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Systems Management: Backup Services API (XBSA)
Copyright © 1998 The Open Group

Overview of Backup Services API

The Open Backup Services API is a set of procedures which may be called up, available in a dynamic or static library provided by a vendor implementing a Backup Service. For the rest of this Technical Standard, the terms API or XBSA refer to this Open Backup Services API.

A synchronous interface in the C language is defined. If an application needs asynchronous behavior, it can be achieved by using its process or thread mechanisms.

The following sections in this chapter give a brief overview of the API calls and their intended usage. A detailed specification of the procedures comprising the API is given in the manual-page definitions in Backup Services API Definitions .

Type Definitions and Data Structures defines the data type definitions and data structures used in the API.

Initialization and Authentication

It is necessary for an XBSA Application to set up a session with the Backup Service by invoking the BSAInit() call, in order to use these services. The procedures BSAQueryApiVersion() and BSAQueryServiceProvider() may be invoked prior to calling BSAInit() to determine the current version of the API used by the Backup Service and a string describing the provider of the Backup Service, respectively. The BSAInit() call authenticates the caller, sets up a session with the Backup Service and sets up an environment for the caller to be used in subsequent calls. A session set up by a BSAInit() call is terminated by a BSATerminate() call, which will release any resources acquired during the setting up of the session. Nested sessions, and concurrent sessions in the same address space are not permitted.

BSAInit() may authenticate the caller using a security token; the exact definition and use of this security token is implementation dependent. If a NULL security token is provided, the Backup Service can use a default, implementation-dependent security mechanism. In addition to those environmental parameters defined in this Technical Standard, there may also be additional, implementation dependent environmental parameters to the BSAInit() call.

A potential failure to authenticate the XBSA Client will cause the BSAInit() call to return BSA_RC_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE. The XBSA Client will have to communicate with the security subsystem that is being used by the Backup Service to resolve this failure. The XBSA itself does not provide details about the reason of the authentication failure, or the means for correcting the authentication failure.


Within each session, an XBSA Application can make a sequence of calls (for example, to backup some objects, to query the set of objects it has backed up, or to restore objects). These calls must be grouped into a transaction by invoking BSABeginTxn() at the beginning of the group of calls and invoking BSAEndTxn() at the end. The latter either commits the transaction or aborts it.

If a transaction is aborted either by a BSAEndTxn() or BSATerminate() call, then the effect of all the calls made within the transaction is nullified. If a transaction is committed, then the effect of all the calls within the transaction is made permanent.

Within a single session, transactions cannot be nested and cannot overlap. Transactions are categorized into the following types:

The type of a transaction is established by the first create/delete/retrieve operation performed. Attempts to mix operations in a transaction will result in a BSA_RC_INVALID_CALL_SEQUENCE error. The permissible call sequences are defined later in this chapter.

The following example illustrates the call pattern that may be used by a caller who, in one transaction, loops through a list of object names to backup each object.

if ((rc = BSAInit(bsaHandlePtr, tokenPtr, userNamePtr, environmentPtr) ) != BSA_RC_SUCCESS) { <error processing>; } if ((rc = BSABeginTxn(bsaHandle) ) != BSA_RC_SUCCESS) { <error processing>; } <loop through all object names> { if ((rc = BSACreateObject(bsaHandle, objectDescriptorPtr, dataBlkPtr)) != BSA_RC_SUCCESS) { <error processing>; } <loop through all data for one object> { if ((rc = BSASendData(bsaHandle, dataBlkPtr) ) != BSA_RC_SUCCESS) { <error processing>; } } /* loop through all data for one object */ if ((rc = BSAEndData(bsaHandle) ) != BSA_RC_SUCCESS) { <error processing>; } } /* loop through all object names */ if ((rc = BSAEndTxn(bsaHandle,BSA_COMMIT) ) != BSA_RC_SUCCESS) { <error processing>; } if ((rc = BSATerminate(bsaHandle) ) != BSA_RC_SUCCESS) { <error processing>; }

In this example, the data for each of the backup copy objects may be buffered by the API before sending it to the Backup Service.

Backup and Archive

An XBSA Application can create an XBSA object (either a backup copy or an archive copy) using the BSACreateObject() call, and pass the object's data in buffers using a sequence of BSASendData() calls ended by a BSAEndData() call.

