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Systems Management: Distributed Software Administration
Copyright © 1997 The Open Group


General Terms


The term application includes executable programs that use implementations of this Software Administration specification. Such executable programs can include control files.


An indication of a permissible optional feature or behavior The implementation must support such features or behaviors as mandatory requirements.


An object providing the services defined by this Software Administration specification. The word implementation is to be interpreted to mean that object, after it has been modified in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions to configure it for conformance with this Software Administration specification, or to select some of the various optional facilities described by this Software Administration specification through customization by local system administrators or operators.

An exception to this meaning occurs when using the term implementation defined (see below).

implementation defined

An indication that the implementation provider must define (and document) the requirements for correct program constructs and correct data of a value or behavior.

When the value or behavior in the implementation is designed to be variable or customizable on each instantiation of the system, the implementation provider must document the nature and permissible ranges of this variation in their submission claiming conformance.


An indication of an optional feature or behavior of the implementation that is not required by this Software Administration specification, although there is no prohibition against providing it.

A fully conformant implementation (see Full Conformance is permitted to use such features, but must not rely on the implementation's actions in such cases. To avoid ambiguity, the reverse sense of may is not expressed as may not, but as need not.


A mandatory requirement on the implementation if it is to be fully conformant.


An indication that a certain feature may be considered for withdrawal in future revisions of this Software Administration specification.


With respect to implementations, an indication of an implementation recommendation, but not a requirement.
Technical Terms

analysis phase

The steps a software administration utility performs, before modifying the target, while attempting to ensure that the execution of operations on the target will succeed.


Application Programming Interface


A component of an object, possessing a name and one or more values.


The automatic selection, within a utility, of software beyond that directly specified by the user in order to meet the dependencies of the user-specified software.


The process of restoring installed software to the state it was in prior to the invocation, and subsequent failure during execution, of the swinstall utility.


A software object used to build groupings from a grouping of other software objects, such as all or parts of other bundles and products. See Bundles .


The metadata describing all the software objects that are a part of a single software_collection.


Used to describe the structure and attributes of each level of the software hierarchy that is used to organize and manage software files.

client role

Where the software is actually executed or used (as opposed to the target, where it is actually installed). The configuration of software is performed by this role.

command line interface (CLI)

A means of invoking utilities by issuing commands from within a POSIX.2 shell, implying that neither graphics nor windows are required.

common class

Used to define those aspects of different software objects that are the same. The common classes for this Software Administration specification are software_collections, software and software_files. The names of these classes are also used to generically describe any object that shares that common class.

compressed file

a file that has been transformed in a manner intended to reduce its size without loss of information.


A relationship between two objects such that one is said to belong to, or form part of, the other. All objects except software_collection objects must be contained within exactly one object. The containment of software_collection objects is undefined within this Software Administration specification.

control directory

The directory below which the control_files for filesets and products are stored within exported catalogs for installed software.


The control scripts executed by the utilities, the INFO file describing the files in a fileset, and other files associated with a software object.

control script

A control_file associated with a software object that is executed by the software administration utilities.


The specification in a software object that another software object must be installed in conjunction with the installation of the first and configured in conjunction with the configuration of the first.


Cyclic Redundancy Check

decimal character string

A sequence of characters from the set of decimal digits the first of which must not be the digit zero.

default option

The value for an extended option as defined in a defaults file. See below.

defaults file

A system specific or user specific file that contains the default values for extended options used by the software administration utilities.


A software object that is a prerequisite, corequisite or exrequisite for a software object.


A software object which specifies a prerequisite, corequisite or exrequisite on another software object.

developer role

Where software is developed, tested, and maintained.

directory medium

A medium which contains a distribution in a POSIX.1 hierarchical file system format. An example of this is a distribution contained in a POSIX.1 file system format on a CD-ROM.


A software_collection containing software in the software packaging layout.

distribution catalog

The catalog of metadata for a distribution software_collection. Unlike a catalog for an installed_software object, a distribution catalog is stored in a particular exported catalog structure that is part of the software packaging layout.

distribution path

The pathname below which the catalog describing the distribution is located. If the distribution is on a single medium, all software for it is located below this path.


Installing an older revision of software than one that is currently installed, into the same location. This is also referred to as downgrading or reverting.


An occurrence which may require reporting by the utilities defined in this Software Administration specification. to describe a significant occurrence. The reporting of an event may cause data to be written to stdout, to stderr, or to a log file.

execution phase

The operations a software administration utility performs that modify the target.

exported catalog

Refers to information organized in the exported catalog structure of the standard packaging layout. It is used for distribution catalogs as well as exporting installed software catalogs using swlist.


