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UMA Measurement Layer Interface (MLI)
Copyright © 1997 The Open Group

UMA Message and Header Formats

UMA API messages, called UMA Data Units (UDUs), consist of a tagged header and either a control segment or one or more data segments. A limited degree of ASN.1/BER encoding has been provided by incorporating ASN.1 tags and length descriptors at the message, header, and segment levels.

UDU Message Headers

The class and subclass of a message are indicated in the message header. These are as defined by the UMA API unless flags (in the mh_flags field) indicate that they are specific to a provider. The provider identifier is specified in the header (in the mh_provider field). Thus, depending on these flag settings, a provider may be a source of either datapool-defined data or of data that is unique to that provider. An example of the difference would be a datapool-defined DBMS data class that is provided by the XYZ product designated by the integer nnn (flag setting off) versus a DBMS data class that is specific to XYZ (flag setting on). Both would have the integer nnn in the provider identifier field.

A UDU Indicators field in the message header includes specification of data encoding formats. Three canonical formats are defined:

  1. Canonical A, which provides data in the native format of the processor where captured along with metadata (see reference DCI). In this form the metadata must be used to interpret subclass data.

  2. Canonical B, which encodes all items following the UDU Indicators field according to ASN.1/BER tag-length-value format. Where tags and lengths are already specified in the message or segment headers, they would be incorporated into the BER encoding for Canonical B Format.

  3. Canonical C, which permits data to be mapped to standardised C structures. In this format there is limited ASN.1/BER encoding at the constructed types level (for example, headers and data segments). In this format, metadata may also be made available.

UDU Control Segments

UDU control segments contain directives to UMA to take some action (for example, create a session, start measuring some class/subclass, query a status, etc.)

The UDU header indicates that the UDU contains a control segment by a flag and by the control segment class.

Compatibility Support

The UDU header optionally contains a "Protocol Section" that provides UMA-specific, vendor-specific, and platform-specific level and version information that may be needed for interoperable or vendor-optimized communications between UMA Data Services Layers.

The protocol parameters supported are:


Indicates communications protocols supported (indicated in the acknowledgement) - Flag 0x0001 is TCP/IP with socket interface


Indicates the UMA message header and UDU format specification level - Level 1 is the level specified by this document.


Indicates the document specification base - Level 1 is the level specified by this document.


Indicates vendor name in text form (mhpro_vndname).


Indicates private vendor protocol level available (mhpro_vndplvl).

Protocol level indicators are positive integers, nominally 0-127.

Status Reporting

Control segments can report status back to the MAP. For all status messages, the class is the defined constant C_CONDITION. The subclass identifies the severity.

The source field, cs_source, identifies the UMA component affected:

The subclass of a message identifies the severity of the problem. The severity may be one of the following:

The body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" identifies the condition (through defined constants). For each source, there is a separate list of possible conditions. In addition, the message includes a textual description of the problem, for example:

"Data not collected for this interval" "Requested timestamp not contained in any interval" "End of session encountered"

The text description is useful for reporting the condition back to a user. It can be used, for example, in printing a status message to the user's terminal.

UMA API Message Header Format for Control UDUs

The following table shows the proposed UMA message header format for control messages.

