Name: sec_acl_bad_acl_syntax
Value: 0x17122026
Specified ACL is not valid at this ACL manager. This error can be returned if less than 1 ACL is specified on a replace operation, or if more than 1 is specified on a replace and the controlling ACL manager was only expecting 1.
Name: sec_acl_bad_key
Value: 0x17122021
Internal error.
Name: sec_acl_bad_parameter
Value: 0x17122032
Internal error, should never occur.
Name: sec_acl_bad_permset
Value: 0x17122037
One or more permissions not valid for this type of ACL.
Name: sec_acl_bind_error
Value: 0x1712202c
A binding error occurred during the requested ACL operation.
Name: sec_acl_cant_allocate_memory
Value: 0x17122017
Cannot allocate memory for requested operation.
Name: sec_acl_duplicate_entry
Value: 0x17122031
Duplicate ACL entries are not allowed.
Name: sec_acl_expected_group_obj
Value: 0x1712201e
Object has an owning group but no group_obj entry in its ACL.
Name: sec_acl_expected_user_obj
Value: 0x1712201d
Object has an owner but no user_obj entry contained in its ACL.
Name: sec_acl_invalid_acl_handle
Value: 0x1712202d
Internal error, should never occur.
Name: sec_acl_invalid_acl_type
Value: 0x17122020
Specified ACL type is out of the valid range for this type.
Name: sec_acl_invalid_dfs_acl
Value: 0x17122035
DFS ACL manager does not understand the specified ACL.
Name: sec_acl_invalid_entry_class
Value: 0x17122028
Name: sec_acl_invalid_entry_name
Value: 0x1712201c
NULL or invalid entry name passed to sec_acl_bind() API.
Name: sec_acl_invalid_entry_type
Value: 0x1712201f
An ACL entry type was specified that the server does not understand. It is possible for this to occur if a client is attempting to pass new ACL entry types to an older server that cannot interpret them (eg: delegation ACL entry types).
Name: sec_acl_invalid_manager_type
Value: 0x17122022
Invalid ACL manager type specified.
Name: sec_acl_invalid_permission
Value: 0x17122025
One or more specified permissions not valid for this ACL.
Name: sec_acl_invalid_site_name
Value: 0x17122018
The ACL operation specified an invalid site name.
Name: sec_acl_mgr_file_open_error
Value: 0x1712202f
ACL manager unable to open database file on startup.
Name: sec_acl_mgr_no_space
Value: 0x17122036
ACL manager was not able to store the specified ACL.
Name: sec_acl_missing_required_entry
Value: 0x17122030
ACL is missing an entry required by this ACL manager.
Name: sec_acl_name_resolution_failed
Value: 0x1712202a
Name resolution failed on the requested ACL operation.
Name: sec_acl_no_acl_found
Value: 0x1712201b
Object found, but object has no ACL associated with it.
Name: sec_acl_no_owner
Value: 0x17122027
There must be at least one entry in the ACL that grants control over the ACL.
Name: sec_acl_not_authorized
Value: 0x17122033
Not authorized to perform the requested operation on this object.
Name: sec_acl_not_implemented
Value: 0x17122016
Requested operation is not implemented in this version of DCE.
Name: sec_acl_no_update_sites
Value: 0x1712202e
No update sites available for this ACL operation.
Name: sec_acl_object_not_found
Value: 0x1712201a
Specified ACL object was not found.
Name: sec_acl_rpc_error
Value: 0x1712202b
An RPC error was returned during the ACL operation.
Name: sec_acl_server_bad_state
Value: 0x17122034
Server is not in a state capable of performing the requested operation.
Name: sec_acl_site_read_only
Value: 0x17122024
Requested operation attempted at a read only site. This error should be trapped by the security ACL API and the operation should be resent to an update site automatically if one can be located.
Name: sec_acl_unable_to_authenticate
Value: 0x17122029
Attempt to authenticate to server controlling the object failed.
Name: sec_acl_unknown_manager_type
Value: 0x17122019
Programming error, should not happen.
Name: sec_attr_bad_acl_mgr_set
Value: 0x17122151
Application specified an invalid acl manager set for this operation.
Name: sec_attr_bad_acl_mgr_type
Value: 0x17122152
Application specified an invalid acl manager.
Name: sec_attr_bad_bind_authn_svc
Value: 0x17122161
Application specified an invalid authentication service in the binding auth info for this operation.
Name: sec_attr_bad_bind_authz_svc
Value: 0x17122162
Application specified an invalid authz_svc parameter in a request to the privilege server.
Name: sec_attr_bad_bind_info
Value: 0x17122153
Application specified invalid binding information in an attribute update operation.
Name: sec_attr_bad_bind_prot_level
Value: 0x17122160
Application specified an invalid protection level in the binding auth info.
Name: sec_attr_bad_bind_svr_name
Value: 0x1712215f
Application specified an invalid server name in the binding auth info.
Name: sec_attr_bad_comment
Value: 0x1712215a
Attribute comment specified exceeds 1024 characters.
Name: sec_attr_bad_cursor
Value: 0x17122163
Application specified an invalid cursor.
Name: sec_attr_bad_encoding_type
Value: 0x17122158
Attribute encoding type specified is invalid.
Name: sec_attr_bad_intercell_action
Value: 0x1712215b
Intercell action specified for an attribute must be one of: accept, reject or evaluate.
Name: sec_attr_bad_name
Value: 0x17122157
Attribute name specified is NULL or exceeds 1024 characters.
Name: sec_attr_bad_object_type
Value: 0x17122166
Application specified an acl manager type for this object that is not contained in the schema entry for this attribute.
Name: sec_attr_bad_param
Value: 0x1712216d
Application specified a bad parameter for a schema or attribute operation.
Name: sec_attr_bad_permset
Value: 0x17122154
Application specified one or more invalid permissions for this type of ACL.
Name: sec_attr_bad_scope
Value: 0x17122159
Attribute scope specified exceeds 1024 characters.
Name: sec_attr_bad_trig_type
Value: 0x1712215c
Application specified a trigger type other than query in this operation. Only query triggers are supported in this release.
Name: sec_attr_bad_type
Value: 0x17122150
Application performing a lookup using the specified attribute type was unsuccessful.
Name: sec_attr_bad_uniq_query_accept
Value: 0x1712215e
If the unique flag is set to true, and a query trigger is used, the intercell action can not be set to accept.
Name: sec_attr_cant_get_attrinst
Value: 0x17122ebc
Application failed to get the next attribute instance in the attribute list.
Name: sec_attr_cant_get_attrlist
Value: 0x17122eb9
Application could not retrieve the attribute list.
Name: sec_attr_cant_get_instance
Value: 0x17122ebb
Application failed to get the last attribute instance in the attribute list.
Name: sec_attr_inst_not_found
Value: 0x17122144
Application specified an attribute instance that was not found.
Name: sec_attr_multi_inst_no_update
Value: 0x17122170
Schema multi instance flag cannot be unset.
Name: sec_attr_name_exists
Value: 0x1712214d
Application attempted to add an attribute with a duplicate name to the registry.
Name: sec_attr_no_memory
Value: 0x17122155
Unable to allocate memory.
Name: sec_attr_no_more_entries
Value: 0x1712216c
Application has exhausted the available attribute instance or schema entries.
Name: sec_attr_not_implemented
Value: 0x17122164
Application specified an operation that has not yet been implemented.
Name: sec_attr_not_multi_valued
Value: 0x17122167
Application specified more than one attribute instance for a type that is not multi valued.
Name: sec_attr_num_attr_ltzero
Value: 0x17122eba
Application attempted to decrement the number of attributes below zero.
Name: sec_attr_rgy_obj_not_found
Value: 0x17122147
Specified registry object was not found.
Name: sec_attr_schema_cant_lookup
Value: 0x17122edd
Unable to lookup the schema entry.
