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DCE 1.1: Authentication and Security Services
Copyright © 1997 The Open Group


sec_rgy_site_open-Binds to a registry site


#include <dce/binding.h>

void sec_rgy_site_open(
    unsigned_char_t *site_name,
    sec_rgy_handle_t *context,
    error_status_t *status);




A pointer to a character string (type unsigned_char_t) containing the name of the registry site to bind to. Supply this name in any of the following forms:

  • To randomly choose a site to bind to in the named cell, specify a cell name (for example, /.../ or /.: for the local cell)

  • To bind to a specific site in a specific cell, specify either the site's global name (for example, /.../ or the site's network address (for example, ncadg_ip_udp:

Note that if you specify the name of a specific secd to bind to and the name is not valid, the call will bind to a random site in the cell if the specified cell name is valid.



A pointer to a sec_rgy_handle_t variable. Upon return, this contains a registry server handle indicating (bound to) the desired registry site.


A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error.


The sec_rgy_site_open() routine binds to a registry site at the level of security specified in the rpc_binding_set_auth_info() call. The site_name parameter identifies the registry to use. If site_name is NULL, or a zero-length string, a registry site in the local cell is selected by the client agent. The caller must have established a valid network identity for this call to succeed.


To bind to a registry site, the use of the sec_rgy_site_bind() call is recommended in place of this call.

Like sec_rgy_site_open_query() routine, this routine binds arbitrarily to either an update or query site. Although update sites can accept queries, query sites cannot accept updates. To specifically select an update site, use sec_rgy_site_open_update().



The idl file from which dce/binding.h was derived.



The call was successful.


No currently established network identity for which context exists.


Server unavailable.


Functions: sec_rgy_site_close(), sec_rgy_site_is_readonly(), sec_rgy_site_open_query(), sec_rgy_site_open_update().
Please note that the html version of this specification may contain formatting aberrations. The definitive version is available as an electronic publication on CD-ROM from The Open Group.

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