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NMF SPIRIT Issue 3.0 Platform Blueprint

NMF SPIRIT Issue 3.0 Platform Blueprint
Copyright © 1995 Network Management Forum


According to ISO TR-10000, a profile is:

"A set of one or more base standards, and, where applicable, the identification of chosen classes, subsets, options and parameters of those base standards, necessary for accomplishing a particular function."

SPIRIT profiles are created because they help in meeting the SPIRIT goals of portability, interoperability and modularity. SPIRIT profiles can be characterised as selections from and refinements to existing specifications. The features of SPIRIT profiles are based on user business requirements.

SPIRIT distinguishes two types of profile:

Specification profiles are adaptations of one or more specifications of the same type; for example, ISO/IEC SQL and XPG4 SQL. A specification profile is used in place of the specification(s) it profiles. A specification profile is usually created to provide greater source code portability and/or greater interoperability, by selecting or restricting options. SPIRIT Issue 3.0 defines three specification profiles:

Component profiles are created so that a vendor can create an implementation of a component. Component profiles consist of a set of:

Note that component profiles can be made up of other component profiles.

SPIRIT resists using any other model or framework beyond the concepts outlined above in Platform Model and Classification and Use of Specifications . Therefore, components (the "boxes" of functionality one might find offered by vendors) have not been defined using any model or framework. Instead, SPIRIT Service Providers and vendors have defined component profiles that they believe can be used to build useful and viable components, driven by the SPIRIT goals of portability, interoperability and modularity. Component profiles are particularly useful to vendors in outlining likely composites of functionality required by Service Providers.

SPIRIT profiles are independent of any specific implementation; it is presumed that there may be multiple suppliers for a product that conforms to the referenced specifications and profiles.

SPIRIT Issue 3.0 Profiles

The following profiles are defined for SPIRIT Issue 3.0:

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