Table: UMA API UMA Control Message Header

Data Type Name Description
UMAOctetString[4] mh_msgtag BER-encoded UMA message indicator tag 0x7fd5cd41
UMAOctetString[1] mh_msglenlen ASN.1/BER length of mh_msglen
  1000 0011 Leading bit always 1; shows mh_msglen length of 3 octets.
UMAOctetString[3] mh_msglen Length of the message including the standard header starting at the next field
UMAOctetString[3] mh_hdrtag UDU Header Tag 0xbf1081 (includes length of mh_hdrlen in the low order 7 bits). The first octet of the string marks the global start of the message.
UMAOctetString[1] mh_hdrlen Length of UDU Header
UMAOctetString[3] mh_indtag UDU Indicators tag (for mh_flags) indicators - 0x9f3081 (includes length of mh_flags in the low order 7 bits).
UMAOctetString[1] mh_indlen Length of UDU Indicators
UMAMsgFlags mh_flags UDU Indicators
  1... .... .... .... UDU contains control information
  010. .... .... .... Canonical A format1
  001. .... .... .... Canonical B format
  011. .... .... .... Canonical C format
  1... 0... .... .... 16-bit byte order H to L2
  1... 1... .... .... 16-bit byte order L to H
  1... .0.. .... .... integer component order H to L
  1... .1.. .... .... integer component order L to H
  1... .... 1... .... First message for this class, this system ID
  1... .... .1.. .... Last message for this class, this system ID
  1... .... ...0 .... dst not in effect
  1... .... ...1 .... dst in effect
  1... .... .... 1... Protocol Section present
UMAOctetString[3] mh_protag UDU Protocol Section tag (if section present) - 0xbf708n (includes length of protocol section, n, in the low order 7 bits).
UMAOctetString[3] mhpro_wdsztag Tag for this platform's wordsize - 0x9f7181 (includes length of mhpro_wdsize in the low order 7 bits).
UMAOctetString[1] mhpro_wdsize This platform's wordsize in bytes
UMAOctetString[3] mhpro_cplvltag Tag for UMA Communication Protocols - 0x9f7384 (includes length of mhpro_umaplvl in the low order 7 bits).
UMAUint4 mhpro_umacps UMA Message Communications Protocols supported
UMAOctetString[3] mhpro_mflvltag Tag for UMA Message Format Level - 0x9f7581 (includes length of mhpro_umamflvl in the low order 7 bits)
UMAOctetString[1] mhpro_umamflvl UMA Message Format Specification Level3
UMAOctetString[3] mhpro_sblvltag Tag for UMA Specification Base Level - 0x9f7681 (includes length of mhpro_umamslvl in the low order 7 bits)
UMAOctetString[1] mhpro_umasblvl UMA Message Specification Base Level
UMAOctetString[3] mhpro_vndtag Tag for Vendor Name string - 0x9f778n (includes length of mhpro_vndname in the low order 7 bits, max length 64).
UMAOctetString[] mhpro_vndname Vendor Name - Text not null terminated
UMAOctetString[3] mhpro_vndptag Vendor Protocol Level tag - 0x9f7981 (includes length of mhpro_vndplvl in the low order 7 bits).
UMAOctetString[1] mhpro_vndplvl Vendor Protocol Level
UMATimeStamp mh_time Timestamp of message creation
UMAClass mh_class UMA class of the message
UMASubclass mh_subclass UMA subclass of the message
UMAOctetString[8] mh_address Host network address that generated the data in the message
UMAOctetString[4] mh_addr_family Host network address type (e.g. internet, SNA, ...)4

UMA API Control Segment Format for Control UDUs

The following table shows the UMA control segment format for control messages (Canonical C format shown).

Data Type Name Description
UMAOctetString[4] cs_segtag BER-encoded control segment tag 0xbfd5c300 ("UC", counter 0x00)
UMAOctetString[1] cs_seglenlen ASN.1/BER length of cs_seglen
  1000 0011 Leading bit always 1; indicates cs_seglen length of 3.
UMAOctetString[3] cs_seglen Length of the control segment that follows (not including this field); the next octet marks the local start position for this segment
  Control Segment Content  

Table: UMA API UDU Control Segment


The message body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" provides three hint fields. The following table lists the conditions that use the hint fields.

Condition Hint 1 Hint 2 Hint 3
U_EGAP Start time of gap Duration of gap not used
DSL_NODATA Start time of interval Duration of interval not used
DSL_GAP Start time of gap Duration of gap not used
DSL_EOS Session end time not used not used
DSL_INTVL Closest available interval not used not used
U_EOF Timestamp of last not used not used
  interval in data source.    
  Either UMADS or file.    

Table: Conditions Using Hint Fields

When provided, the MAP can use the hints to respond to the condition. Here are two examples:

  1. If an interval of data does not exist, a gap message will be sent. The first two of the hint fields are used with gap messages: the first contains the gap start time and the second contains the gap duration. A MAP graphing the data can use the hints in a gap message to display the start time and duration of the gap.