Name: sec_attr_schema_cant_reset
Value: 0x17122edc
Unable to reset the schema entry information.
Name: sec_attr_sch_entry_not_found
Value: 0x17122143
Application specified a schema entry that does not exist.
Name: sec_attr_sch_reserved
Value: 0x1712216e
Cannot delete schema entry with reserved flag set.
Name: sec_attr_trig_bind_info_missing
Value: 0x1712215d
Application specified a trigger without supplying binding info.
Name: sec_attr_trig_query_not_sup
Value: 0x17122165
Application specified a query trigger for an operation that does not support query triggers.
Name: sec_attr_trig_types_no_update
Value: 0x17122171
Schema trigger types cannot be updated.
Name: sec_attr_type_id_exists
Value: 0x1712214e
Application attempted to add an attribute with a duplicate id to the registry.
Name: sec_attr_unauthorized
Value: 0x17122149
The object's ACL denied the attempted operation.
Name: sec_attr_unique_no_update
Value: 0x1712216f
Schema unique flag cannot be unset.
Name: sec_attr_val_attr_set_bad
Value: 0x1712216b
Appliation specifed an improperly formatted attribute value set.
Name: sec_attr_val_bytes_bad
Value: 0x1712216a
Application specified improperly formatted bytes string.
Name: sec_attr_val_printstring_bad
Value: 0x17122168
Application specified a printstring value that exceeds 1024 characters.
Name: sec_attr_val_string_array_bad
Value: 0x17122169
Application either specified an improperly formatted attribute value string array or one or more of the attribute value strings in the array exceed 1024 characters.
Name: sec_authn_s_bad_seal
Value: 0x1712217d
Data corruption, or an attacker asserting credentials that do not match the credentials that were actually granted. If error is reproducible, then it's most likely a defect in DCE.
Name: sec_authn_s_missing_epac
Value: 0x1712217b
Improperly formed RPC authentication protocol message, probably due to a defect in DCE.
Name: sec_authn_s_no_seal
Value: 0x1712217c
Improperly formed RPC authentication protocol message, probably due to a defect in DCE.
Name: sec_buf_too_small
Value: 0x17122f60
The buffer size is smaller than the amount of data which needs to be copied into the buffer. This is an internal error.
Name: sec_crdb_at_char_in_cellname
Value: 0x17122dc8
A cell name cannot contain the @ (at sign) character.
Name: sec_crdb_cant_add_replica
Value: 0x17122dd8
The application could not add a new replica to the master registry.
Name: sec_crdb_cant_bind_updsite
Value: 0x17122ddc
The application could not locate and bind to the master registry.
Name: sec_crdb_cant_com_master
Value: 0x17122ddd
The application could not communicate with the master registry.
Name: sec_crdb_cant_create_celluuid
Value: 0x17122dd3
Application could not create a cell UUID.
Name: sec_crdb_cant_get_hostname
Value: 0x17122dd2
Application was unable to retrieve host name.
Name: sec_crdb_cant_get_host_prname
Value: 0x17122dd5
Application was unable to retrieve the host principal name.
Name: sec_crdb_cant_register_ns
Value: 0x17122dd7
Application cannot register with the name service.
Name: sec_crdb_cant_setup_rgycreator
Value: 0x17122dd4
Problem setting up rgy_creator.
Name: sec_crdb_cant_upd_rgyst_file
Value: 0x17122dd9
Cannot update rgy_state file.
Name: sec_crdb_cl_alt_dir_no_arg
Value: 0x17122dd1
No argument was specified for alt_dir. Hence a default path was used.
Name: sec_crdb_cl_bad_name
Value: 0x17122dc9
The specified name is not a legal CDS name.
Name: sec_crdb_cl_dup_option
Value: 0x17122dca
Only one of the two options may be used.
Name: sec_crdb_cl_long_passwd
Value: 0x17122dcd
Password longer than the permitted maximum.
Name: sec_crdb_cl_long_rgyname
Value: 0x17122dcc
Registry name is longer than the permitted maximum.
Name: sec_crdb_cl_missing_arg
Value: 0x17122dcb
The specified option requires an argument which was not specified.
Name: sec_crdb_cl_null_myname
Value: 0x17122dcf
The specified name is either NULL or a null string.
Name: sec_crdb_cl_unknown_option
Value: 0x17122dce
The specified option is not valid. Consult the manual page for the correct set of options.
Name: sec_crdb_cl_usage
Value: 0x17122dd0
Bad syntax in sec_create_db command.
Name: sec_crdb_cr_db_succ
Value: 0x17122dc6
This is an informational message.
Name: sec_crdb_cr_master_db
Value: 0x17122dc4
This is an informational message.
Name: sec_crdb_cr_rep_db
Value: 0x17122dc5
This is an informational message.
Name: sec_crdb_db_exists
Value: 0x17122dc7
Registry database could not be created because one exists already.
Name: sec_crdb_db_not_created
Value: 0x17122dd6
The new database was not created.
Name: sec_crdb_inherit_hostident_err
Value: 0x17122ddb
Cannot inherit local host identity.
Name: sec_crdb_rep_not_registered
Value: 0x17122dda
The security replica has not successfully registered with the name service
Name: sec_crdb_site_file_create_fail
Value: 0x17122dc0
The pe_site file could not be created or updated because of an error. The error is logged prior to this message.
Name: sec_crdb_site_file_create_succ
Value: 0x17122dc1
The pe_site file has been successfully created. This is an informational message.
Name: sec_crdb_site_file_upd_fail
Value: 0x17122dc3
RPC bindings could not be appended to the pe_site file. The messages logged prior to this indicate why this might have happened.
Name: sec_crdb_site_file_upd_succ
Value: 0x17122dc2
RPC bindings have been successfully appended to the pe_site file. This is an informational message.
Name: sec_cred_s_authz_cannot_comply
Value: 0x17122132
Application programming error. The server is asking for information that the authorisation service used for the call cannot supply (eg, calling sec_cred_get_initiator() when the call had used authz_name).
Name: sec_cred_s_invalid_auth_handle
Value: 0x1712212f
Specified credential handle is invalid.
Name: sec_cred_s_invalid_cursor
Value: 0x17122131
Specified credential cursor is invalid.
Name: sec_cred_s_invalid_pa_handle
Value: 0x17122130
Specified privilege attribute handle is invalid.
Name: sec_cred_s_no_more_entries
Value: 0x1712212e
No more entries available (informational status code).
Name: sec_id_e_bad_cell_uuid
Value: 0x171220d5
Specified cell UUID does not match any known cell names.
Name: sec_id_e_name_too_long
Value: 0x171220d4
The specified name is too long for the current implementation.
Name: sec_key_mgmt_e_authn_invalid
Value: 0x17122044
The specified authentication service is invalid for this operation.
Name: sec_key_mgmt_e_auth_unavailable
Value: 0x17122045
Unable to contact the authentication service.
Name: sec_key_mgmt_e_keytab_not_found
Value: 0x1712204a
Unable to locate or open specified key table.
Name: sec_key_mgmt_e_key_unavailable
Value: 0x17122043
No key matching specified principal and key version found in keytable.
Name: sec_key_mgmt_e_key_unsupported
Value: 0x17122047
A key with a type unknown to this version of DCE was specified.
Name: sec_key_mgmt_e_key_version_ex
Value: 0x17122048
Specified key already exists in the specified key table.
Name: sec_key_mgmt_e_ktfile_err
Value: 0x1712204b
File found, but format does not conform to that of a key table.
Name: sec_key_mgmt_e_not_implemented
Value: 0x17122049
Specified operation not implemented in this version of DCE.
Name: sec_key_mgmt_e_unauthorized
Value: 0x17122046
The caller is unauthorized to perform the requested operation.
Name: sec_lksm_bad_input
Value: 0x17122cc4
The user supplied response to the question of whether a locksmith account should be created is not correct.
