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DCE 1.1: Directory Services
Copyright © 1997 The Open Group

CDS Service Definition

This chapter contains the abstract service definition of the Cell Directory Service (CDS).

The scope of CDS within the DCE Directory Service is best described by a cell. CDS consists of a set of facilities that control the directory service entries within the cell of a cell name space.

The common semantics and syntax rules for cell name spaces are defined in Information Model . Conformance to this CDS specification includes conformance to the Directory Service Information Model specified in Information Model .

Implementations that conform to this specification interoperate according to the following rule: any conforming CDS clerk implementation interoperates with any conforming CDS server or GDA implementations, and any conforming CDS server implementations interoperate.

Name Syntax

The syntax for names presented to CDS is specified in Name Syntax . Before names are processed by CDS, they are converted to their canonical form as specified in Canonicalisation of Names .

The canonical string representation of names defines the wire format of both the atomic name component and the composite name. Its encodings are specified in the data structures cds_Name_t and cds_FullName_t in Single Name Components and Full Names respectively.

Filters for Enumerate Operations

The general matching rules for names are specified in Cell Name Space Name Syntax .

If a component of a name passed as input to a CDS enumeration operation contains one of the wildcard metacharacters (that is, unescaped * (asterisk) or ? (question mark)), and if this component is the terminal component of a CDS name, then the following filter algorithm is applied to the component:

Functional Model

The functional model of CDS, as described in this chapter, includes the modular composition of CDS, its integration with other DCE services, a list of the facilities that are excluded from this specification, and a description of the security model of CDS.

Implementations intended to comply with the The Open Group DCE shall adhere to this specified functional model. The internal design of facilities may vary, but they shall provide the defined semantics to ensure interoperability.

CDS is functionally divided into a number of major modules:

CDS Functional Modules illustrates the relationship between these modules and shows the appropriate communication protocols. The Global Directory Agent, although not directly part of CDS, is also accessed by the CDS clerk and shown in the figure.

Figure: CDS Functional Modules

The following sections summarise the functions of these CDS modules. For further information, see Abstract Definitions of CDS Service Primitives for CDS services specifications, CDS Protocol Definition for the protocol specification and Global Directory Agent for the Global Directory Agent specification.

The Global Directory Agent provides for inter-cell operations by connecting the cell name spaces to the global name space and, in the case of cell hierarchies, to other cell name spaces within the hierarchy. It does not provide generic access to GDS. For information about accessing and manipulating the X.500 GDS and the X.500 conformance statements refer to The Open Group Directory Service API (XDS) , The Open Group OSI-Abstract-Data Manipulation (XOM) and Part 3, Global Directory Service.

CDS Client and Clerk

A client accesses CDS through the client application programming interface. This interface is provided by a CDS module called clerk.

The immediate API to CDS is not further specified in The Open Group DCE. A higher-level programming interface, The Open Group Directory Service (XDS) interface, is specified in The Open Group Directory Service API (XDS) .

The clerk is the only CDS module that must reside on all DCE nodes. The clerk ascertains an appropriate CDS server to process a request, and then invokes the clerk/server operations of the transaction protocol to communicate to as many CDS servers (including the Global Directory Agent) as necessary to satisfy the request. The clerk presents the client's login context to the RPC interface.

Clerks are responsible for initially learning about at least one CDS server that is able either to process a complete request or provide information (referrals) about other candidate CDS servers. This initial information is obtained via the solicitation protocol. CDS servers periodically advertise their availability using the RPC broadcast execution semantic. Clerks listen for these CDS server advertisements and thereby learn of the existence of servers and name spaces.

To improve responsiveness when CDS is initialised, a clerk is also permitted (although not required) to issue a single solicitation request (using the RPC broadcast execution semantic) to provoke announcements from CDS servers that may be waiting to advertise.

In order to maximise performance, it is likely that a clerk implementation maintains a cache of recently accessed information; the algorithm for managing such a cache is not specified in this document. Also, the clerk may execute a number of management operations to initialise itself; these operations are not further specified in this document.

CDS Server

Each CDS consists of one or multiple instances of servers that provide the services requested by clerks. CDS servers communicate with clerks and other servers via the transaction protocol.

The transaction agent is the main CDS server module. It processes the CDS server side of the transaction protocol, performing operations requested by clients. The transaction agent is also responsible for coordinating the creation, deletion and modification of directories, using the server-to-server operations of the transaction protocol for communicating with other transaction agents, as necessary. In order to perform these maintenance operations, the server accesses other servers in a manner identical to the way clients access servers - namely, through a clerk. Thus, each CDS server logically contains a clerk which provides all the functions of the normal client clerk, plus a number of special functions relevant only to server-to-server communication.