  2. Another situation that uses the hint fields is when a MAP requests data for an interval that UMA is unable to provide. This situation will happen if the interval is not already being collected and the site-configured maximum number of collectors are active. In this case, hint 1 provides the closest available interval size.

Each hint field is a union of the following data types:

Each hint field is preceded by a hint type field, which identifies the type actually used for the hint.

UDU Data Segments

UDU data segments contain either interval or event data (traces are treated as a form of event data). The presence of either category is indicated by a flag in the message header. Interval data is that which is specifically scheduled for capture at each expiration of a specified time interval. The data reported for the interval is the increment of the item values over the interval.

Within the categories of interval or event data, there are currently three kinds of data segments as defined by the Data Pool Definitions (see reference DPD):

  1. Basic data, which each implementation must supply

  2. Optional data, which is generally available in open operating systems but is not mandatory

  3. Extension data, which is associated with a class and subclass, but is vendor and/or implementation-specific.

Following each fixed data segment section (Basic, Enhanced, Extension) there is a VLDS (Variable Length Data Section) that may contain one or more data items of varying length (for example, text strings, arrays). Each of these variable length items is pointed to and described by descriptors of the appropriate type (for example UMATextDescr, UMAArrayDescr) in the fixed length section.

Each of the UDU data segments begins with an ASN.1/BER tag-length prefix. The location of each segment is specified in the UDU header as an offset from a message global start position.

The following figure, UMA Data UDU Message Layout, illustrates the details of how a data UDU is assembled.

Figure: UMA Data UDU Message Layout

UMA API Message Header Formats for Data UDUs

The following table shows the UMA message header format for data UDUs (Canonical C format shown).

Table: UMA API Data UDU Message Header

Data Type Name Description
UMAOctetString[4] mh_msgtag BER-encoded UMA message indicator tag 0x7fd5cd41
UMAOctetString[1] mh_msglenlen ASN.1/BER length of mh_msglen
  1000 0011 Leading bit always 1; indicates mh_msglen length of 3 octets.
UMAOctetString[3] mh_msglen Length of the message including the standard header starting at the next field
UMAOctetString[3] mh_hdrtag UDU Header Tag 0xbf0181 (includes length of mh_hdrlen in the low order 7 bits). The first octet of the string marks the global start of the message.
UMAOctetString[1] mh_hdrlen Length of UDU Header
UMAMsgFlags mh_flags UDU Indicators
  0... .... .... .... UDU contains interval/event data
  010. .... .... .... Canonical A format
  001. .... .... .... Canonical B format
  011. .... .... .... Canonical C format
  0... 0... .... .... 16-bit byte order H to L
  0... 1... .... .... 16-bit byte order L to H
  0... .0.. .... .... integer component order H to L
  0... .1.. .... .... integer component order L to H
  0... 1... .... .... Interval data (interval header extension will be present)
  0... 0... .... .... Event or trace data (event header extension will be present)
  0... ...0 .... .... dst not in effect
  0... ...1 .... .... dst in effect
  0... .... 1... .... First message for this class, this system ID
  0... .... .1.. .... Last message for this class, this system ID
  0... .... ...1 .... Last message for this subclass
  0... .... .... 1... Class specified is provider-specific
  0... .... .... .1.. Subclass specified is provider-specific
  0... .... .... ...1 Threshold screening has been applied to this UDU
UMATimeStamp mh_time Timestamp of message creation (data received from Data Capture Interface)
UMAClass mh_class UMA class of the message
UMASubClass mh_subclass UMA subclass of the message
UMAOctetString[8] mh_address Host network address that generated the data in the message
UMAOctetString[4] mh_addr_family Host network address type (Internet, SNA, etc.)
UMAUint4 mh_provider Identifier of the data provider that registered to supply this data.
UMAUint4 mh_provinst The instance of this provider.

Interval Header Extension and Data UDU Basic Segment

The following table shows the interval header extension and basic segment for data UDUs (Canonical C format shown).