Name: sec_lksm_create_acct
Value: 0x17122cc5
This will be followed by the message in sec_lksm_def_yes_prompt.
Name: sec_lksm_def_no_prompt
Value: 0x17122cc3
If security server is started in the locksmith mode and no locksmith account exists, then the user is prompted asking whether the account should be created. This prompt is used when the default is to not to create the the locksmith account.
Name: sec_lksm_def_yes_prompt
Value: 0x17122cc2
If security server is started in the locksmith mode and no locksmith account exists, then the user is prompted asking whether the account should be created. This prompt is used when the desired default is to create the locksmith account.
Name: sec_lksm_passwd_prompt
Value: 0x17122ccf
The user is prompted for the password of the locksmith account.
Name: sec_lksm_passwd_verify
Value: 0x17122cd0
The user is prompted to reenter the password of the locksmith account.
Name: sec_lksm_set_acct_span
Value: 0x17122ccb
The policy account lifespan to set to the specified time period.
Name: sec_lksm_set_acct_valid
Value: 0x17122cc9
The specified account is designated as valid.
Name: sec_lksm_set_client_valid
Value: 0x17122cc7
The specified account is designated as a client.
Name: sec_lksm_set_date_now
Value: 0x17122cca
Setting %s account good_since_date to now\n
Name: sec_lksm_set_expire
Value: 0x17122ccc
The specified account is set to expire in the specified time period.
Name: sec_lksm_set_polpwd_expire
Value: 0x17122cce
The policy password lifetime is set to the specified period.
Name: sec_lksm_set_polpwd_expire_now
Value: 0x17122ccd
The policy password lifetime is set to the specified period. The policy password expiration time is to expire in the specified time period.
Name: sec_lksm_set_pwd_valid
Value: 0x17122cc6
Setting password valid flag for the specified account.
Name: sec_lksm_set_server_valid
Value: 0x17122cc8
The specified account is designated as a server.
Name: sec_logent_out_of_bounds
Value: 0x17122ea3
The log entry is out of bounds and so is skipped.
Name: sec_login_s_acct_invalid
Value: 0x171220f6
Attempted to login to an account that is currently disabled.
Name: sec_login_s_already_valid
Value: 0x171220ef
Attempted to validate an already valid login context.
Name: sec_login_s_auth_local
Value: 0x171220e9
Operation is not valid on the local context.
Name: sec_login_s_compound_delegate
Value: 0x17122100
Attempted to call become_initiator with a login context that already contained a delegation chain.
Name: sec_login_s_config
Value: 0x171220f3
Host security client information not available. Either unable to find file DCELOCAL/var/security/sec_clientd.binding
or unable to set authorisation and authentication information for a server. .
Name: sec_login_s_context_invalid
Value: 0x171220eb
Attempted to use a not-yet-validated login context for an operation that requires a validated context.
Name: sec_login_s_default_use
Value: 0x171220f0
The default security login handle was used illegally.
Name: sec_login_s_deleg_not_enabled
Value: 0x17122102
Delegation/impersonation attempted, but initiator did not enable it.
Name: sec_login_s_groupset_invalid
Value: 0x171220ed
Attempting to perform a task illegally on a default context handle.
Name: sec_login_s_handle_invalid
Value: 0x171220ea
Specified login handle does not correspond to a login context.
Name: sec_login_s_incomplete_ovrd_ent
Value: 0x171220fe
Override entry for this entry encountered, with password field specified, but other necessary field(s) missing.
Name: sec_login_s_info_not_avail
Value: 0x171220ee
The unix password information is not available.
Name: sec_login_s_internal_error
Value: 0x171220f4
Internal error, should not occur.
Name: sec_login_s_invalid_compat_mode
Value: 0x17122101
Specified compatibility mode is not supported.
Name: sec_login_s_invalid_deleg_type
Value: 0x171220ff
Specified delegation type is not supported.
Name: sec_login_s_invalid_password
Value: 0x171220fd
The specified password is invalid.
Name: sec_login_s_no_current_context
Value: 0x171220ec
Login context is no longer completely accessible.
Name: sec_login_s_no_memory
Value: 0x171220e8
Unable to allocate memory.
Name: sec_login_s_no_override_info
Value: 0x171220f5
No override information is currently available.
Name: sec_login_s_not_certified
Value: 0x171220f2
Warning only. Information was obtained from a login context that has been validated but not certified.
Name: sec_login_s_not_implemented
Value: 0x171220e7
Specified operation is not yet implemented in this version of DCE.
Name: sec_login_s_null_password
Value: 0x171220f7
Cannot log in with a zero length password.
Name: sec_login_s_override_failure
Value: 0x171220fb
Unable to determine if any override information exists, so operation must be denied.
Name: sec_login_s_ovrd_ent_not_found
Value: 0x171220fc
No matching override entry found (informational status code).
Name: sec_login_s_preauth_failed
Value: 0x17122103
The client is unable to compose the necessary preauthentication data for this principal.
Name: sec_login_s_privileged
Value: 0x171220f1
Privilege operation was attempted in an unprivileged (non-root) process.
Name: sec_login_s_refresh_ident_bad
Value: 0x171220fa
Attempted to refresh credentials for an account that is no longer valid.
Name: sec_login_s_unsupp_passwd_type
Value: 0x171220f8
Attempted to login using an unsupported password type.
Name: sec_lrgy_s_cannot_create
Value: 0x17122119
Unable to create local registry files.
Name: sec_lrgy_s_internal_error
Value: 0x1712211b
Internal error, should not occur.
Name: sec_lrgy_s_max_lt_num_entries
Value: 0x17122117
User specified a max entry value smaller than current number of entries.
Name: sec_lrgy_s_no_access
Value: 0x1712211a
Local registry exists, but cannot be accessed.
Name: sec_lrgy_s_not_found
Value: 0x17122118
No local registry files found.
Name: sec_ns_import_begin
Value: 0x17122f2c
Beginning import RPC bindings.
Name: sec_ns_import_done
Value: 0x17122f2e
Completed import of RPC bindings.
Name: sec_ns_import_next
Value: 0x17122f2d
Attempting to import next RPC binding.
Name: sec_priv_s_bad_compat_mode
Value: 0x17122063
An out of range compat mode parameter was passed to the privilege server.
Name: sec_priv_s_bad_deleg_type
Value: 0x17122064
Specified delegation type is not valid.
Name: sec_priv_s_cmode_not_enabled
Value: 0x1712206c
Delegate attempted to specify a compatibility mode not allowed by initiator.
Name: sec_priv_s_corrupt_deleg_chain
Value: 0x17122067
Internal error, should not occur.
Name: sec_priv_s_deleg_not_enabled
Value: 0x17122065
Delegation attempted, but not enabled by initiator of operation.
Name: sec_priv_s_deleg_token_exp
Value: 0x17122066
Delegation operation attempted, but delegation token has expired.
Name: sec_priv_s_intercell_deleg_req
Value: 0x17122069
Intercell delegation requests are not yet supported.
Name: sec_priv_s_invalid_authn_svc
Value: 0x1712205e
Invalid authn_svc parameter in request to privilege server.
Name: sec_priv_s_invalid_authz_svc
Value: 0x1712205f
Invalid authz_svc parameter in request to privilege server.
Name: sec_priv_s_invalid_dlg_token
Value: 0x17122068
Internal error, should not occur.
Name: sec_priv_s_invalid_principal
Value: 0x1712205b
The principal requesting privileges is not valid. Could be caused by a race condition where the principal was just deleted, or could be caused by a defect in DCE.
Name: sec_priv_s_invalid_protect_lvl
Value: 0x1712206b
Privilege client code passed in an invalid protection level.
Name: sec_priv_s_invalid_request
Value: 0x17122061
Invalid request probably caused by defect in DCE, or corrupted data passed in.