The CDS server supports the solicitation protocol specified in CDS Protocol Definition . Servers send advertisements under the following circumstances:

CDS stores name space data in a partitioned and possibly partially replicated database. The database is partitioned because parts of the name space are stored in different locations. The database may be partially replicated because parts of the name space may be simultaneously stored in multiple locations. The unit of both partitioning and replication is the directory; a collection of directories stored on a particular node is called a clearinghouse. Clearinghouses are integral to CDS servers. Partitioning is accomplished by controlling which directories are stored in which clearinghouse. Replication is accomplished by storing a directory in more than one clearinghouse.

attributes that are specified in All clearinghouses are catalogued in object entries in the cell root directory. Clearinghouses thus have names so that clients may conveniently refer to them, and so that CDS itself can find clearinghouses by looking up their names in the name space. Information which controls the operation of the clearinghouse as a whole is stored in a pseudo-directory entry in the clearinghouse. This clearinghouse pseudo-directory contains the same attributes as a normal directory, as well as a number of additional Architected Default Attributes .

Any copy of a directory (including the original copy) stored in a particular clearinghouse is called a replica. In order to simplify the algorithms for name creation and general name space maintenance, one of the replicas of a directory must be designated to be the master replica.

Conforming CDS implementations may provide replication services that maintain other types of replicas (such as read-only replicas). These services must ensure that the contents of all replicas of a directory remain consistent.

Further control functions of the CDS server, such as the overall coordination of the server operation (bringing clearinghouses on line, and so on) are implementation-specific and thus not specified in this document.

Global Directory Agent

The Global Directory Agent (GDA) handles CDS clerk requests for CDS entries that are not local to the requesting cell (that is, any global compound name that does not match the name of the local cell). The GDA returns an updated progress record whose replica pointers (on successful GDA look-up operations) contain information about the appropriate clearinghouses in the targeted foreign cell. This is true as well if the targeted foreign cell is, in fact, another cell within a cell hierarchy.

Any CDS clerk may treat the GDA as a special-case server which it invokes to resolve the global compound name of an unresolved fully-qualified name. The fact that a replica set returned by a CDS server identifies a set of GDAs rather than CDS servers is transparent to the clerk. In the case mentioned here, the global root /... may be returned in the progress record as the resolved part of the name, and the remaining composite name as the unresolved part of the name.

This behaviour is based on the assumption that the clerk has been referred to, or a priori knows of, a CDS server that holds a replica of the cell's root directory. The directory entry is referenced by the cell's root directory via a GDA pointer (instead of a child pointer entry) containing a set-valued attribute CDS_GDAPointers. Each value in CDS_GDAPointers identifies a GDA.1

Progress records returned by the GDA only return partial results; the PR_done flag in the progress record always has the value FALSE.

The status returned by the GDA can be one of the following:


If the unresolved name (residual) in the progress record is not empty, the client's operation request can proceed to resolve it.

If the unresolved name in the progress record becomes empty, and the type is not PR_directory, it should be treated as [CDS_UNKNOWNENTRY], as all cell names must be directories.


The requested entry could not be found (for example, DNS returned error status [NXDOMAIN]).


The composite name of the request contained an existing entry in the global name space, but the specified object is not a cell name.


The name service (GDS, DNS, or CDS) is not reachable, or the requested operation is unsupported.

Requirements on Components Specified Elsewhere

This section specifies the external requirements of CDS for other services, as specified in other volumes of The Open Group DCE. The usage of CDS by other services is specified in the service specifications.

Remote Procedure Call

CDS utilises RPC for communication, as specified in the DCE Remote Procedure Call specification. CDS uses authenticated RPC (protection level may be protect_level_none, for instance, for the clerk initialisation, at which an unauthenticated RPC requests the cell configuration information in the name space).

The protocols are encoded as RPC interfaces in IDL notation. Protocol Data Units (PDUs) are represented as operations of RPC interfaces.


CDS relies on the distributed time provided by the DCE Distributed Time Service, as specified in the DCE Time Services specification, to maintain synchronised clocks in the network for use in the sequencing of updates in the name space. It is not guaranteed that the CDS protocol works correctly if server clocks differ by more than five minutes.


CDS uses the Security Service and authenticated RPC, as specified in the DCE Security Services specification and the DCE Remote Procedure Call specification respectively, for mutual authentication and authorisation of CDS entities.

CDS clerks, the mediators between clients and servers, are authenticated by impersonating their clients' identity.

CDS servers of a cell are registered in an authorisation group which puts all cell servers within a single protection boundary. This allows for obtaining the required credentials in inter-server communication. Servers accept peer update requests from servers who are recognised as peers.

CDS entities are protected by Access Control Lists that are maintained and verified through the Common ACL Manager interface, as specified in the DCE Security Services specification.

Facilities and Features Excluded from the CDS Architecture

CDS accommodates the architecture as outlined in Information Model . Thus, the following features and facilities are explicitly excluded from the specification of CDS (implementations may include these features and facilities, but no conformance guarantees are made about them whatsoever):

Typed Names

CDS does not recognise any form of typed names directly, nor is the simulation of typed names using attribute-based searches of the cell name space efficient.

Local Names

CDS is not designed completely to replace the local names used by operating systems and applications to refer to their abstract objects.

Distributed Database

CDS is not designed as a generalised distributed database and must not be used as such. It provides few of the usual capabilities associated with database systems, and offers very weak consistency guarantees to its clients, in order to provide high levels of replication and rapid access.

CDS does not guarantee things such as external consistency, atomic transactions, and so on.

Storing in Cache

The model and algorithm for storing relevant information in the cache at the CDS clerks is not specified. However, it is likely that implementations make use of sophisticated storing in cache for improved efficiency.

