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Systems Management: Distributed Software Administration
Copyright © 1997 The Open Group


swverify - Verify software


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This utility may be used to perform the following tasks:


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File system permissions cannot be verified in distributions since there is no requirement that distribution files have the permissions set to those defined for them. The swinstall utility sets the permissions based on the attributes defined, not the existing permissions. It is expected that the default permissions an implementation uses for files within distributions is the same as the attributes defined. However, there are some security considerations, as well as media considerations, such as for CD-ROMs, that would make those permissions different.

Note that the verify script is free of side effects.

Originally, the options with the check_ prefix had command line options. However, it was felt so many option letters confused the command line. In addition, the semantics of which checks to perform were difficult to specify. It was felt that by adding these options to the options file, a system could be configured to perform those set of checks to be used in the normal case. When a different set of checks are desired, a user could override specific checks with the -x option=value option or specify a different options file with the -X options_file option.


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A verify script is used to ensure that the configuration of the software is correct. Possible vendor-specific operations for a verify script include the following:

Note also that if a preinstall or postinstall script changes attributes of a file during install, then the swmodify command should be used to adjust those attributes in the installed_software catalog. Otherwise, file level verify will likely fail.

A fix script is used to attempt to fix the installed software. Possible vendor-specific operations for a fix script include similar operations to rerunning a preinstall or postinstall script. Operations similar to rerunning a configure script are also possible if the state of the software is configured.

Like the file types of d (directory), and s (symlink), "swverify -F" (fix) will remove any files with type x (delete file) during execute phase.

"swverify -F" does not fix size, mtime or cksum.


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