Name: sec_priv_s_invalid_server_name
Value: 0x1712206a
Privilege client code passed in an invalid server name.
Name: sec_priv_s_invalid_trust_path
Value: 0x17122060
The intercell authentication path traversed to authenticate to the DCE privilege server does not conform to the requirements for hierarchical trust in DCE.
Name: sec_priv_s_no_mem
Value: 0x1712205d
Unable to allocate memory for specified operation.
Name: sec_priv_s_not_member_any_group
Value: 0x1712205c
Principal isn't a member of any of the groups it requested for its groupset. Most likely caused by a principal's group membership being changed since they logged in.
Name: sec_priv_s_PAD00
Value: 0x17122062
Obsolete error code.
Name: sec_priv_s_server_unavailable
Value: 0x1712205a
Unable to locate an accessible privilege server.
Name: sec_prop_bad_type
Value: 0x17122e43
Internal error.
Name: sec_prop_chk_prop_slave_init
Value: 0x17122e47
Check how slave initialisation is going.
Name: sec_prop_fail
Value: 0x17122e45
The update did not propagate successfully.
Name: sec_prop_no_master_info
Value: 0x17122e42
Propagation thread tried but could not obtain information about the current master security server in the cell. This is an internal error.
Name: sec_prop_no_prop_thrs
Value: 0x17122e40
The security server creates several propagation threads to manage the propagation of updates between the master and slave security servers. This error indicates that one or more such threads have not been created.
Name: sec_prop_not_master
Value: 0x17122e41
Propagation threads can only be created in a master security server not in a slave security server. This is an internal error.
Name: sec_prop_send_delete_rep
Value: 0x17122e4a
Attempting to propogate deletion of replicas.
Name: sec_prop_send_init_slave
Value: 0x17122e46
Attempting to initialize the slave.
Name: sec_prop_slave_init_done
Value: 0x17122e48
The slave was successfully initialized.
Name: sec_prop_succ
Value: 0x17122e44
The propagation has completed successfully.
Name: sec_prop_updates_to_slaves
Value: 0x17122e49
Ppropagating updates to slaves.
Name: sec_pwd_mgmt_not_authorized
Value: 0x17122177
Caller is not authorized to communicate with the password management server.
Name: sec_pwd_mgmt_str_check_failed
Value: 0x17122176
Specified password failed password strength server checking policy.
Name: sec_pwd_mgmt_svr_error
Value: 0x17122178
The password management server has failed to complete the requested operation due to an error.
Name: sec_pwd_mgmt_svr_unavail
Value: 0x17122179
Unable to contact password management server.
Name: sec_rca_op_status
Value: 0x17122f2f
Registry operation failed.
Name: sec_rca_site_rebind
Value: 0x17122f30
Attempting to rebind to an alternate registry site and retrying operation.
Name: sec_rca_site_rebind_fail
Value: 0x17122f32
Failed to rebind to an alternate registry to retry operation.
Name: sec_rca_site_rebind_succ
Value: 0x17122f31
Successfully rebound to specified site to retry operation.
Name: sec_rep_cant_start_prop_tasks
Value: 0x17122e6e
Cannot start the propagation tasks.
Name: sec_rep_corrupt_auth_handle
Value: 0x17122e62
Corrupted replica authentication handle detected.
Name: sec_rep_dupe_cant_start
Value: 0x17122e6a
Replica is in duplicate master state and cannot be started.
Name: sec_rep_dupe_not_master
Value: 0x17122e69
Replica is in duplicate master state but is not the master.
Name: sec_rep_init_slave_fail
Value: 0x17122e74
Initialisation failed.
Name: sec_rep_init_slave_succ
Value: 0x17122e73
Initialisation completed successfully.
Name: sec_rep_invalid_auth_handle
Value: 0x17122e63
Invalid replica authentication handle.
Name: sec_rep_maint_not_master
Value: 0x17122e68
Only a master security server can be in the maintenance mode not a slave.
Name: sec_rep_mseq_not_dup_master
Value: 0x17122e67
master_seqno flag can only be applied to a duplicate master.
Name: sec_rep_msrepl_not_inited
Value: 0x17122e6d
Cannot initialize master replica list.
Name: sec_rep_nm_not_deleted
Value: 0x17122e6b
Unable to remove the specified server name from the name space.
Name: sec_rep_not_on_replist
Value: 0x17122e6c
Specified replica is not on the replica list.
Name: sec_rep_prop_in_progress
Value: 0x17122e6f
Propagation was in progress to a replica when an attempting to free the master's volatile copy of the replica list.
Name: sec_rep_prop_type_not_init
Value: 0x17122e70
Propagation type is not init or initialising.
Name: sec_rep_recv_become_master
Value: 0x17122e76
The slave received a "become master" message.
Name: sec_rep_recv_i_am_master
Value: 0x17122e75
The slave received an "I am master" message.
Name: sec_rep_recv_init_slave
Value: 0x17122e72
On receipt of this request, the slave will attempt to initialize or reinitialize (?) itself.
Name: sec_rep_recv_stop_sw_compat
Value: 0x17122e77
The slave received a "stop until software s compatible" request.
Name: sec_rep_rm_not_in_service
Value: 0x17122e66
restore_master flag can only be specified to an in service master.
Name: sec_res_acct_add_err
Value: 0x17122cd8
An error occurred while adding an account.
Name: sec_res_attr_sch_add_err
Value: 0x17122cd9
An error occurred while adding an entry to the attribute schema.
Name: sec_res_host_key_set_err
Value: 0x17122cd3
An error occurred while setting local host's key.
Name: sec_res_mem_add_err
Value: 0x17122cd7
An error occurred while adding a member.
Name: sec_res_pgo_add_err
Value: 0x17122cd6
An error occurred while adding a person, group, or orgnisation entry.
Name: sec_res_princ_cvt_err
Value: 0x17122cd4
An error occurred while converting a cell name to a local realm principal.
Name: sec_res_uuid_cvt_err
Value: 0x17122cd5
An error occurred while converting a cell UUID to a string.
Name: sec_rgy_acl_init
Value: 0x17122d13
Initializing for sec_acl wire interface failed.
Name: sec_rgy_alias_not_allowed
Value: 0x17122096
Attempted to add an alias to a principal which prohibits that operation.
Name: sec_rgy_aud_open
Value: 0x17122d0d
Fail to open dce audit file
Name: sec_rgy_auth_init
Value: 0x17122d17
Cannot register server's authentication information with RPC runtime.
Name: sec_rgy_bad_chksum_type
Value: 0x17122097
Internal error, should not occur.
Name: sec_rgy_bad_data
Value: 0x17122084
Invalid data encountered during specified registry operation.
Name: sec_rgy_bad_domain
Value: 0x17122074
Attempted an operation that is not supported by the specified domain.
Name: sec_rgy_bad_handle
Value: 0x1712209d
Internal error, should not occur.
Name: sec_rgy_bad_integrity
Value: 0x17122098
Data integrity error. Could be caused by specifying invalid password.
Name: sec_rgy_bad_name
Value: 0x17122088
Illegal name (possibly illegal character(s)) passed to the sec_rgy API.
Name: sec_rgy_bad_name service_name
Value: 0x171220a3
Internal error.
Name: sec_rgy_bad_rgy_db
Value: 0x17122eab
A bad registry database state was encountered.
Name: sec_rgy_bad_scope
Value: 0x17122093
Attempted to set scope to a name that does not exist in the registry.
Name: sec_rgy_cant_allocate_memory
Value: 0x17122085
Unable to allocate memory for the specified operation.
Name: sec_rgy_cant_authenticate
Value: 0x17122095
Can't establish authentication to security server.
Name: sec_rgy_checkpoint
Value: 0x17122eaf
Attempting to checkpoint the registry database.
Name: sec_rgy_checkpoint_succ
Value: 0x17122eb0
Successfully checkpointed the registry database.