Access Control and Protection Model

CDS uses the DCE Security Service for controlling user access to its protected objects. Protected objects consist of the following:

These objects are protected by Access Control Lists (ACLs), as specified in the DCE Security Services specification.

ACLs attached to CDS clerks and servers exist for maintenance purposes, and are local to those facilities.

ACL Manager Types Supported by CDS

The protected objects of CDS are supported by its ACL Managers, which are derived from the Common ACL Manager. For the algorithm used by the Common ACL Manager, and for further details on the access control model, refer to the DCE Security Services specification. The CDS ACL Manager types are as follows:


Controls ACLs on CDS object entries. This ACL manager type supports the following permission set:
read write delete test control.

The UUID of this ACL manager type is:



Controls ACLs on CDS directory entries. This ACL manager type supports the following permission set:
read write delete test control insert admin.

The UUID of this ACL manager type is:



Controls ACLs on CDS clearinghouse entries. This ACL manager type supports the following permission set:
read write delete test control.

The UUID of this ACL manager type is:


Server management

Controls ACLs on CDS servers. This ACL manager type supports the following permission set:
read write control.

The UUID of this ACL manager type is:


Clerk management

Controls ACLs on CDS clerks. This ACL manager type supports the following permission set:
read write control.

The UUID of this ACL manager type is:


ACL Types

To protect both terminal object and directory entries, and to enable newly created entries automatically to inherit default ACLs from their parent directory, the CDS ACL facility supports the following DCE ACL types. For further information on these ACL types as defined by the access control model, refer to the DCE Security Services specification.

Object ACL

The Object ACL type grants permissions for any CDS name (object entries, soft links, child pointers, clearinghouses and directories), as well as to clerks and servers. When associated with a CDS directory, the permissions granted with the Object ACL type apply only to the directory itself, not to the directory's contents or to any child directories.

Initial Object Creation ACL

The Initial Object Creation ACL type applies only to CDS directory names. This ACL type defines the initial permissions specifically for a directory's future contents (soft links, application-defined object entries, child pointers and clearinghouse object entries). The permissions granted using the Initial Object Creation ACL type apply only to the future contents of the directory, not to the directory itself. The permissions are propagated only to names that are created in the directory after the ACL entry is created; permissions are not propagated to names that already exist in the directory.

Initial Container Creation ACL

The Initial Container Creation ACL type applies only to CDS directory names. This ACL type defines the initial permissions for a directory that automatically propagate (by default) to all child directories that may later be created under that directory. The permissions granted using the Initial Container Creation ACL type apply only to the child directories that are created after the ACL entry is created; permissions are not propagated to child directories that already exist.

ACL Entry Types

ACL entry types are used to specify the category of principal for which the ACL entry is created. See the DCE Security Services specification for a description of DCE ACL entry types.

Permissions Supported by CDS

CDS supports the following DCE permissions:

bit representation








Each permission has a slightly different meaning, depending on the kind of CDS name with which it is associated. In general, the permissions are defined as follows:

Allows a principal to look up a name and view the attribute values associated with it.

Allows a principal to change the modifiable attributes associated with a name, except for its ACLs.

Allows a principal to modify the ACL entries associated with a name. (Control permission is automatically granted to the creator of a CDS name.)

Allows a principal to create new names in a directory. (For use within directory entries only.)

Allows a principal to delete a name from the name space controlled by CDS.

Allows a principal to test whether an attribute of a name has a particular value, without being able actually to see any of the values (that is, without having read permission for the name).

Allows a principal to issue CDS commands that control the replication of directories. (For use with directory entries only.)

The required permissions for successful invocation of RPC interface operations on CDS protected objects are specified in IDL Notation of CDS Operations of this document.

CDS Servers Authorisation Group and Cell Creation

Inter-server communication runs within one protection boundary. Each CDS server of a particular cell is registered in a single authorisation group, and is permitted access to peer servers through its group permission rights.

This authorisation group has the well known relative name subsys/dce/cds-server at the top level in the security name space. Whenever a CDS server is created, it must be added to this group.

The cell creation procedure must grant full permission on the cell root directory to this group. Object ACL and Initial Container Creation ACL entries are also created specifying subsys/dce/cds-server as the principal in each ACL entry, to ensure that the group has full access to all future directories and their contents.

Architected Default Attributes

All CDS name entries (objects, directories, soft links and child pointers) consist of a set of attributes and their associated value or values. For more information on attributes and their names, types and identifiers, refer to Information Model .

Operational Attribute Summary lists the operational attributes defined by CDS, together with the following information about them: whether the attribute is single-valued or set-valued; whether it is read-only or modifiable by a client (a CDS server may modify any attribute); its usage for different entry types; and whether the attribute is always or optionally present. The object identifiers associated with these attributes are listed in Object Identifiers for CDS Attributes . The encodings of the attribute syntaxes are defined in CDS Protocol Encodings . The sections following the table describe each of the attributes in detail.

Operational Attribute Summary enforces a schema for operational attributes used by CDS. Any attribute that has only read permission and is associated with a specified set of entry types cannot be created and used on any entry type. Attributes that have write permission and are only specified for specific entry types, however, can be used by applications in entry types that do not use these as operational attributes. This specification does not define the meaning of these attribute names, if used by applications.

