. See Default Levels .

Software Selection Level Listed
none specified products
bundle products
product filesets
subproduct filesets
fileset files

Table: Default Levels

If no level is specified for bundle and subproduct specifications, all the available or currently installed product and fileset objects, resolved recursively, are listed.

Multiple -l level options may be used to explicitly control what objects are included.

The categories of available patches can be listed for patches that have included category objects in their definition. These categories can be listed using the -l category specification.


-t targetfile

List all the attribute value pairs of the objects specified.

The -v option specifies that the format of the output is in the INDEX file format, as defined in Software Definition File Format . Which attributes and objects are included is controlled by other options and operands. If the -a option is defined, then only those attributes are listed, otherwise all attributes are listed. If there is no -v option, then listing format is undefined (see one_liner extended option).

-x option=value

-X options_file


The swlist utility supports the software_selections and targets operands described in Common Definition for Utilities . If no software_selections are provided, all software in the catalog (either distribution or installed software) is selected.


See Common Definition for Utilities for descriptions of external influences common to all utilities.

Extended Options

The swlist utility supports the following extended options. The description in Common Definition for Utilities applies.








See Common Definition for Utilities for general information.


See Common Definition for Utilities for general information. There are two phases in the swlist utility:

  1. Selection phase

  2. Execution phase

Selection Phase

If there are no software selections specified, then all software from the catalog is processed. Otherwise, each selection added to the selected software list must satisfy the following validation check.

Unlike all other commands, swlist includes all software that matches a specification, even if the specification is ambiguous.

Implementations that support the removed state need to address swlist just as they do for source depots with swinstall. These implementations should at least document the behavior for swlist and other operations on removed filesets. In particular, for swlist, if attempting to list a fileset from the source that has a removed state, the behavior should be the same as if it was not there, generating an event.

When listing a sparse fileset in a depot or in installed software, there are no differences when filesets is sparse or normal.

Execution Phase

The attributes for the selections determined from the previous phase are listed in the formats defined by the options.


See Common Definition for Utilities .


See Common Definition for Utilities .

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