Table: UMA API Interval Header Extension and Data UDU Basic Segment

Data Type Name Description
  Interval Data Header Extension (Type UMAIntExt)
UMAOctetString[3] mhix_ixlenlen BER-encoded header interval extension tag and length of mhix_ixlen (0xbf0581)
UMAOctetString[1] mhix_ixlen Length of the interval extension
UMAMsgFlags mhix_flags Interval extension flags
  1... .... .... .... First message for interval, this system ID
  .1.. .... .... .... Last message for interval, this system ID
  ..1. .... .... .... Source for this data was recent history
UMATimeStamp mhix_schedtime Datetime measurement scheduled as timestamp (nsec)
UMATimeStamp mhix_intime Actual timestamp for this interval (nsec)
UMATimeUsec mhix_intlen Duration of this interval in microseconds
UMAUint4 mhix_baseoff Offset from global start to basic data segment, if it is present (zero otherwise)
UMAUint4 mhix_optoff Offset from global start to optional segment, if it is present (zero otherwise)
UMAUint4 mhix_extoff Offset from global start to extension segment, if it is present (zero otherwise)
= Data UDU Basic Segment =
UMAOctetString[4] bs_segtag BER-encoded basic data segment tag 0xbfd5c200 ("UB", counter 0x00). This and the next 2 fields are included in the type UMASegDescr.
UMAOctetString[1] bs_seglenlen ASN.1/BER length of bs_seglen
  1000 0011 Leading bit always 1; indicates bs_seglen length of 3.
UMAOctetString[3] bs_seglen Length of the basic segment that follows, not including this field or the length of the Variable Length Data Section (VLDS); the next octet marks the local start position for this segment.
  Basic Segment Data  
UMAOctetString[4] vlds_sectag ASN.1/BER-encoded VLDS tag 0xbfuutt80 This and the next 2 fields are included in the type UMASegDescr.
  uutt = 0xd5c2 Basic segment
  uutt = 0xd5cf Optional segment
  uutt = 0xd5c5 Extension segment
UMAOctetString[1] vlds_seclenlen ASN.1/BER length of vlds_seclen
  1000 0011 Leading bit always 1; gives vlds_seclen length 3 octets.
UMAOctetString[3] vlds_seclen VLDS length (not including this field)
  Variable length data item  

Event Header Extension and Data UDU Basic Segment

The following table shows the event header extension and basic segment for data UDUs (Canonical C format shown).

Table: UMA API Event Header Extension and Data UDU Basic Segment

Data Type Name Description
  Event Data Header Extension (Type UMAEvtExt)
UMAOctetString[3] mhex_exlenlen BER-encoded event header extension tag and length of mhex_exlen (0xbf0681).
UMAOctetString[1] mhex_exlen Length of the event header extension
UMATimeStamp mhex_evtime Timestamp of this event (nsec)
UMAUint4 mhex_baseoff Offset from global start to basic data segment, if it is present (zero otherwise)
UMAUint4 mhex_optoff Offset from global start to optional segment, if it is present (zero otherwise)
UMAUint4 mhex_extoff Offset from global start to extension segment, if it is present (zero otherwise)
= Data UDU Basic Segment =
UMAOctetString[4] bs_segtag BER-encoded basic data segment tag 0xbfd5c200 ("UB", counter 0x00). This and the next 2 fields are included in the type UMASegDescr.
UMAOctetString[1] bs_seglenlen ASN.1/BER length of bs_seglen
  1000 0011 Leading bit always 1; indicates bs_seglen length of 3.
UMAOctetString[3] bs_seglen Length of the basic segment that follows, not including this field and not including the length of the VLDS; the next octet marks the local start position for this segment.
  Basic Segment Data  
UMAOctetString[4] vlds_sectag ASN.1/BER-encoded VLDS tag 0xbfuutt80. This and the next 2 fields are included in the type UMASegDescr.
  uutt = 0xd5c2 Basic segment
  uutt = 0xd5cf Optional segment
  uutt = 0xd5c5 Extension segment
UMAOctetString[1] vlds_seclenlen ASN.1/BER length of vlds_seclen
  1000 0011 Leading bit always 1; indicates vlds_seclen length of 3 octets.
UMAOctetString[3] vlds_seclen VLDS length (not including this field)
  Variable length data item  

Optional and Extension Segments

The Data Capture Committee Measurement Data Pool document defines two data segments in addition to that for basic data. The optional segment contains standard data that is part of the pool, but may be implemented at an individual vendor's choice. The extension segment contains additional data items that a specific vendor considers useful.