Name: sec_rgy_checkpt_log_file
Value: 0x17122eac
Cannot perform checkpoint on the specified log file.
Name: sec_rgy_checkpt_rename_files
Value: 0x17122ead
Cannot rename files during checkpoint.
Name: sec_rgy_checkpt_save_rep_state
Value: 0x17122eae
Cannot save replica state during checkpoint.
Name: sec_rgy_checkpt_start_task
Value: 0x17122d1b
An error occurred while when trying to start a thread to do checkpoint task.
Name: sec_rgy_chkpt_save_file
Value: 0x17122ee6
Saving the specified file.
Name: sec_rgy_chkpt_save_relation
Value: 0x17122ee7
Saving the specified relation.
Name: sec_rgy_compat_log_replay
Value: 0x17122ee8
Compatibility log replay was entered.
Name: sec_rgy_db_create
Value: 0x17122f66
Failed to create the database.
Name: sec_rgy_db_init
Value: 0x17122d01
The security server is going to attempt to read the registry database into its virtual address space.
Name: sec_rgy_db_init_err
Value: 0x17122d11
Loading or initilaizing rgy database has error.
Name: sec_rgy_dce_rgy_identity
Value: 0x17122d19
Cannot set process identity (dce-rgy) and context.
Name: sec_rgy_dir_could_not_create
Value: 0x17122089
Unable to create a directory necessary for the specified operation.
Name: sec_rgy_dir_move_illegal
Value: 0x1712208a
Attempted to make a parent directory the child of one of its descendents.
Name: sec_rgy_era_pwd_mgmt_auth_type
Value: 0x171220a5
Principal's pwd_mgmt_binding ERA authentication cannot be 'none'.
Name: sec_rgy_foreign_quota_exhausted
Value: 0x1712208c
Attempt by a foreign principal to add a registry object, but quota is exhausted.
Name: sec_rgy_get_cellname
Value: 0x17122f65
Cannot retrieve the requested cell name.
Name: sec_rgy_get_local_host_princ
Value: 0x17122d26
Cannot retrieve the requested local host principal name.
Name: sec_rgy_host_identity
Value: 0x17122d16
Cannot inherit host machine context and identity.
Name: sec_rgy_incomplete_login_name
Value: 0x1712207f
Specified login name structure was not completely specified.
Name: sec_rgy_init_rpc_bind
Value: 0x17122d0f
Trying to initialize rpc binding failed.
Name: sec_rgy_key_bad_size
Value: 0x17122099
Internal error, should not occur.
Name: sec_rgy_key_bad_type
Value: 0x17122091
The key type specified was not a valid for the specified operation.
Name: sec_rgy_locksmith_init
Value: 0x17122d14
Cannot set up the requestedlocksmith account.
Name: sec_rgy_log_entry_out_of_range
Value: 0x171220a4
Internal error.
Name: sec_rgy_log_init_mgr
Value: 0x17122d10
Cannot initialize the server log managers.
Name: sec_rgy_mkey_bad
Value: 0x1712209c
Registry master key retrieved from .mkey file doesn't match master key stored in the database.
Name: sec_rgy_mkey_bad_stored
Value: 0x1712209b
Registry master key stored in .mkey file has been corrupted.
Name: sec_rgy_mkey_file_io_failed
Value: 0x171220a0
Master key file operation (create/read/write) failed.
Name: sec_rgy_mky_bad_cellname
Value: 0x17122e20
The cell name must begin with /.../ but it does not.
Name: sec_rgy_mky_gen_random
Value: 0x17122e29
Cannot create the master key because an error occurred while generating a random master key.
Name: sec_rgy_mky_get_realm_name
Value: 0x17122e24
The cell name to be converted is not a legal cell name.
Name: sec_rgy_mky_init_keyseed
Value: 0x17122e26
Problem generating a DES key from user-entered keyseed and timeofday.
Name: sec_rgy_mky_init_random
Value: 0x17122e28
Cannot create the master keybecause an error occurred while initialising the random key generator.
Name: sec_rgy_mky_not_match
Value: 0x17122e2d
The master key in memory doesn't match the master key stored in the database.
Name: sec_rgy_mky_process_keyseed
Value: 0x17122e27
Cannot create the master key because an error occured while processing the keyseed.
Name: sec_rgy_mky_process_master_key
Value: 0x17122e2a
Cannot create the master key bacause an error occured while processing the master key.
Name: sec_rgy_mky_setup_mkey_name
Value: 0x17122e25
Possibly caused by not enough memory to be allocated.
Name: sec_rgy_mky_store_db
Value: 0x17122e2c
An error occurred while storing the master key in the database.
Name: sec_rgy_mky_store_disk
Value: 0x17122e2b
Cannot create the master key because an error occurred while storing the master key on the disk.
Name: sec_rgy_name_exists
Value: 0x17122076
Attempted to add a registry object that already exists.
Name: sec_rgy_no_more_entries
Value: 0x17122079
End of list encountered while performing registry lookup.
Name: sec_rgy_no_more_unix_ids
Value: 0x1712208d
No more available Unix IDs within allowable range.
Name: sec_rgy_not_authorized
Value: 0x17122081
The object's ACL denied the attempted operation.
Name: sec_rgy_not_implemented
Value: 0x17122073
Operation is not implemented in this version of DCE.
Name: sec_rgy_not_member_group
Value: 0x1712207c
The principal specified in the account operation is not a member of the specified primary group.
Name: sec_rgy_not_member_group_org
Value: 0x1712207e
The principal specified in the account operation is not a member of the specified group or organisation.
Name: sec_rgy_not_member_org
Value: 0x1712207d
The principal specified in the account operation is not a member of the specified organisation.
Name: sec_rgy_not_root
Value: 0x17122d00
The attempted operation requires root privileges.
Name: sec_rgy_ns_register
Value: 0x17122d1a
Cannot start the name service registration task.
Name: sec_rgy_ns_svr_get_binding
Value: 0x17122d53
Cannot get server's rpc binding from its repository.
Name: sec_rgy_object_exists
Value: 0x17122075
Attempted to add a registry object that already exists.
Name: sec_rgy_object_not_found
Value: 0x1712207a
Specified registry object was not found.
Name: sec_rgy_object_not_in_scope
Value: 0x17122094
Attempted to lookup object that doesn't exist within the current scope.
Name: sec_rgy_passwd_invalid
Value: 0x17122080
Specified password is invalid.
Name: sec_rgy_passwd_non_alpha
Value: 0x171220a7
Specified password contains all alphanumberic characters, which is not allowed by current policy.
Name: sec_rgy_passwd_spaces
Value: 0x171220a8
Specified password contains no non-blank character, which is not allowed by current policy.
Name: sec_rgy_passwd_too_short
Value: 0x171220a6
Specified password is shorter than the current minimum limit.
Name: sec_rgy_quota_exhausted
Value: 0x1712208b
Principal's registry quota is exhausted and an update operation was attempted.