The ability to pass data in buffers allows an XBSA Application to use any buffering technique that is appropriate to ensure consistency or to improve performance. When data is passed in buffers, all the data for one object must be passed, in the proper sequence, before any other operation is started.

A scenario for creating a backup copy of an object is shown in Creating a Backup Copy of an Object .

Figure: Creating a Backup Copy of an Object

Restore and Retrieve

The Restore and Retrieve interface is similar to the Backup and Archive interface, except that the data flow is reversed. The BSAGetData() call is used instead of the BSASendData() call. Data directed to standard output may be piped to a filter or command.

The BSAGetObject() call is used to restore (from a backup copy) or retrieve (from an archive copy) objects. The BSAGetData() call is used to get data for the object in buffers, and the BSAEndData() call is to signal the end of getting data for the object. A scenario for restoring an object is shown in Restoring an Object .

Figure: Restoring an Object
It should be noted that the use of transactions for restore and retrieval operations does not provide any functional benefit to the calling XBSA Application.


An XBSA Application may query the Backup Service for XBSA Objects that have been created. The BSAQueryObject() call is used to query the Backup Service for objects. Since retention of objects is a function of the Backup Service's implementation there is no guarantee that the call to BSAQueryObject() will return an object descriptor.

The query is based on a subset of the Object Descriptor attributes, contained in a Query Descriptor. The result of a query can return Object Descriptors, but never XBSA Object Data. If the result is multiple Object Descriptors, the query result is retrieved one Object Descriptor at a time by using a succession of BSAGetNextQueryObject() calls.

The XBSA Application can retrieve the XBSA Object Data by using the BSAGetObject() call with the copyId from one of the object descriptors returned by the query.

For details of the BSA_QueryDescriptor structure, see BSA_QueryDescriptor .

API Call Sequences

The permitted API call sequences are shown in the following diagrams. Any violation of these sequences will result in a bad call sequence error.

In the call sequence diagrams, the following conventions are used:

Figure: Permitted Call Sequences - Overview

Leaving the "Transaction" state with other than a successful call of BSAEndTxn(BSA_COMMIT) will cause the transaction to be aborted. If the transaction was creating or deleting an object, that object will not be created or deleted. Apart from this, a transaction does not have any other side effect. In particular, the state of the storage media is not restored to the state just before the start of the aborted transaction.

Figure: Permitted Call Sequences - Transactions

Since getting or querying an object does not alter the state of the object, leaving the transaction has no side effects.


All buffers that are used by the XBSA are allocated by the XBSA Application. The Backup Service fills data into the buffers, but never allocates any memory that is passed back to the XBSA Application. This simplifies buffer allocation and deletion since the XBSA Application is solely responsible.

However, to allow the Backup Service to influence how buffers should be allocated, and to provide the Backup Service with the ability to reserve private sections in certain buffers, several conventions are used in the XBSA.

Buffer Size

For function calls that specify the size of the buffer as a separate parameter, XBSA uses the following convention to allow the Backup Service to signal that a buffer is not large enough and provide the XBSA Application with the means to discover what the correct size should be.

The parameter that specifies the size is a pointer, so that the Backup Service can alter the parameter. The size is always in bytes. If the size is adequate and a valid buffer is given, the Backup Service will copy the requested data into the buffer and set the actual size in the size parameter.

If the size is inadequate, the Backup Service will not copy the data into the buffer. It will set the size parameter to the actual size of the data to be copied and return from the function call with BSA_RC_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL. This allows the XBSA Application to allocate a buffer of adequate size and to call the function again.

The functions that use this convention are BSAGetEnvironment() and BSAQueryServiceProvider().