In Operational Attribute Summary , the following abbreviations are used in the Permissions column:




Attribute Per- Usage
_ _ _   _ _
Name Type Syntax missions Entry Type Presence
CDS_CTS Single VT_Timestamp R All Mandatory
CDS_UTS Single VT_Timestamp R All Mandatory
CDS_Class Single VT_byte RW Object Optional
CDS_ClassVersion Single VT_Version RW Object Optional
CDS_ObjectUUID Single VT_uuid RW * Object Optional
      R Directory, Child Pointer Mandatory
CDS_Replicas Set VT_ReplicaPointer R Directory, Child Pointer Mandatory
CDS_AllUpTo Single VT_Timestamp R Directory Mandatory
CDS_Convergence Single VT_small RW Directory Mandatory
CDS_InCHName \(dg Single VT_small R Directory Conditional
CDS_ParentPointer Set VT_ParentPointer R Directory Mandatory
CDS_DirectoryVersion Single VT_Version R Directory, Clearinghouse Mandatory
CDS_UpgradeTo \(dg Single VT_Version RWD Directory Conditional
CDS_LinkTarget Single VT_FullName RW Soft Link Mandatory
CDS_LinkTimeout Single VT_Timeout RW Soft Link Mandatory
CDS_Towers Set VT_byte RWD Object, Clearinghouse Optional
CDS_CHName Set VT_FullName R Clearinghouse Mandatory
CDS_CHLastAddress Single VT_byte R Clearinghouse Mandatory
CDS_CHState Single VT_small R Clearinghouse Mandatory
CDS_CHDirectories Set VT_CHDirectory R Clearinghouse Mandatory
CDS_ReplicaState Single VT_small R Directory Mandatory
CDS_ReplicaType Single VT_small R Directory Mandatory
CDS_LastSkulk Single VT_Timestamp R Directory Mandatory
CDS_LastUpdate Single VT_Timestamp R Directory Mandatory
CDS_RingPointer \(dg§ Set VT_uuid R Directory Conditional
CDS_Epoch Single VT_uuid R Directory Mandatory
CDS_ReplicaVersion Single VT_Version R Directory Mandatory
CDS_NSCellname Single VT_char R Clearinghouse Mandatory
CDS_GDAPointers \(dg Set VT_gdaPointer R Directory Conditional
CDS_CellAliases Set VT_GroupMember RWD Directory Conditional
CDS_ParentCellPointers Single VT_ReplicaPointer RWD Directory Conditional
RPC_ClassVersion Single VT_byte RWD Object Optional
RPC_ObjectUUIDs Single VT_byte RWD Object Optional
RPC_Group Set VT_byte RWD Object Optional
RPC_Profile Set VT_byte RWD Object Optional
RPC_Codesets Set VT_byte RWD Object Optional
SEC_RepUUID Single VT_byte R Object Conditional

Table: Operational Attribute Summary

The CDS_ObjectUUID attribute is writable only once, during creation time.

The CDS_InCHName, CDS_UpgradeTo and CDS_GDAPointers attributes are present only in cell root directory entries.

The CDS_RingPointer attribute is obsolete in DCE 1.1.

CDS_CTS Attribute

CDS_CTS (Creation Time Stamp) is a single-valued attribute which is present and non-null in every entry. It contains a space- and time-unique handle on the entry, which is assigned when the entry is made and which is never changed. This attribute is also used as a timestamp marking the creation time of the entry.

This attribute is read-only across the clerk-to-server RPC interface.

CDS_UTS Attribute

CDS_UTS (Update Time Stamp) is a single-valued attribute which is present and non-null in any entry that has been updated. The time portion of the UTS gives the time at which the most recent update to any attribute of the entry took place. For object entries, the UTS gives the timestamp of the most recent update to any attribute of the object entry. For directory entries, the UTS gives the timestamp of the most recent update to an attribute of the directory.

This attribute is read-only across the clerk-to-server RPC interface.

CDS_Class Attribute

CDS_Class is a single-valued operational attribute which may be present and non-null in object entries. This attribute is used to classify object entries according to the type of object being named. Object classes have names that are printable strings (with a maximum length of 31 characters).

The usage of this attribute is application determined. The contents of this attribute are not specified in this document.

Note that only object entries have a CDS_Class attribute. The only built-in class is for clearinghouse objects, identified as CDS_Clearinghouse.

CDS_ClassVersion Attribute

CDS_ClassVersion is a single-valued attribute which may be present and non-null in object entries. It allows the definition of an object class to be evolved over time (for example, by changing the definition of the class-specific attributes), without confusing the clients of the CDS. It consists of a one octet major version, and a one octet minor version. The setting and interpretation of the class version is the responsibility of the application that defined the corresponding object class.

CDS_ObjectUUID Attribute

CDS_ObjectUUID is a single-valued attribute which is present and non-null in any directory and child pointer entry; it may be present in an object entry.

Directory and child pointer entries use this attribute internally to store the UUID that uniquely identifies the entry.