Name: sec_rgy_read_only
Value: 0x17122082
Registry is in a read only state and an update was attempted.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_add_master_replica
Value: 0x17122e80
When a slave database is re-initializing, in-memory data is cleared and re-created. Problem occurred when trying to add master replica to its database.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_add_my_replica
Value: 0x17122e7f
When a slave database is re-initializing, in-memory data is cleared and re-created. Problem occurred when trying to add this slave replica to its database.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_already_inited
Value: 0x171220c9
Attempt to initialize a replica that has already been initialized.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_bad_arg
Value: 0x171220c2
Invalid operation.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_bad_binding
Value: 0x171220b6
Bad binding encountered by the registry server.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_bad_db_version
Value: 0x171220aa
Version stored with registry database is not that expected by the registry software executed.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_bad_init_id
Value: 0x171220c8
Internal error, should not occur.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_bad_master_seqno
Value: 0x171220cf
Internal error, should not occur.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_bad_prop_type
Value: 0x171220ca
Internal error, should not occur
Name: sec_rgy_rep_bad_state
Value: 0x171220b4
Operation attempted while registry was in a state unable to perform that type of operation.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_bad_sw_vers
Value: 0x171220c6
Attempted to start registry server with software that is at a version incompatible with that which is stored in the registry database.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_cannot_create_db
Value: 0x171220ab
Unable to create database.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_cannot_open_db
Value: 0x171220ac
Unable to open registry database file that should already exist.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_cannot_read_db
Value: 0x171220ad
Registry server is unable to read the registry database.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_cannot_rename_db
Value: 0x171220af
The registry server was unable to rename the database files during conversion to the current database format.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_cannot_save_db
Value: 0x171220ae
Unable to save registry database to disk.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_clock_skew
Value: 0x171220b9
Clock value between registry server machines is out of tolerance.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_db_locked
Value: 0x171220b8
Database is already locked by another process.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_doppelganger
Value: 0x171220bc
Another replica with the same name or id exists.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_entry_not_found
Value: 0x17122e71
Cannot find the in-memory replica list entry in the stable replica list.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_host_identity
Value: 0x17122d18
Cannot get local host principal's context and identity.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_init_ekey_invalid
Value: 0x171220c5
Initialisation encryption key is not valid.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_init_replica
Value: 0x17122d12
Cannot initialize the server replica.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_invalid_entry
Value: 0x171220c4
Invalid replica entry encountered.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_marked_for_init
Value: 0x171220c7
Attempted to mark a replica for initialisation, that has already been marked for initialisation.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_master
Value: 0x171220b1
Specified operation may only be performed at a non-master registry replica site.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_master_bad_sw_vers
Value: 0x171220cb
Master registry is running a version of software that is not compatible with the replica registry servers.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_master_dup
Value: 0x171220cd
Duplicate master registry servers found.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_master_not_found
Value: 0x171220b0
A registry replica was unable to locate the master registry.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_master_obsolete
Value: 0x17122e4b
A slave has a higher update sequence number than this master, which implies this master has an obsolete database; so exit itself.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_mst_restart_prop
Value: 0x17122e79
After change_master operation failed, the old master try to resume its master role but fail to restart its propagation task threads.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_not_from_master
Value: 0x171220b3
Internal error, should not happen.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_not_master
Value: 0x171220b2
Specified operation may only be performed by the master registry server.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_pack_entry
Value: 0x17122e09
When trying to log replication for add or replace, error occurrs.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_pgmerr
Value: 0x171220a9
Internal error, should not occur.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_recover_db
Value: 0x17122e7e
After an attemp to initialize a replica failed, this operation tried to clear data in memory and reload pre-initializetion database from disk, also failed.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_set_init_id
Value: 0x17122e7c
This code won't be executed; we may as well take it out :-) or replaced with same fatal message
Name: sec_rgy_rep_set_state
Value: 0x17122e7b
This code won't be executed; we may as well take it out :-) or replaced with same fatal message
Name: sec_rgy_rep_set_volatile_state
Value: 0x17122e7d
This code won't be executed; we may as well take it out :-) or replaced with same fatal message
Name: sec_rgy_rep_slave_bad_sw_vers
Value: 0x171220cc
Replica registry server is running a version of software that is not compatible with the master registry server.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_slv_restart_prop
Value: 0x17122e7a
After become_slave operation failed, the old master try to resume its master role but fail to restart its propagation task threads.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_update_seqno_high
Value: 0x171220ba
Slave must have missed/lost some update from the master.
Name: sec_rgy_rep_update_seqno_low
Value: 0x171220bb
Registry replica received an update from a master registry that is older than updates already received by the replica. Either the replica is accepting the new master and should automatically reinitialize itself from this master, or it believes that the master has an obsolete database and it will shut down.
Name: sec_rgy_rsdb_attr_delete
Value: 0x17122ebf
Cannot delete the attribute instance.
Name: sec_rgy_rsdb_attr_export
Value: 0x17122ec0
When exporting attribute values from database to sec_attr, error occurrs.
Name: sec_rgy_rsdb_attr_import
Value: 0x17122ebe
When importing attribute values in sec_attr to internal buffer area, error occurrs.
Name: sec_rgy_rsdb_attr_set_id
Value: 0x17122ebd
Cannot set the object's attribute list ID.
Name: sec_rgy_rsdb_checkpt
Value: 0x17122e78
Cannot checkpoint the database.
Name: sec_rgy_rsdb_checkpt_uninit
Value: 0x17122e81
When a slave database is re-initializing, in-memory data is cleared and re-created. Problem occurred when trying to do checkpoint on this database.
Name: sec_rgy_server_unavailable
Value: 0x1712207b
Unable to contact a registry server.
Name: sec_rgy_set_stack_size
Value: 0x17122d0e
Cannot set rpc listener thread stack size to be 64*1024.
Name: sec_rgy_shutdown_done
Value: 0x17122d06
Security server shutdown has been completed.
Name: sec_rgy_site_not_absolute
Value: 0x171220a2
A non-absolute name specified as the registry site.
Name: sec_rgy_s_pgo_is_required
Value: 0x1712209e
Attempted to delete a required PGO or account.
Name: sec_rgy_startup_done
Value: 0x17122d05
Security server initialisation has been completed.
Name: sec_rgy_svr_register
Value: 0x17122d15
Failed when registering with the rpc runtime and with the endpoint mapper.
Name: sec_rgy_svr_register_ns
Value: 0x17122d54
The server cannot register with the name service.
Name: sec_rgy_thr_exit_alert
Value: 0x17122d03
The thread is exiting with an alert exception.
Name: sec_rgy_thr_exit_exc
Value: 0x17122d04
The thread is exiting with an exception.
Name: sec_rgy_thr_join
Value: 0x17122d02
Cannot join pthread tasks.
Name: sec_rgy_thr_set_pool
Value: 0x17122d1c
Prior to setting maximum number of rpc listener threads, a call to set rpc listener threads pool queue length failed,.
Name: sec_rgy_unix_id_changed
Value: 0x17122077
The specified unix id doesn't match unix id extracted from the specified UUID.
Name: sec_rgy_uuid_bad_version
Value: 0x1712208e
Version of UUID does not match that expected for this operation. Could occur if the registry server expected a UUID containing an embedded Unix ID, but was passed a generic UUID.
Name: sec_rsdb_acct_add_curkey
Value: 0x17122eb7
An attempt to add to the current key version was detected.
Name: sec_rsdb_acct_cant_getid
Value: 0x17122eb5
The application was unable to get the account by the specified ID.
Name: sec_rsdb_acct_end_list
Value: 0x17122eb8
The end of the member list was encountered unexpectedly.
Name: sec_rsdb_acct_noaliases
Value: 0x17122eb6
There are no remaining aliases.
Name: sec_rsdb_acct_reset
Value: 0x17122eb4
Unable to reset previous account information.
Name: sec_rsdb_bad_policy_data
Value: 0x17122ecb
The policy data is not of a valid size.
Name: sec_rsdb_bad_policy_key
Value: 0x17122ecc
The key for the policy data is illegal.
Name: sec_rsdb_cant_cntr_item_name
Value: 0x17122ecd
Unable to construct the specified item name.
Name: sec_rsdb_cant_get_group_creds
Value: 0x17122ed4
Unable to obtain credentials for the specified group.
Name: sec_rsdb_cant_get_item
Value: 0x17122ec9
Unable to look up the specified item.
Name: sec_rsdb_cant_get_item_seqid
Value: 0x17122ed2
Unable to get the record of the specified item for sequential ID.
Name: sec_rsdb_cant_get_key
Value: 0x17122ed7
Unable to get the key for sequential ID.
Name: sec_rsdb_cant_get_member_data
Value: 0x17122ed6
Unable to get membership data.