Private Buffer Space

For function calls that use the BSA_DataBlock32 structure, a convention has been adopted that allows the Backup Service to reserve certain portions of the buffer for its own use. There are two areas that can be reserved by the Backup Service:

The area reserved for the XBSA Application is the:

To make this preference known to the XBSA Application, the Backup Service sets certain parameters in the BSA_DataBlock32 structure when a data transfer is initiated. Specifically, when the XBSA Application issues either the BSACreateObject() call or the BSAGetObject() call, the BSA_DataBlock32 structure is not used for passing data but for passing the Backup Service's preference. The parameters that must be set by the Backup Service, and their meaning, are given in Parameters in the BSA_DataBlock32 Structure .

bufferLen == 0 The Backup Service has no restrictions on the buffer length. No trailer portion is required.
bufferLen != 0 The Backup Service accepts buffers that are at least bufferLen bytes in length (minimum length). It also accepts larger buffers. For a BSASendData() call, the Backup Service accepts a trailer that is as least as large as: trailerBytes >= (bufferLen - numBytes - headerBytes) For a BSAGetData call, the Backup Service returns a trailer that is not larger than: trailerBytes <= (bufferLen - numBytes - headerBytes)
numBytes == 0 The Backup Service has no restrictions on the length of the data portion of the buffer.
numBytes != 0 The Backup Service accepts (for a BSASendData() call), or returns (for a BSAGetData() call), a data segment that does not exceed numBytes bytes.
headerBytes == 0 The Backup Service only accepts or returns buffers with no header.
headerBytes != 0 The length of the header portion of buffers accepted or returned by the Backup Service is headerBytes bytes.
bufferPtr Not used

Table: Parameters in the BSA_DataBlock32 Structure

Subsequent calls to BSAGetData() or BSASendData() must adhere to the preferences that were specified by the Backup Service. The relationship between the areas, and their mapping to the fields of the BSA_DataBlock32 structure is described in BSA_DataBlock32 .

The Backup Service can write anything into the header and trailer area of the actual buffer, as specified by the bufferPtr parameter in the BSA_DataBlock32 structure.

Use of BSA_DataBlock32 in BSASendData()

For BSASendData(), all parameters in the BSA_DataBlock32 structure must be set by the XBSA Application and adhere to the Backup Service preferences or the function will fail with a BSA_RC_INVALID_DATABLOCK error. The Backup Service is not allowed to change any of the parameters.

Use of BSA_DataBlock32 in BSAGetData()

For BSAGetData(), all parameters in the BSA_DataBlock32 structure must be set by the XBSA Application and adhere to the Backup Service preferences or the function will fail with a BSA_RC_INVALID_DATABLOCK error. The Backup Service must change the following parameter:

The Backup Service is not allowed to change any of the other parameters.

Shared Memory

The BSA_DataBlock32 structure contains fields that allow the use of shared memory blocks for passing data between an XBSA Application and a Backup Service.

The shareId specifies an identifier that can be used by the Backup Service to map the memory in which the buffer resides into its address space. A special typedef, BSA_ShareId, is used to define the shareId field using a type appropriate for the operating environment. For UNIX systems, this is based on the shared memory semantics defined in the Single UNIX Specification, System Interfaces and Headers, Issue 5 (see reference XSH, Issue 5) and the shareId is the shmid identifier obtained by calling the shmget() function. For NT systems, it is a file handle which will allow the Backup Service to map the file in memory.

The shareOffset specifies where in shared memory the buffer starts.

The semantics for the shareId are given in Parameters in the BSA_DataBlock32 Structure .

shareId == -1 This buffer is not available in shared memory. The shareOffset field is undefined. The bufferPtr is a true pointer in the address space of the client.
shareId != -1 The Backup Service may map this buffer into its memory by using the appropriate operating system services. The shareOffset becomes an offset into the shared memory. The bufferPtr is a true pointer in the address space of the client.

Note that the Backup Service is not forced to map the buffer into its address space. It can copy the buffer in the address space of the XBSA Client.

Table: Semantics for shareId

Since the client may be using multiple buffers, it is not guaranteed that only one shareId is used in the object data transfers. It is guaranteed, however, that a shareId itself will not change during a session. In other words, the XBSA Client is not allowed to re-map a shareId within a session once it has been made available to the Backup Service. In this way the Backup Service can keep a simple lookup table to see whether the shareId is currently mapped in its address space.

The following two sections describe how shared memory buffers are used in the UNIX and Microsoft Windows NT operating systems.

Shared Memory on UNIX
For UNIX, the scenario for shared memory is as follows:

Shared Memory on NT
For NT, the scenario for shared memory is as follows:

For details of the interfaces, refer to the Microsoft Windows NT documentation.

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