On object entries it can optionally be used to store the UUID of the actual object being referenced by the CDS entry. It is the responsibility of clients to properly maintain this attribute for the object they are interested in; CDS makes no effort to ensure the correctness of the values stored in the CDS_ObjectUUID attribute for object entries.

On object entries, this attribute can be set only on creation, and is thereafter not modifiable.

CDS_Replicas Attribute

CDS_Replicas is a set-valued attribute which is present and non-null in every directory and child pointer entry. Each member of the set identifies one of the clearinghouses that stores a replica of this directory. The CDS_Replicas attribute may not be modified directly; the set is updated as a side effect of the operations which create, destroy or change the replication of a directory.

Each element of the set consists of four parts:

See the data type definition of cds_ReplicaPointer_t in CDS Protocol Encodings for the precise encoding of this attribute's values.

CDS_AllUpTo Attribute

CDS_AllUpTo is a single-valued attribute which gives a bound on how out of date various replicas of this directory are. This attribute is present in every directory entry. All replicas of a directory are guaranteed to have received all updates of entries whose timestamps are less (that is, older) than the value of CDS_AllUpTo.

This attribute is read-only across the clerk-to-server RPC interface.

The usage and maintenance of this attribute depends on the replication service.

CDS_Convergence Attribute

CDS_Convergence is a single-valued attribute which specifies how persistent a directory should be in trying to keep its replica up to date.

The usage and maintenance of this attribute depends on the replication service.

CDS_InCHName Attribute

CDS_InCHName is a single-valued attribute which indicates whether a directory or any of its descendants can store clearinghouse names. If this value is TRUE, the directory can store clearinghouse names. If it is FALSE, the directory cannot store clearinghouse names. CDS will create this attribute on the cell root directory and give it a value of TRUE, it will not appear in any other directory.

CDS_ParentPointer Attribute

The directory and clearinghouse structures in The Open Group DCE are specified for directory version 3.0. In addition, version 4.0 is required if either hierarchical cells or cell aliasing functionality is to be used. The protocol version for this document, however, is 1.0; it is expressed in the IDL definition and is not directly connected with the directory version identified by the CDS_DirectoryVersion attribute.

CDS_ParentPointer is a set-valued attribute which is present in every directory entry except the cell root (see below). It contains a set of pointers to each directory's parent in the name space tree. This attribute is maintained automatically by CDS servers in order to keep the graph of the name space properly connected at all times. Only one value for the set is supported currently.

The attribute links a child directory to its parent, allowing clerks and servers to work up the tree as well as down. The attribute is used to make sure that parent and child directories always point to each other during normal operation, and it is used during directory creation to allow a child directory to link itself into the tree by creating a child pointer entry in the parent directory.

The cell root directory does not have a parent pointer. Its CDS_GDAPointers point to the GDA of that cell name space.

For directory version 3.0 (value of the CDS_DirectoryVersion attribute), this set-valued attribute contains a single value with the following information:

CDS_ParentPointer attributes are periodically checked to make sure that the name space controlled by CDS remains connected and that failures are reported in a timely fashion.

This attribute is read-only across the clerk-to-server RPC interface.

CDS_DirectoryVersion Attribute

CDS_DirectoryVersion records the current version of a directory. Multiple directory versions are supported in a name space in order to enable the graceful migration to newer versions. This document specifies directory version 3.0.

Any DCE configuration that uses cell aliasing or hierarchical cell functionality must be version 4.0.
When a directory is created using a clearinghouse on a CDS server with version 3.0 (or higher) of the directory, the value of CDS_DirectoryVersion is determined by the value of this attribute in the pseudo-directory entry of the clearinghouse. Thus, a directory created in a clearinghouse operating in version 3.0 is initially version 3.0.

This attribute has an additional role when present on the clearinghouse pseudo-directory. There it controls the storage format and semantics of new directories created using that clearinghouse master as a replica.

CDS_UpgradeTo Attribute

CDS_UpgradeTo is a single-valued attribute which may or may not be present in the cell root directory entry. It is used to control the upgrading of a directory from one version of CDS to another. By modifying this attribute, the process of upgrading a directory to a newer version of CDS may be initiated. If the operation has not reached its commit point, the upgrade may also be terminated by simply deleting this attribute.

Implementations must ensure that upgrade operations (proceeding in the background) in each replica are completed before the value of CDS_DirectoryVersion reflects the upgraded status of the directory indicated by the CDS_UpgradeTo attribute.

CDS_LinkTarget Attribute

CDS_LinkTarget is a single-valued attribute which is present and non-null in every soft link entry. It contains the fully-qualified global name of the entry to which the soft link points.

The target entry need not necessarily exist.

CDS_LinkTimeout Attribute

CDS_LinkTimeout is a single-valued attribute which is present and non-null in every soft link entry. It contains a timeout data structure with two fields, which contain the expiration and extension time of the soft link. The algorithm that applies to the interpretation of these timeout value fields is shown in Timeout Values Evaluation . If the soft link, when checked, is found to point nowhere (is dangling), the link is deleted.

Expiration Field Extension Field Action at Expiration Timeout
zero zero The link never expires.
zero non-zero Invalid. The behaviour is undefined, but implementations may simply ignore the value.
non-zero zero Entry is deleted.
non-zero non-zero If target still exists, extends life of entry by value of extension field. Otherwise entry is deleted.