Name: sec_rsdb_cant_get_mgr_typuuid
Value: 0x17122edb
Could not get a manager type UUID.
Name: sec_rsdb_cant_get_org_creds
Value: 0x17122ed5
Unable to obtain credentials for the specified organization.
Name: sec_rsdb_cant_get_person_creds
Value: 0x17122ed3
Unable to obtain credentials for the specified person.
Name: sec_rsdb_cant_get_pgo_creds
Value: 0x17122ec8
Unable to obtain credentials for the specified pgo.
Name: sec_rsdb_cant_init_acl
Value: 0x17122ed9
Could not initialize the ACL list.
Name: sec_rsdb_cant_set_auth_policy
Value: 0x17122ec6
Unable to set the authorisation policy.
Name: sec_rsdb_cant_set_policy
Value: 0x17122ec5
Unable to set the policy.
Name: sec_rsdb_cant_set_properties
Value: 0x17122ec3
Unable to set the properties.
Name: sec_rsdb_cant_set_realm
Value: 0x17122ec4
Unable to set the realm.
Name: sec_rsdb_cant_store_new_item
Value: 0x17122ed1
Could not store the new item.
Name: sec_rsdb_cant_walk_alias_chain
Value: 0x17122eca
Unable to walk the alias chain.
Name: sec_rsdb_corrupt_alias_chain
Value: 0x17122ece
The database alias chain is corrupted.
Name: sec_rsdb_db_chkpt_err
Value: 0x17122ea5
Cannot checkpoint the database.
Name: sec_rsdb_db_inconsistent
Value: 0x17122ed0
The database is inconsistent.
Name: sec_rsdb_dbstore_fail
Value: 0x17122ea9
Storage in the database failed.
Name: sec_rsdb_db_unrecog_state
Value: 0x17122ea1
The database is in an unrecognized state.
Name: sec_rsdb_db_write_fail
Value: 0x17122eb3
Write to the database failed.
Name: sec_rsdb_end_memb_list
Value: 0x17122ecf
End of membership list was reached.
Name: sec_rsdb_ent_not_xlated
Value: 0x17122ea2
The log entry could not be translated and so was skipped.
Name: sec_rsdb_fetch_error
Value: 0x17122ed8
An error occurred while fetching data.
Name: sec_rsdb_file_rename_err
Value: 0x17122ea7
Cannot rename files during checkpoint.
Name: sec_rsdb_file_stat_fail
Value: 0x17122eb1
Unable to stat the file with the specified descriptor.
Name: sec_rsdb_inconsistent_creds
Value: 0x17122ec7
The database inconsistent; the credentials item length is not valid.
Name: sec_rsdb_list_not_terminated
Value: 0x17122ec1
The ist was not properly terminated.
Name: sec_rsdb_log_chkpt_err
Value: 0x17122ea6
Cannot checkpoint log file.
Name: sec_rsdb_logent_replay_err
Value: 0x17122ea4
An error occurred while replaying the log entry and it was skipped.
Name: sec_rsdb_log_file_open
Value: 0x17122ea0
The log file is already open.
Name: sec_rsdb_no_open_slot
Value: 0x17122ec2
There is no open slot in the list.
Name: sec_rsdb_readver_fail
Value: 0x17122eb2
Unable to read version the specified version file.
Name: sec_rsdb_repl_fail
Value: 0x17122eaa
The database replace operation failed.
Name: sec_rsdb_rep_state_not_saved
Value: 0x17122ea8
Cannot save the replica state.
Name: sec_rsdb_unknown_aclmgr_type
Value: 0x17122eda
Unknown ACL manager type.
Name: sec_rs_global_lock_fatal_exc
Value: 0x17122edf
An exception occurred while a global lock was held.
Name: sec_rs_lock_fatal_exc
Value: 0x17122ede
An exception occurred while a lock was held. The first %s is the mode string which can be read, write or read-intend-to-write . The Name: second parameter is the type of lock and indicates on what the lock was held - database, replica list, log etc.
Name: sec_rs_log_bad_version
Value: 0x17122e00
The version of the log file is bad.
Name: sec_rs_log_base_prop_seq
Value: 0x17122e06
Logged during replay.
Name: sec_rs_log_file_closed
Value: 0x17122e02
The log file was not open.
Name: sec_rs_login_bad_name
Value: 0x17122d27
The login name is invalid.
Name: sec_rs_login_cant_refresh
Value: 0x17122d25
Unable to refresh the specified identity; will idle and retry.
Name: sec_rs_login_null_handle
Value: 0x17122d21
The registry login handle is null.
Name: sec_rs_login_null_name
Value: 0x17122d22
The login name is either a null pointer or a null string.
Name: sec_rs_login_refresh
Value: 0x17122d24
The thread will attempt to refresh to the login context using the call sec_login_refresh_identity()
Name: sec_rs_login_refresh_wait
Value: 0x17122d23
The thread will wait for the specified number of seconds before attempting to refresh the login context.
Name: sec_rs_login_wrong_call
Value: 0x17122d20
Internal error.
Name: sec_rs_log_open_fail
Value: 0x17122e01
Failed to open the log file.
Name: sec_rs_log_propq_add_fail
Value: 0x17122e03
An attempt to add information to the propagation queue failed. .
Name: sec_rs_log_replay
Value: 0x17122e04
Replay the log file.
Name: sec_rs_log_replay_entry
Value: 0x17122e07
Logged during replay.
Name: sec_rs_log_replay_err
Value: 0x17122e08
An error occurred while replaying the log.
Name: sec_rs_log_replay_succ
Value: 0x17122e05
Successfully replayed the log file.
Name: sec_rs_mkey_actver_mismatch
Value: 0x17122e21
The account's master key version doesn't match the old or the new.
Name: sec_rs_mkey_long_keyseed
Value: 0x17122e23
The keyseed is too long.
Name: sec_rs_mkey_unknown
Value: 0x17122e22
The master key version decrypting the account key is unrecognized.
Name: sec_rs_ns_bind_export
Value: 0x17122d4c
The security server is attempting to export the interfaces to the name space.
Name: sec_rs_ns_bind_export_succ
Value: 0x17122d4d
The bindings have been exported to name space.
Name: sec_rs_ns_bind_remove_succ
Value: 0x17122d4e
The bindings have been exported to name space.
Name: sec_rs_ns_cant_rm_member
Value: 0x17122d52
Unable to remove the old name from the group.
Name: sec_rs_ns_cant_rm_name
Value: 0x17122d51
The old name was not removed from the name service.
Name: sec_rs_ns_grp_ent_create_fail
Value: 0x17122d42
Informational event. .
Name: sec_rs_ns_grp_ent_create_succ
Value: 0x17122d43
Informational event.
Name: sec_rs_ns_grp_mbr_add_fail
Value: 0x17122d44
Informational event. .
Name: sec_rs_ns_grp_mbr_add_succ
Value: 0x17122d45
The member was added to the group.
Name: sec_rs_ns_name_del_succ
Value: 0x17122d4f
The name entry has been deleted successfully from the name space. The name entry is also no longer a member of the group entry.
Name: sec_rs_ns_name_not_removed
Value: 0x17122d50
The old name not removed from name service; it may not belong to this server.
Name: sec_rs_ns_null_profile
Value: 0x17122d40
This is an internal error.
Name: sec_rs_ns_null_v1_group
Value: 0x17122d41
This is an internal error.
Name: sec_rs_ns_prof_elt_add_fail
Value: 0x17122d46
The profile element was not added to cell-profile.
Name: sec_rs_ns_prof_elt_add_succ
Value: 0x17122d47
The profile element was added to cell-profile.
Name: sec_rs_ns_prof_elt_inq_fail
Value: 0x17122d4a
The profile element inquiry failed.
Name: sec_rs_ns_prof_elt_inq_succ
Value: 0x17122d4b
Read the catalog point from the profile.
