Establishing Liaisons

Establishing a Liaison

A liaison relationship is set up when it is mutually agreeable and needed for some specific purpose, in the view of the other organization, The Open Group Executive Management, and The Open Group participants conducting the work.

There is no set process or form for this; The Open Group participants and the peer organization approach The Open Group Executive Management and, after discussion, come to an agreement to form the relationship. In some cases, the intended scope and guidelines for the collaboration are documented specifically.

In setting up the relationship, The Open Group expects that there will be a mutual exchange of views and discussion of the best approach for undertaking new standardization work items. Any work items resulting for The Open Group will be undertaken following The Open Group Standards Process. The peer organization often has different organizational structures and procedures than The Open Group, which will require some flexibility on the part of both organizations to accommodate. The Open Group expects that each organization will use the relationship carefully, allowing time for the processes it requests to occur in the other organization, and will not make unreasonable demands.

Selection and Appointment of Liaisons

To ensure neutrality to the greatest extent possible, designation of a member representative shall occur through an open nomination and approval process within the applicable Forum or Work Group, subject to the following rules:

  • The Open Group Executive Management must approve the decision to designate a member representative in advance to act as a Liaison Representative

  • The Open Group Executive Management will assign a staff member to act as the Liaison Manager

  • The Open Group Governing Board shall be given advance notice of the proposal to designate a representative from the membership to become a Liaison Representative, and given adequate time to raise objections and concerns

  • The designation of the Liaison Representative shall be done through an open nomination and election process, with a minimum period for nominations of seven (7) days

  • Eligible candidates for a Liaison Representative should reflect the target composition of the liaison organization to the greatest extent possible; for example, a liaison that is composed of a buy-side organization should have a customer representative

Approving Liaison Statements

It is important that appropriate leadership review be made of proposed liaison statements from The Open Group, and that those writing such statements, who claim to be speaking on behalf of The Open Group, are truly representing the views of The Open Group.

All outgoing liaison statements will be copied to The Open Group Director, Standards, who has overall responsibility for liaisons and maintains central records.

For a liaison statement generated on behalf of a Forum or Work Group of The Open Group, the applicable Chair(s) must create a statement that reflects the consensus of the Forum or Work Group. The Chair(s) must have generated or must agree with the sending of the liaison statement, and must advise the Liaison Manager that the liaison statement is being sent by sending a draft to the appropriate Liaison Manager, who should then acknowledge receipt with an indication of approval.