Table: Timeout Values Evaluation

CDS_Towers Attribute

CDS_Towers is a set-valued attribute which does not have to be present, or which may be null in any given object or clearinghouse entry. This attribute is further described in the DCE Remote Procedure Call specification.

CDS_CHName Attribute

CDS_CHName is a set-valued attribute which is present and non-null in every clearinghouse pseudo-directory entry. In directory version 3.0 (the value of the CDS_DirectoryVersion attribute is 3.0), this attribute may have only one value, namely the primary fully-qualified global name of the clearinghouse. A set of values is allowed in order to support operations such as renaming or merging cells.

The attribute is used for the following purposes:

This attribute is read-only across the clerk-to-server RPC interface.

CDS_CHLastAddress Attribute

CDS_CHLastAddress is a single-valued attribute which is present and non-null in every clearinghouse pseudo-directory entry. It stores the location information at which the clearinghouse most recently reported itself to the rest of the name space. For directory version 3.0 and higher (the value of the CDS_DirectoryVersion attribute is 3.0), this value is structured as a protocol tower.

The value of this attribute is used to determine whether the clearinghouse has moved to a new CDS server.

This attribute is read-only across the clerk-to-server RPC interface.

CDS_CHState Attribute

CDS_CHState is a single-valued attribute which is present in every clearinghouse pseudo-directory entry.

Its value describes the current state of the clearinghouse, and can be one of:

The value of this attribute is used to determine whether or not the CDS server should advertise this clearinghouse via the solicitation or advertising protocol, and whether it is permitted to respond to look-up requests on directories it stores.

CDS_CHDirectories Attribute

CDS_CHDirectories is a set-valued attribute which is present in every clearinghouse pseudo-directory entry. It contains one member for each directory replica stored in the clearinghouse. The attribute can also exist on clearinghouse objects which can be used when restoring damaged name spaces.

The contents of each member of the set consist of the UUID of a directory replica and its fully-qualified global name, which can be used to look up entries in the directory.

This attribute is read-only across the clerk-to-server RPC interface.

CDS_ReplicaState Attribute

CDS_ReplicaState is a single-valued attribute which determines whether a directory replica can be accessed. Its value describes the current state of the clearinghouse, and can be one of:

This attribute is read-only across the clerk-to-server RPC interface.

CDS_ReplicaType Attribute

CDS_ReplicaType is a single-valued attribute which indicates whether a directory is a master or read-only replica.

This attribute is read-only across the clerk-to-server RPC interface.

CDS_LastSkulk Attribute

CDS_LastSkulk is a single-valued attribute which records the timestamp of the last skulk performed on this directory.

This attribute is read-only across the clerk-to-server RPC interface.

CDS_LastUpdate Attribute

CDS_LastUpdate is a single-valued attribute which records the timestamp of the most recent change to any attribute of the directory replica, or any change to an entry within the replica.

This attribute is read-only across the clerk-to-server RPC interface.

CDS_RingPointer Attribute

CDS_RingPointer is a set-valued attribute which specifies the UUID of a clearinghouse containing another replica of this directory.

This attribute is read-only across the clerk-to-server RPC interface.

This attribute will appear on older directories but not on DCE 1.1 directories.

CDS_Epoch Attribute

CDS_Epoch is a single-valued attribute which identifies a particular instance of the directory.

This attribute is read-only across the clerk-to-server RPC interface.

CDS_ReplicaVersion Attribute

CDS_ReplicaVersion is a single-valued attribute which identifies the version of a replica of the directory.

This attribute is read-only across the clerk-to-server RPC interface.

CDS_NSCellname Attribute

CDS_NSCellname is a single-valued attribute which is present in every clearinghouse pseudo-directory entry. It contains the canonical string representation of the cell name for the clearinghouse.

CDS_GDAPointers Attribute

CDS_GDAPointers is a set-valued attribute which is present and non-null in the cell root directory entry only. This attribute contains location information about the registered Global Directory Agents for that cell, in the same way as the CDS_Replicas attribute. The type field in replica pointers is always set to RT_gda.

This attribute also includes a timeout value which functions similarly to the timeout in CDS_ParentPointer.

CDS_CellAliases Attribute

CDS_CellAliases is a set-valued attribute which contains alias names for the cell. This is resident in the root directory when an alias name exists.

This attribute can be created, modified and deleted by resident applications.

Any DCE configuration that uses cell aliasing functionality must be version 4.0 (the value of the CDS_DirectoryVersion attribute is 4.0).

CDS_ParentCellPointers Attribute

CDS_ParentCellPointers is a single-valued attribute which contains GDA style pointers to the parent cell. This attribute is resident in the root directory when the cell is a child in a hierarchical cell combination.

Any DCE configuration that uses hierarchical cell functionality must be version 4.0 (the value of the CDS_DirectoryVersion attribute is 4.0).

RPC_ClassVersion Attribute

RPC_ClassVersion is a single-valued attribute which contains the current Name Service Interface (NSI) version. Ths attribute is created by the NSI but can be created, written, modified and deleted by resident applications.