The specification in a software object that it must not be installed if one or more specific software objects are installed.

extended option

The options that can be specified with the x option. These options may be defined in defaults files or options files.


A POSIX.1 filename with characters drawn from the POSIX.1 portable filename character set (see POSIX.1).

filename character string

A sequence of characters from the portable filename character set (see POSIX.1 below), not including the / (slash) character.


Defines the files that make up a software object, and is the lowest level of software object that can be specified as input to the software administration utilities.

file storage structure

The storage directories in the software packaging layout under which the actual software files for each fileset are located.

fully qualified software_spec

A software_spec which always identifies a software object unambiguously.

graphical user interface (GUI)

A means of presenting function to a user through the use of graphics.


A machine that contains software managed by this Software Administration specification.1

INDEX file

an exported catalog containing the metadata describing the software objects and attributes for all bundles, products, subproducts and filesets.

INFO file

For each product and fileset, the file within an exported catalog containing the metadata describing the software_file objects and attributes.


The way in which the attribute definitions of a common object class are used as a part of the definition of other object classes. The definition of the new object class includes the definition of the common class plus the additional definitions specific to the new object class.

installed software

Any software object created by the use of the swinstall utility.


A software_collection containing installed software. This software is in a state ready for use, or ready to be shared by client systems. A directory path on a system and an installed_software catalog together identify a unique installed_software object.

installed_software catalog

The catalog of metadata for an installed_software software_collection. Unlike a catalog for a distribution object, the storage and format of an installed_software catalog is undefined within this Software Administration specification. The ability to dump and restore all or part of an installed_software catalog into an exported catalog structure is included in this Software Administration specification.

installed_software path

The root directory of an installed_software object. The pathname below which all software for that object must be installed.

integer character string

One of a decimal character string, an octal character string, or a hexadecimal character string.


The behavior of a utility or control_script which requires input from the user during its execution.

kernel fileset

A fileset in which one or more of the referenced files forms part of the kernel, and denoted by having the value of its is_kernel attribute set to true.

locatable fileset

A fileset for which permission is granted to swinstall to install the files in a different location as specified by the user, and denoted by having the value of its is_locatable attribute set to true.

locatable software

Software that contains locatable filesets.

manager role

Where each task is initiated. The manager role is concerned with taking appropriate action at the completion or failure of a task.


The information kept about software. It consists of the values of the various attributes of each of the objects.

newline string

A white space string (see below), consisting only of the character, which is defined in POSIX.2.


An instance in the software hierarchy that can be operated on using the software administration utilities.

octal character string

A sequence of characters from the set of octal digits, the first of which must be the digit zero.

options file

A file that can be specified with the x option. This file contains extended option definitions that override default definitions. See also defaults file


A fix to existing product that does not provide significant new functionality and is to be installed over an existing installation. This is also refered to as fixing. See also update.

packager role

Where software that has been developed is organized in a form suitable for distribution.


A POSIX.1 pathname with characters drawn from the POSIX.1 portable character set.

pathname character string

A sequence of characters from the portable filename character set as defined in POSIX.1.

portable character string

A sequence of characters from the portable character set as defined in POSIX.2.


The specification in a software object that it must not be installed until after some other software object is installed, and configured until after the other software object is configured,

The manner of honoring such a prerequisite is described in swinstall .


A software object used to define a set of related software. Filesets are contained within products.

product specification file (PSF)

The input file used to define the structure and attributes of software objects and related files to be packaged by the swpackage utility.

proxy install

A proxy install uses an alternate root directory as the target path.


The ability of the swinstall utility, for a failed software install, to return the system to the state that it was in before the failure, including restoring the files.

reboot fileset

A fileset which, if installed, requires reboot of the operating system to complete its installation, and denoted by having the value of its is_reboot attribute set to true.


An implementation defined procedure generally used to terminate and then restart operations on the target system.


The context in which an operation is executed. The utilities in this Software Administration specification require the ability to perform operations on more than one system, perhaps by more than one person. These operations are separated into distinct roles developer, packager, manager, source, target, and client.

selection phase

The set of steps performed by software administration utility to process selections and options.

serial medium

A medium which contains a POSIX.1 extended tar or extended cpio archive. See POSIX.1.


An execution of a software administration command from initiation to completion on all applicable roles.

shell token string

A sequence of shell tokens. Shell tokens are defined in POSIX.2.


A generic term referring to software objects or a structured set of files. This term can refer to the objects forming the hierarchical structure (software objects), or to the actual files and control_files (software files).


