rpc_network_is_protseq_valid- tells whether the specified protocol sequence is valid and/or is supported by the local implementation of the RPC run-time system and the operating system
#include <dce/rpc.h>
boolean32 rpc_network_is_protseq_valid( unsigned_char_t *protseq, unsigned32 *status);
- protseq
- Specifies a protocol sequence.
Protocol Sequence Strings lists valid protocol sequence identifiers that may be used for this argument.The rpc_network_is_protseq_valid() routine determines whether this argument contains a valid and/or supported protocol sequence.
- status
- Returns the status code from this routine. The status code indicates whether the routine completed successfully, or if not, why not.
Possible status codes and their meanings include:
- rpc_s_ok
- Success. The protocol sequence is valid and supported by the local implementation of the RPC run-time system and the operating system.
- rpc_s_invalid_rpc_protseq
Invalid protocol sequence.
- rpc_s_protseq_not_supported
Protocol sequence not supported on this host.
The rpc_network_is_protseq_valid() routine determines whether a specified protocol sequence is both valid and supported and thus available for making remote procedure calls.
- A protocol sequence is valid if it is one of the protocol sequence strings recognised by the implementation. Information about valid protocol sequence strings is given in
Protocol Sequence Strings .
- A protocol sequence is supported if the local RPC run-time system and the operating system implement the protocol stack specified by the protocol sequence.
An application can obtain the set of valid and supported protocol sequences by calling the rpc_network_inq_protseqs() routine.
The rpc_network_is_protseq_valid() routine returns the following values:
- The protocol sequence specified in the protseq argument is valid and supported by the RPC run-time system and the operating system. The routine also returns the status code rpc_s_ok in the status argument.
- The protocol sequence specified in the protseq argument is not valid or not supported. The routine also returns a status code not equal to rpc_s_ok.
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