Name: sec_rs_ns_prof_elt_rm_fail
Value: 0x17122d48
The secidmap to sec mapping could not be removed from cell-profile.
Name: sec_rs_ns_prof_elt_rm_succ
Value: 0x17122d49
The secidmap to sec mapping was removed from cell-profile.
Name: sec_rs_pipe_not_created
Value: 0x17122cd2
Unable to establish a parent-child pipe.
Name: sec_rs_pwd_bogus_pickle
Value: 0x17122cc1
Internal password representation incorrect.
Name: sec_rs_rep_incompat_version
Value: 0x17122e65
The software version is incompatible with the master's version. The server will exit.
Name: sec_rs_rep_not_master
Value: 0x17122e64
The replica is no longer the master.
Name: sec_rs_rpc_if_reg_succ
Value: 0x17122d80
Security server has successfully registered the server interfaces with the RPC runtime and the end point mapper
Name: sec_rs_rpc_if_unreg_succ
Value: 0x17122d83
Security server has unregistered the server interfaces from the RPC runtime and the end point mapper
Name: sec_rs_rpc_inq_bind_err
Value: 0x17122d85
Unable to establish the requested server bindings.
Name: sec_rs_rpc_propif_reg_succ
Value: 0x17122d81
Security server has successfully registered the interfaces required for Name: security replication with the RPC runtime and the end point mapper.
Name: sec_rs_rpc_propif_unreg_succ
Value: 0x17122d82
Security server has unregistered the interfaces required for Name: security replication from the RPC runtime and the end point mapper.
Name: sec_rs_rpc_prot_twr_err
Value: 0x17122d87
Unable to get the server's protocol towers.
Name: sec_rs_rpc_save_bind_err
Value: 0x17122d86
Unable to save the server's bindings.
Name: sec_rs_rpc_use_protseq_err
Value: 0x17122d84
Unable to listen on any protocol sequence.
Name: sec_rs_thr_create_fail
Value: 0x17122da1
The specified thread could not be created . The actual cause of failure is logged prior to this.
Name: sec_rs_thr_exit_creat_fail
Value: 0x17122da0
The security server exited because thread creation failed. To name of the thread which could not be created and the reason why it could not be created is logged by the status sec_rs_thr_create_fail.
Name: sec_rs_thr_exiting
Value: 0x17122da3
The thread is about to exit.
Name: sec_rs_thr_started
Value: 0x17122da2
The specified thread has been started. This message is logged by a thread as soon as it is created and starts running.
Name: sec_rs_vmcc_cant_register
Value: 0x17122e60
Unable to register virtual memory kerberos credential cache type.
Name: sec_rs_vmcc_cant_remove
Value: 0x17122e61
Cannot remove individual credentials from the VM cache.
Name: sec_s_authz_unsupp
Value: 0x17122001
The requested authorisation protocol is not supported by the authentication protocol requested.
Name: sec_s_bad_key_parity
Value: 0x1712200d
Specified DES key did not pass a parity check.
Name: sec_s_bad_nonce
Value: 0x17122003
Client failed challenge issued by server in RPC DG callback. Could be caused by a bug in DCE, trouble with the network, or possibly a failed security attack.
Name: sec_secd_cl_bad_arg
Value: 0x17122d09
The argument for the specified option is not correct.
Name: sec_secd_cl_bad_chkpt_interval
Value: 0x17122d0c
Checkpoint interval specified on the command line is not a positive number.
Name: sec_secd_cl_locksmith_opt
Value: 0x17122d0b
The specified option is valid and can be used only when -locksmith is also used.
Name: sec_secd_cl_missing_arg
Value: 0x17122d08
The specified option requires an argument which was not specified.
Name: sec_secd_cl_unknown_opt
Value: 0x17122d0a
The specified option is either invalid or unknown.
Name: sec_secd_cl_usage
Value: 0x17122d07
Name: secd started with incorrect arguments.
Name: sec_s_invalid_name service_entry
Value: 0x1712200b
Registry server encountered an error while processing its name service entry. May be caused by an incomplete or incorrect configuration, or by duplicate secd replicas running simultaneously.
Name: sec_site_bind_default
Value: 0x17122f24
Attempting to bind to a registry site using the specified file.
Name: sec_site_bind_fail
Value: 0x17122f22
Failed to bind to the specified registry site.
Name: sec_site_bind_start
Value: 0x17122f20
Attempting to bind to the specified registry site.
Name: sec_site_bind_succ
Value: 0x17122f21
Successfully bound to the registry site.
Name: sec_site_cell_bind_start
Value: 0x17122f23
Attempting to bind to an arbitrary registry site in the specified cell.
Name: sec_site_lookup_file
Value: 0x17122f28
Retrieving RPC string binding handles for the specified server from the specified file.
Name: sec_site_profile_search_fail
Value: 0x17122f2b
The search for a security server using the specified profile s failed.
Name: sec_site_profile_search_start
Value: 0x17122f29
Beginning a search for the security server using the specified profile.
Name: sec_site_profile_search_succ
Value: 0x17122f2a
Successfully located security the specified server using the specified profile.
Name: sec_site_rebind_fail
Value: 0x17122f27
Failed to rebind to an alternate registry site.
Name: sec_site_rebind_start
Value: 0x17122f25
Attempting to rebind to an alternate registry site.
Name: sec_site_rebind_succ
Value: 0x17122f26
Successfully rebound to the registry site.
Name: sec_s_keytype_unsupp
Value: 0x17122002
Most likely an internal error, caused by a defect in DCE.
Name: sec_s_no_key_seed
Value: 0x17122009
Security service has not yet been initialized, so there is no random key seed available.
Name: sec_s_no_memory
Value: 0x17122007
Unable to allocate memory for the requested operation.
Name: sec_s_none_registered
Value: 0x17122004
Application programming error. The server has not yet registered its identity with the security runtime.
Name: sec_s_no_pac
Value: 0x17122005
Improperly formed RPC authentication protocol message. Most likely caused by a defect in DCE.
Name: sec_s_not_implemented
Value: 0x17122006
Requested operation is not implemented by this verion of DCE.
Name: sec_s_not_trustworthy
Value: 0x17122008
Client field of an incoming ticket was not the known Name: security/privilege server.
Name: sec_s_pgmerr
Value: 0x1712200c
Internal security server error.
Name: sec_s_v1_1_no_support
Value: 0x1712200f
Client attempted to use a DCE1.1 security feature that the server doesn't support.
Name: sec_svc_cant_get_msg
Value: 0x17122cd1
Serviceability component returns a error.
Name: sec_svc_not_authorized
Value: 0x1712217e
Caller is not authorized to perform the requested serviceability operation.
Name: sec_sys_errno_text
Value: 0x17122f61
The function call returned -1 and errno was set.
Name: sec_sys_errno_text_only
Value: 0x17122f62
The function call returned -1 and errno was set.
Name: sec_sys_file_ftruncate_fail
Value: 0x17122f69
An attempt to truncate the file using the call ftruncate() failed.
Name: sec_sys_file_lseek_fail
Value: 0x17122f63
The file seek failed.
Name: sec_sys_file_open_fail
Value: 0x17122f64
Failed to open the specified file.
Name: sec_sys_file_read_error
Value: 0x17122f67
The requested number of bytes were not read from the file.
Name: sec_sys_file_write_error
Value: 0x17122f68
The requested number of bytes were not written to the file.
Name: sec_thr_alert
Value: 0x17122f42
Thread received an alert exception.
Name: sec_thr_exit_cancel
Value: 0x17122f41
The thread terminated execution because it received a thread cancel exception.
Name: sec_thr_exit_exc
Value: 0x17122f43
The thread terminated execution because it received an exception.
Name: sec_thr_post_cancel
Value: 0x17122f40
Posting a cancel to specified thread.
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