RPC_ObjectUUIDs Attribute

RPC_ObjectUUIDs is a set-valued attribute which contains optional UUIDs of the referenced server objects. This attribute is created by the Name Service Interface but can be created, written, modified and deleted by resident applications.

RPC_Group Attribute

RPC_Group is a set-valued attribute which contains server object names or service group names for this service group. This attribute is created by the Name Service Interface but can be created, written, modified and deleted by resident applications.

RPC_Profile Attribute

RPC_Profile is a set-valued attribute which contains server providers compromising the configuration profiles. This attribute is created by the Name Service Interface but can be created, written, modified and deleted by resident applications.

RPC_Codesets Attribute

RPC_Codesets is a set-valued attribute which contains character code set information. This attribute is created by the Name Service Interface but can be created, written, modified and deleted by resident applications.

SEC_RepUUID Attribute

SEC_RepUUID is a set-valued attribute which contains the replica instance UUID. This is stored in the servers name space entry.

This attribute is read-only across the clerk-to-server RPC interface.

Abstract Definitions of CDS Service Primitives

CDS provides cell-level directory service primitives that:

The sections that follow present abstract definitions of these service primitives. The concrete specifications of these primitives, and how they map to CDS directory operations that use the RPC interfaces, are specified in CDS Protocol Encodings and IDL Notation of CDS Operations .

Every service primitive takes as an input parameter the fully-qualified global name of the directory service entry. The resolution of this name may provoke a series of steps (which may involve multiple remote operations) which is repeated until the target clearinghouse has been located. Partial results may be evaluated and lead to a completion of the operation.

Unless the underlying operations detect a failure (valid status codes are listed in CDS Status and Error Codes ), the status returned is [CDS_SUCCESS].

Service Primitives for Manipulating Attributes

The service primitives for manipulating attributes perform operations on attributes of CDS entries.

These primitives can only operate on entries that already exist in the name space. The operations that manipulate the name space are specified in the appropriate subsections for object, directory and soft link entries.

Some attributes that are mandatory for CDS entries are precluded from modification by these service primitives; these attributes are maintained by CDS servers internally. Refer to Architected Default Attributes for details.

A valid CDS entry is specified to be one of the following:

Some service primitives support only a subset of the preceding list.

The following sections contain abstract descriptions of the CDS service primitives for manipulating attributes.

Enumerate Attribute

An Enumerate Attribute operation is initiated by a client. It returns a set containing the attribute identifiers of the specified entry.

This service primitive may incur multiple remote operations, depending on the length of the clerk's internal buffer.

The attribute identifiers are enumerated in the order of object identifiers.

Modify Attribute

A Modify Attribute operation is initiated by a client. It applies one update to one attribute of a specified entry. Attributes can be added or removed from an entry with this primitive.

Any successful modification to an entry also causes the CDS_UTS timestamp of that entry to be updated.

Note that certain directory attributes that are only maintained internally (by the CDS server) must not be modified by this operation; CDS servers should reject any attempts otherwise. Attempts to modify clearinghouse or soft link entries are illegal; none of their attributes are modifiable.

This service primitive can also initiate operations to remove an object entry from the name space, if the type of the attribute to be removed is defined as AT_none. Attempts to remove other entry types are illegal.

Read Attribute

A Read Attribute operation is initiated by a client, and returns a set containing the values of the specified attribute. The values are encapsulated in discriminated unions, containing the syntax specifier and value pair.

The attribute values are enumerated in timestamp order of member creation. Those with the oldest timestamps are returned first.

This service primitive may incur multiple remote operations for set-valued attributes, depending on the length of the clerk's internal buffer.

Test Attribute

A Test Attribute operation is initiated by a client, and returns a boolean value indicating whether the supplied value was one of the values of the specified attribute.

Service Primitives for Manipulating Object Entries

Service primitives for manipulating object entries invoke operations that create, delete or look up object entries in the name space.

Creation of an object entry implies the creation and initialization both of the mandatory attributes maintained by CDS servers, and of the optional operational attributes. The modification of these attributes (if permitted), and the creation, look-up and modification of application-defined attributes, is controlled by the service primitives that manipulate attributes.

The following sections contain abstract descriptions of the CDS service primitives for manipulating object entries.

Create Object

A Create Object operation is initiated by the client, and creates the requested object entry.

The entry's CDS_CTS and CDS_UTS attributes are generated automatically by the CDS server. The entry's optional attributes CDS_Class, CDS_ClassVersion and CDS_ObjectUUID can be supplied by the caller. If CDS_Class is supplied, CDS_ClassVersion must also be supplied with the appropriate value.

This service primitive succeeds only if the name of the object is new in the name space (that is, if no entry with this name of any type exists in the name space). Furthermore, an object can be created only if its immediate parent directory already exists.

Delete Object
A Delete Object operation is initiated by a client, and removes the specified object entry from the name space.

Enumerate Object

An Enumerate Object operation is initiated by a client, and returns a set containing the names and classes of objects in the specified directory. Only object names that match a supplied filter, consisting of an atomic name (possibly wildcarded) and (optionally) the object class, are returned. A NULL class matches a * (asterisk metacharacter) filter.

The objects are enumerated in lexical order, according to the ordering rules of the Portable Character Set (PCS). The ordering for extended character sets is not specified.