Data Type Name Description
UMAOctetString[4] os_segtag BER-encoded optional data segment tag 0xbfd5cf00 ("UO", counter 0x00)
UMAOctetString[1] os_seglenlen ASN.1/BER length of os_seglen
  1000 0011 Leading bit always 1; indicates os_seglen length of 3.
UMAOctetString[3] os_seglen Length of the optional segment that follows, not including this field and not including the length of the VLDS; the next octet marks the local start position for this segment.
  Optional Segment Data  

Table: Optional Segment Header

Data Type Name Description
UMAOctetString[4] es_segtag BER-encoded extension data segment tag 0xbfd5c500 ("UE", counter 0x00)
UMAOctetString[1] es_seglenlen ASN.1/BER length of es_seglen
  1000 0011 Leading bit always 1; indicates es_seglen length of 3.
UMAOctetString[3] es_seglen Length of the extension segment that follows, not including this field; the next octet marks the local start position for this segment.
  Extension Segment Data  

Table: Extension Segment Header

Variable Length Data

In a UDU data segment (basic, optional, extension), a variable length data item is comprised of two parts. The first is a fixed-length descriptor giving the offset to the item from the segment local start position and the length of the item. The second part is the variable length data itself which is located in the segment's VLDS. Variable length text data, described by the UMA type UMATextDescr is an example of the use of this format.

Data Type Name Description
xxxxxx pppppp Fields preceding descriptor
UMAUint4 yyy_off Offset from segment local start to variable length data item yyy
UMAUint4 yyy_len Length of the variable length data item (in bytes)
xxxxxx ffffff Field(s) following variable length data descriptor
UMAOctetString[4] vlds_sectag ASN.1/BER-encoded VLDS tag 0xbfuutt80
  uutt = 0xd5c2 Basic segment
  uutt = 0xd5cf Optional segment
  uutt = 0xd5c5 Extension segment
UMAOctetString[1] vlds_seclenlen ASN.1/BER length of vlds_seclen
  1000 0011 Leading bit always 1; indicates vlds_seclen length of 3 octets.
UMAOctetString[3] vlds_seclen VLDS length (not including this field)
  Variable length data item  

Table: Format for Variable Length Data Items

Array Data

In a UMA data message segment (basic, optional, extension), an array data entry is comprised of two parts. The first is a fixed-length descriptor (of type UMAArrayDescr) giving the offset to the array from the segment local start position, the count of array elements, and the size of each. The second part is the array itself which is located in the segment's VLDS.

Data Type Name Description
xxxxxx pppppp Fields preceding array descriptor
UMAUint4 yyy_off Offset from segment local start to first element of array yyy
UMAUint4 yyy_elmtcount Number of array elements in yyy
UMAUint4 yyy_elmtsize Size of each array element in yyy
xxxxxx ffffff Field(s) following array descriptor
UMAOctetString[4] vlds_sectag BER-encoded VLDS tag 0xbfuutt80
  uutt = 0xd5c2 Basic segment
  uutt = 0xd5cf Optional segment
  uutt = 0xd5c5 Extension segment
UMAOctetString[1] vlds_seclenlen ASN.1/BER length of vlds_seclen
  1000 0011 Leading bit always 1; indicates vlds_seclen length of 3 octets.
UMAOctetString[3] vlds_seclen VLDS length of following (not including this field)
  Array Data  

Table: Format for Array Data Items


Format designated (A, B, or C) is in effect for the remainder of the message following the optional Protocol Section.

Local DSL preferred byte order in Create and Reconnect protocol.

Specification Level indicators are positive integers, nominally 0-127

The provider identifier is an integer which may refer to the operating system kernel, its subcomponents, or to subsystems such as DBMSs, transaction managers, or other applications. A default value of the identifier may be established by vendors of subsystems for their products. However these must be capable of being overridden by systems administrators at sites where they are in use. The provider identifier is mapped to text labels by the subclass "UMA Providers" of the class "UMA Configuration".

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