A grouping of software objects that are managed by the software administration utilities. Software_collections are the sources and targets of these utilities. This Software Administration specification defines two types of software_collections installed_software and distributions.

software common class

The common class describing the common attributes associated with the hierarchical structure of software objects defined by this Software Administration specification.

software definition files

The files containing the software structure and detailed attributes for distributions, installed_software, bundles, products, subproducts, filesets, files, and control_files.

To communicate metadata information relating to both distributions and installed software, software definition files serve as input to, or output from, the various software administration utilities. The format used by software administration utilities to store metadata relating to installed software is undefined.

software file

A generic term referring to the files and control_files that are contained within software objects and managed by the utilities in this Software Administration specification.

software_file common class

The common class that relates the two types of files defined by this Software Administration specification, namely the actual files that make up the software, plus the control_files that are executed by the utilities when operating on software.


A generic term referring to file and control_file objects (those that share the same software_file common class).

software hierarchy

Hierarchical organization of objects that are managed by the software administration utilities.

software location

The directory relative to the installed_software root directory where the relocatable files of the software have been located.

software object

An object which inherits attributes of the software common class, meaning a bundle, product, subproduct or fileset object.

software packaging layout

The format for software in a distribution. It contains the metadata for the distribution catalog in a well defined exported form, as well as the files for the software objects in that distribution.

software pattern match string

A sequence of one or more strings, each made up of a sequence of one or more characters from the shell "Pattern Matching Notation" strings described in POSIX.2. If there are two or more strings, the strings are separated by the | character. The match is true if any of the sequences of strings match according to POSIX.2. A software pattern match string must be portable character string.


A string that is used to identify one or more software objects for input to a software administration utility.


The specification of a source distribution object for a software administration utility. The source host provides a means to locate the source role and the source path is a path accessible to the source host.

source host

The host portion of a source specification.

source path

The pathname portion of a source specification.

source role

Where the software exists in a form suitable for distribution, forming a context for the establishment of a repository of software from which the manager may choose to distribute to targets. Software exists in the source until it is removed by a task initiated by the manager. The source role provides a repository where software may be stored, and provides access for those roles that require the software.


A software object which is a grouping of software filesets and other subproducts within a product.

symbolic link (symlink)

A type of file that contains a pathname. Rather than containing data itself, this type of file resolves to another, as defined by the contained pathname. The way in which this type of file is handled by implementations of this Software Administration specification is undefined.2


An implementation of this Software Administration specification.


The specification of a target distribution object, or installed software object, for a software administration utility. The target host provides a means to locate the target role and the target path is a path accessible to the target host.

target host

The host portion of a target specification.

target path

The pathname portion of a target specification.

target role

Where software is installed, removed, listed, and otherwise operated on by the utilities. For example, when installing software, the target is where software is installed after having been delivered from a source. As another example, the target for a copy operation command refers to the distribution to which products are added. For management operations like removing software, the target refers to either the installed_software objects or the distributions from which software is being removed.


Installing a newer revision of software than one that is currently installed, into the same location. This is also referred to as upgrading. This implies that two filesets that have the same tag and same product tags can not be installed in, or exist in, the same location at the same time (with the exception of patching enhancements). Updates (or upgrades) generally involve software releases providing significant new functionality that can be installed for the first time or can update an existing installation. Patches (or fixes) generally involve fixes to existing products that do not provide significant new functionality and are to be installed over an existing installation. Updates generally involve software releases providing significant new functionality. See also patch.


UCS Transformation Format 8, as defined in ISO/IEC 10646-1: 1993, See referenced documents.


An item, such as a nonstandard attribute, that is defined by the vendor that created (packaged) the software.


An item, such as a control file, that is supplied by the creator (packager) of the software.


A unique identification of software based on the attributes of the software. Version differentiates software objects with the same value of the tag attribute. Versions of bundles or products have the same value of the tag attribute and will differ by the value of at least one of revision, architecture, vendor_tag, location or qualifier attributes. The location and qualifier attributes only apply to software in installed_software software_collections. A fileset is considered a version of another fileset if they have the same fileset tag and their respective products have the same product tag.

white space string

A sequence of one or more white space characters (as defined in POSIX.2.

wildcard character

One of  * ? [  (asterisk, question mark, open bracket). Such characters are used in software pattern match strings


A host may contain both installed_software and distribution software_collections. The name of the host is the starting point for finding all software on that machine managed by this Software Administration specification. The path attribute of a software_collection, along with the specification of a host, can be used on the command line to identify a particular software_collection to be managed by this Software Administration specification.

It is not the intention of this Software Administration specification to define symbolic links in a manner inconsistent with POSIX.1. However, no approved POSIX standard currently contains symbolic links. This definition is a placeholder until such time as an approved standard provides the definition.

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