This service primitive may incur multiple remote operations, depending on the length of the clerk's internal buffer.

Service Primitives for Manipulating Directory Entries

Service primitives for manipulating directory entries invoke operations that create, delete or look up directory entries in the name space. Included are services that modify child pointer entries.

Creation of a directory entry implies the creation and initialization of mandatory attributes maintained by CDS servers. The modification of these attributes (if permitted), and the creation, look-up and modification of application-defined attributes, is controlled by the services that manipulate attributes.

The following sections contain abstract descriptions of the CDS service primitives for manipulating directory entries.

Create Directory

A Create Directory operation is initiated by a client, and creates the requested directory entry in a specified or default clearinghouse.

This service primitive succeeds only if the name of the directory is new in the name space (that is, if no entry with this name of any type exists in the name space). Furthermore, a directory can be created only if its immediate parent directory already exists. This service primitive specifies the master clearinghouse.

Successful completion of the operation ensures the eventual consistency of the name space; in particular, the child pointers in the parent directory are appropriately created.

Delete Directory

A Delete Directory operation is initiated by a client, and removes an existing directory from the name space.

Successful completion of the operation ensures the eventual consistency of the name space; in particular, the child pointers in the parent directory are appropriately updated.

Enumerate Children

An Enumerate Children operation is initiated by a client, and returns a set containing the names of child pointers in the specified directory. Only child pointers that match a supplied filter consisting of an atomic name (possibly wildcarded) are returned.

The child pointers are enumerated in lexical order, according to the ordering rules of the Portable Character Set (PCS). The ordering for extended character sets is not specified.

This service primitive may incur multiple remote operations, depending on the length of the clerk's internal buffer.

Create Child

A Create Child operation is initiated by a server on a client's behalf, and creates a child pointer entry in the specified directory. It returns the value of the CDS_CTS attribute of the new child pointer entry.

This service primitive is performed if a client attempts to create a new directory (using Create Directory).

Delete Child

A Delete Child operation is initiated by a server on a client's behalf, and deletes the specified child pointer entry in the specified directory.

This service primitive is performed if a client attempts to delete a directory (using Delete Directory).

Service Primitives for Manipulating Soft Links

Service primitives for manipulating soft link entries invoke operations that create, delete or look up soft link entries in the name space.

Creation of a soft link entry implies the creation and initialization of mandatory attributes maintained by CDS servers. The modification of these attributes (if permitted), and the creation, look-up and modification of application-defined attributes, is controlled by the services that manipulate attributes.

The following sections contain abstract descriptions of the CDS service primitives for manipulating soft links.

Create Soft Link

A Create Soft Link operation is initiated by a client, and creates the specified soft link entry.

This service primitive can optionally specify the lifespan of the newly created soft link as being one of the following three:

Soft links controlled by a timeout value for temporary use are deleted by CDS servers after the elapse of its expiration time, and CDS clerks have to invalidate possibly cached information about the target of the soft link.

The life of temporary soft links can be extended indefinitely by supplying an extension factor along with the expiration time. After the elapse of the expiration time, the CDS server checks for the existence of the target. If the target still exists, the server adds the extension factor to the expiration time to obtain the new expiration time and extend the life of the soft link. The server repeats this procedure continuously until the target entry is deleted.

If no expiration time is specified during soft link creation, the soft link's existence is permanent until it is explicitly deleted.

The target of a soft link may not be in existence at the creation time of the soft link. The existence of the target is not verified by CDS servers.

Delete Soft Link

A Delete Soft Link operation is initiated by a client, and removes the specified soft link entry from the name space.

Enumerate Soft Links

An Enumerate Soft Links operation is initiated by a client, and returns a set containing the names of soft links in the specified directory.

Only soft links that match a supplied filter consisting of an atomic name (possibly wildcarded) are returned.

The soft links are enumerated in lexical order, according to the ordering rules of the Portable Character Set (PCS). The ordering for extended character sets is not specified.

This service primitive may incur multiple remote operations, depending on the length of the clerk's internal buffer.

Resolve Name

A Resolve Name operation is initiated by a client, and returns the resolved fully-qualified global name of the target entry pointed to. It resolves the name by following a sequence of soft links as specified in the fully-qualified global name input parameter.

Service Primitives for Advertisement and Solicitation

The service primitives for advertisement and solicitation perform operations that are necessary in order to provide CDS clerks with binding information to available clearinghouses in the cell.

The following sections contain abstract descriptions of the CDS service primitives for advertisement and solicitation.


An Advertise operation is initiated by a CDS server, and advertises the availability of the server's clearinghouses to a broadcast address, which is listened to by CDS clerks.

This service primitive is triggered either by a CDS server internal timer or a received solicitation request.


A Solicit operation is initiated by a clerk, and broadcasts a request to CDS servers which triggers their advertisements. No values are returned.

Solicit Server
A Solicit Server operation is initiated by a clerk, and returns the cell name, cell root directory UUID, and clearinghouses of the specified server.


The child pointer for the global root is generated by initialising the GDA by means of the cds_CreateChild operation.

Please note that the html version of this specification may contain formatting aberrations. The definitive version is available as an electronic publication on CD-ROM from The Open Group.

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