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Authorization (AZN) API
Copyright © 2000 The Open Group

Required Functionality and Portability

Required Functionality

All aznAPI implementations are required to support the functionality described in this section.


The functions listed in Mandatory Function Calls in Conformant aznAPI Implementation must be implemented as specified in the function call definitions in Function Call Definitions, by all conformant aznAPI implementations:

azn_attrlist_* /* all attrlist calls */
azn_error_* /* all error calls */
azn_release_* /* all release calls */

Table: Mandatory Function Calls in Conformant aznAPI Implementation

Functions defined in but not listed in Mandatory Function Calls in Conformant aznAPI Implementation must be implemented but need not support all (or any) of the functionality described in Function Call Definitions; instead, they may return AZN_S_UNIMPLEMENTED_FUNCTION in response to those calls.

Authorities, Services, Schemes, and Mechanisms

All aznAPI implementations must support the use of AZN_NULL_ID to specify a default authority and to specify a default mechanism_id.

aznAPI implementations which provide entitlements services, labeling schemes, credential modification services, and/or pac services must support the use of AZN_NULL_ID to specify default providers of these services or schemes.

aznAPI implementations are not required to support any explicit authority, scheme, mechanism, or service IDs.

Future supplemental standards may define standard portable sets of authority, scheme, mechanism, and service IDs.


All aznAPI implementations must be able to return the AZN_C_VERSION attribute and its string value from azn_initialize().


Applications which restrict their use of the aznAPI to the functionality described in the previous section will be portable across aznAPI implementations if those implementations support their resource and operation names.

Resource and Operation Names

This specification does not define standard namespaces or name syntaxes for protected resources or operations. Future supplemental standards may define standard, portable namespaces and/or name syntaxes for resources and operations. For example, a future standard might mandate that all protected resource names must be expressed as URIs.

Until standard namespaces and name syntaxes for protected resources and operations are defined, application developers will need to check their aznAPI documentation to ensure that their resource names and operations are supported by an aznAPI implementation.

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